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  Online prejudices and stereotypes! I HATE THEM!
Posted by: Shadowshard - 04-23-2004, 03:13 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

GOD! Why is it that WHENEVER I even am sorta acting intelligent, I get called a jew? WHY?!? Evil And if I act like I know what I am doing, I get called a geek! And if not, I get called a newb! JEEZ, many people on online games are real asses.....

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  Remnant from the past
Posted by: urban dream - 04-21-2004, 09:58 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (25)

I stumbled across this when googling around:
Anybody else remember this? Man, who would've thought it was still online!

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Posted by: UnknownH - 04-20-2004, 02:10 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

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  Your gun!!!?
Posted by: Micah Niveus - 04-15-2004, 07:36 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (31)

Post pics of ur guns or \"the guns of ur dreams\" or some crap liek that!

[Image: ddindetroit_1023587230_Desert_Eagle.jpg]
I want one of THOSE!!!! (O_O) *drools* :p

[Image: mp510.gif]
W0000t, MP5 -Me make -sweet- love to you. (I know, I know.. I'm a weird and sick prverted kid.)

[Image: MP5K.jpg]
I'll probably need a briefcase to hide it from the evil customs officers <.<;;;

[Image: dpmsst10_2.jpg]
oh, but wait, i'm not done just yet:
[Image: dpmsst10.jpg]
*sighs* Could it get any better? :)

[Image: Glock17.gif]
Just a glock... nothing special

[Image: CX4Storm.gif]
Micah lieks Storm. Micah think gun ish teh hot! XD

[Image: guns.jpg]
Yummies ^_^;;

[Image: glock23.jpg]

[Image: glock23a.jpg]

[Image: glock26.jpg]
Anotha glock =)

[Image: ar1.JPG]
[Image: ar2.JPG]
[Image: ar3.JPG]
They're sooo beautiful!!

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Posted by: UnknownH - 04-12-2004, 03:25 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (37)

yeah it may be late when I post this but still happy easter

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  Does anyone know where I can find Digital Loui?
Posted by: Angeteen - 04-12-2004, 01:28 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I believe just about all the *old* members remember her. Great girl that one is. Not to sure if I care for her yaoi artwork though. ~_~

Anyway, I've got an idea for this lemon that I would like to write, thanks to inspiration from an old pic of her's drawn on an oekai (sp?), and when I finish it, I would like to be able to forwards it to her since she was the cause of the inspiration. The only thing is, I have no idea where she is, or even where a website of her's is at (the one listed in the links section has been "down for updating" since 2002), so any help in finding her would be well appreciated.

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Posted by: Shadowshard - 04-11-2004, 12:24 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (52)

I have a little intellectual topic to discuss (Wisemon, here's you're cue....)

Why does man have religion? And why are some alike,(e.g. islam, christianity, judaism) and others different(e.g. shinto, buddhism)?

Give me some of your thoughts.

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Posted by: Organous - 04-10-2004, 04:17 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

(It would take too long for me to edit this topic to be relevant to you guys, since I am not a moderator here. As you read this, keep in mind that I am a moderator on Score Entertainment's Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT message boards.)
Everyone, I have an announcement to make. First, I need you all to read the latest entry of my journal here: That will describe the basics of what I'm going through.
Now, why have I asked you all to read that? It doesn't effect any of you, so why should it matter? Well, for one, I'm sure some of you actually care somewhat about me, so you might take an interest in what I have to say there. More importantly for everyone involved here, I have been considering leaving my position as a moderator on Score's boards. The chances are that I won't. However, I do have much soul-searching to do. You all know that my evil side gets out of control sometimes, and some of you have even experienced it personally. I have unfairly punished so many people, and only because I have problems with myself. I do not know if I will be able to stop that in the future, now that I have started to accept the evil as part of myself. On the other hand, that may actually reinforce it. Like I said, I have much soul-searching to do.
Now, I can already predict what some of you will say. "BIG FUCKIN' DEAL! YOU THINK YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WITH PROBLEMS?! GET THE FUCK OFF YOUR PITY TRIP AND GET ON WITH LIFE!" To that, I say so what? Yes, I am not the only one who has ever had problems. Because of that, you have to know how I am feeling right now. This is a situation that can affect everyone here, and even if I were just a normal member, we all have the right to openly express whatever is depressing us or making us angry. This topic may not be a question, but it is most definitely open for discussion, so it does not qualify as spam.
I have nothing more to say. Some of you may forgive me, but chances are, most of you will hate me. I'm sorry that it has come to this, but the one you know as Organous is changing to reflect what Organous truly is. It's just something that you'll have to accept if I'm already your friend. Those who are my enemies or just not my friends, you are even more so to me now, and your feelings toward me are probably unchanged. Anyway, if I try to "summarize" anymore, I'll just keep on ranting, so I'll leave this topic as it is. Make of it what you will.

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  Yet another newb for here...yay!
Posted by: Shadowshard - 04-08-2004, 05:36 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (40)

Hi everyone! I registered here maybe...a month ago?...and still hadn't posted much...or formally introduced myself! Soo.....

My real name is Shane, and I'm 5'10" last time i checked. My username is yet another of my aliases...just in case :D But all my aliases have something in common...that at the begining of each word is a letter of my initial i.e. Shadowshard-initials are SS.

I like to play video games (aww...who doesn't), but mostly Diablo 2, StarCraft Brood War, and Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne.

My favorite type of music is techno (go ahead, laugh. I don't care ^^.)

I have written a lemon already with my favorite character, Renamon, and am waiting for it to be reviewed by a few people that I sent it to.

Well, that's just about everything...and it's nice to be here!

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  I need help naming this thing of mine?
Posted by: Tank Cop - 04-08-2004, 09:01 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

I am selling a old Star Wars figure on eBay but I don't know its name?

Can someone tell me what its called?

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