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Magical Starsign.
"It's alright, Karomaru. Not everyone can move solid magma, you know!" Vook giggled, snapping her fingers, the magma disappearing in a poof. "But a very good cast, for a first try." she added, before looking up towards the clock. "Alright, everyone else practice the spell, and you can show me tomorrow. Class dismissed." she spoke, before sitting down in her chair, starting to write in a notebook.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Thorne glanced over at the teacher, Damn, shouldn't have let Raze off, could've used him as a distraction. she thought, keeping her focus on the door, the black shadow still creeping over it, "My purpose is none of your concern, it would be in your best interest to walk away now."

*Training area*

Katt was surprised by the man's sudden appearance, taking a quick step back. She glared at him for a second, she didn't recgonize him as a teacher, and no student would've been able to teleport like that, "Tell me, which teacher is it." she asked, narrowing her eyes a bit.


Shadow couldn't help but take a glance at Dot's rear as she walked past him, admiring her sexy curves, Damn, teacher's hot. he thought.

"Less oggling more fish fetching." Slash cried, "I'm so hungry I think I might pass out, what's that? I see a bright warm light."

"Good, head towards the light." Shadow smirked a bit.

"Just get me my fish." Slash huffed.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
'Walk away now?! Do you know who i am?! As a teacher here, i can't let you do whatever you want, especially since you're so obviously not meant to be here, and since you're super suspicious!' Ayumi shouted.

'I'm warning you, step away from the door or you'll have me to deal with.' The teacher said, her voice steady and commanding.

'Koko, go find Dot, or Vook, or somebody!' Ayumi whispered, keeping her scythe raised as Koko dashed off in a flash of fire.

all i ever wanted was the world.

Dorothy came out to the small field and headed towards where she had been told the armory was located. In the way however, she found a very agitated Koko. "Huh? Aren't you...?" she softly spoke, crouching down to be able to look at Koko better.

(Room 309)

"Whew..." Karomaru sighed in relief, "For a moment I thought I was going to have to walk back to my dorm on that... Thanks, Ms. Kyrian." He smiled.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I'm sorry Miss, I do not know which, the room number is 139 (yes it exists for plot purposes)" Raze said in the same voice. "She said something about a mishap in organizing the students of this year." he added.
Mel is currently static until further notice.
"You do not comprehend what my purpose here is," Thorne continued, attempting to keep her occupied until the seal was broken, Just a few more seconds. she thought, smiling a bit under her hood, "Tell me, do you know what's held behind this door?" she asked, hoping to hit the teachers curiosity and keep her talking.

*Training grounds*

"Hmm, so she probably told you to come and find me," Katt sighed a bit, "Of course, anytime there's any problem, 'go find Dorothy, she'll solve everything' can't do anything without my help."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Shall we be off? We have spent enough time here chatting as is, she's probably wondering why you haven't come yet." Raze said in the same voice.
"Not a problem Karo!" Vook smiled at the young boy. "Now head back to your dorm and practice, okay? Practice makes perfect!" she said in a sweet tone, before returning to her work.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Koko gave a roar as he saw Dot, tugging on her skirt with his teeth, then bounding back in Ayumi's direction, stopping after a few feet to see if the other teacher was following.

'No, i don't know what's behind that door, and i don't really care. I suppose it's Katt's business, and i trust her, so there's no problems there. There is a problem however, that you still haven't moved away from it, and whatever hocus-pocus you're doing is probably not all that beneficial to this school and it's occupants, am i right?' Ayumi said.

'Oooh! You're driving me nuts! I warned you! Fire!' The teacher cried, spinning her scythe about her body and unleashing a stream of flames that sped towards the hooded figure.

all i ever wanted was the world.

Katt's ears twitched a bit as she smiled slightly, "Alright then, lead the way." she looked over at her students, "Class is dismissed for today, if you go to the main office they'll show you the way to your new rooms."


Damn. Keeping her hand on the door as she held up her free arm, a thin black veil appearing infront of her as the flames collided with it. Since she only used one arm the shield's power was weakened, allowing a large amount of the attack through, burning away her cloak. As the flames dispersed she smiled a bit, showing off rows of sharp teeth, "Too late," she laughed as the black shadow crept entirely over the door, the runes on the frame turning solid black as the door swung open, "I suppose you aren't just gonna let me walk in are you?" she smiled a bit cracking her neck.


Name: Thorne
Teacher/student: N/A
Race: Raptor
Age: 28
Sex: Female
Orientation: Bi.
Description: A red scaled raptor, wears a tight fitting black leather outfit that helps her blend in with the shadows, she has a number of tattoos over her body, including some wavey black lines on her breasts.
Affinity: Shadow

Offensive: Death dimension: Seals a small area in a black dome, within in it there is no light, no sound, and it's terribly cold. Most people are unable to function in such mind-numbing conditions, leaving them sitting ducks to Thorne's attacks.

Defensive: Dark Aura: Creates an aura around herself, able to block attacks up to a certain amount, able to create the aura with one hand though it loses over half it's power when created that way.

Weapon: Her claws and teeth, also a blade that is permanently attached to the tip of her tail.

Familiar: Panther

Backround: Born a Shadowscale (A lizard with the shadow element) she was abandoned as a sign of suffering and doom for the village she was born in, was found and adopted as well as trained by the *CENSORED* and raised as a skilled assassin.

Other info: She is a skilled fighter, and often enjoys toying with her prey before killing them.

Name: Dusk
Species: Panther
Description: A large sleek black cat with piercing yellow eyes.
Affinity: Shadow
Abilities: Incredibly fast and deadly with it's claws and teeth, able to prowl around in shadows becoming very hard to see.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad