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  If you don't know politics, don't discuss it!
Posted by: The Anti-Wisemon - 12-25-2004, 12:19 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

I'm tired of all the politics happening. I don't mind politics, I discuss it regularly. But most of the people who try to be political don't know what the hell they're talking about. I'm tired hearing "Bu$H suxx0rs!!11". It's so easy to rip on Bush, isn't it? And most of the time people odn't even know why! They're just following the herd!

And most people don't even know basic things about political science! I told someone the other day I was a libertarian, what popped out of his mouth was this "Is that some kind of codename for commie?!!" Communist?! There's nothing furthur from communism than libertarianism! And God knows he doesn't know what communism is, he's probably never heard of, let along read Marx, or Trotsky, or Mao (all three of which are incredibly different)

Please, to everyone who may read this, don't discuss libertarianism unless you have a basic idea about it, same for communism and socialism, and for God's sake, don't refer to your political leanings by your party! "Are you a democrat or a republican?" "A republicn in the Jefferson sense? In the Taft sense? In the Reagan sense?" It's not too hard to remember liberal and conservative, is it?

And if someone isn't a fascist, and you're calling them far right, and someone isn't a communist, and you're calling them far left, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM IS AT ALL!

Man, won't people just pick up a book for once instead of repeating what they're told?!

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  Stand Clear... Venting...
Posted by: Gnostic Metatron Prime - 12-23-2004, 04:30 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

Well, I'm on vacation, and yet I find that I felt much more relaxed at college. For one thing, I've spent the last week bouncing back and forth between staying at my mom's house and staying at my dad's apartment, which is driving me fucking crazy because my parents live 40 minutes apart, and I've had to bring all my luggage with me whenever I switch places.

And there are difficulties to living at both places. My dad's place feels more like home to me, primarily because my room there is a lot like my dorm room at college (and plus, his place has a wireless network, so my laptop can connect to the internet from there.) But, on the other hand, my dad and I have a complicated relationship. He's always seemed easy to talk to, but he has Expectations, and this has been especially clear lately, as I failed one of the big assignments in my journalism class. Meanwhile, my mom's house, where I'm currently staying, is much more casual, but I feel like I'm a guest at a hostel.

On top of all that, my depression has been getting worse recently. I can take medicine to keep myself functional, but I'm not able to feel genuinely happy anymore. Part of it is that I haven't done actual theatre in months, which is how I usually meet people. When you combine that with the fact that I was in mostly upper-level courses this past semester, plus one very bad experience with a study partner, and the fact that my roommate moved out on me very early in the semester, I've been isolated a lot at school. On the plus side, I've gotten better at talking to girls, although I still don't have a girlfriend (I have high standards: she has to look like she can beat the shit out of me.)

Well, it's 1:30, and I'm too tired to vent further. You may now resume your normal board functions...

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  Hello to no one
Posted by: hhvorausgesagt - 12-20-2004, 12:37 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Almost everytime I log on, I'm the only one on.
Why is that?

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  My name is volatile
Posted by: Wisemon - 12-15-2004, 01:06 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

I'm just making this announcement now. On my 1000th post, I'll be temporarily changing my username to my real name. This will last 100 posts, and then I'll switch back. In case you're wondering how I'm doing, well, not so good. Oh, I'm kicking ass in school, but the stuff I can't control keeps blowing up in my face. I invited a girl who is now just a friend to another girl who is just a friend's birthday party, and they're already friends. They haven't seen each other in a while, so I'm reuniting them. Good for me. Meanwhile, due to my final exam schedule, I'm missing every official night of Hanukkah (oh, don't pretend like you didn't know), so my family will just have the nights some other time. You see, this is why Jews don't take Hanukkah seriously. They change the date every year, people are busy for the eight nights, and it's based on one of the lamer Bible stories. They only do it so the kids won't get jealous of the Christians. I'd still argue that Hanukkah is better than Christmas, not because of the eight nights, but because we don't spend money on useless decorations and decaying trees. Anyway, while I'm at it, happy holidays to everybody.

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  "The Year Sailor Moon Fans Got Screwed!"
Posted by: Princess Norika - 12-14-2004, 08:41 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

Any one of you affected by Toei Company's decision to revoke the overseas rights to the anime Sailor Moon? Me, I was very affected. (I was a bit passionate about the show.) I really cried. And it only took Mama Aglaranna to snap me out of it.

PS. Next year, the Bloody Moon Revenge begins. Toei thinks that they can screw us like that, well, they are mistaken.
PPS. Permission to smuggle some Sailor Moon Stars episodes from Japan? Besides, once outside Tokyo, they will be deemed 'illegal' and I want to be able to get them past customs with my skin still on!

(BTW, PM me and I'll explain to you what this "Bloody Moon Revenge" thing is, okay?)

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  Happy birthday Unknown!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 12-12-2004, 06:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (96)

Next 14 is the birthday of Unknown H, so congratulations!!!!! How old are you now? (That is, if you wanna say);P
I just knew it today so I couldn't bring you a gift...(what would he like?..........I know.... A videogame) Twisted
But anyway... have a nice birthday and may all your wishes come true. And...smooch! *where, it's up to your imagination* :P

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  No more! No more! Nothing! No more! No more! Ever!
Posted by: Wisemon - 12-06-2004, 08:31 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

After over two and a half years of grueling labor, I had my last day at my job today. This time, I left under my terms, good ones. This time, it's my last time in retail. I'm moving on to bigger and better things...eventually. I was so sick of being so overqualified. Now I'm gunning for a Summer internship. Well, right now, I have to focus on finishing out this semester, and I'm trying to start a relationship before I lose (literally) a non-drinking anime/comic fan. They wanted to know why I was quitting, but they should've been asking why I didn't quit a year ago. As I started my car after leaving, my CD player was playing this topic title, the bridge to The Offspring's "The Noose".

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  Free Nintendo DS?!?
Posted by: Nate Hunter - 11-30-2004, 02:41 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

For a simple thing, it sure takes a lot of work to win these free prizes. I need to refer 3 people to the site, but if I do I get a free Nintendo DS for myself, and they'll be on their way to winning a free DS too. Anybody interested in a free Nintendo DS should check this out:

Help me get a Nintendo DS and work on winning one for youself, if you're interested.

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  I thought; I wanted all the things that I haven't got
Posted by: Wisemon - 11-26-2004, 05:24 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Anybody else watch the broadcast premiere of Spider-Man? I already have the full screen and wide screen on DVD, but I wanted to see if they would edit our favorite scene for content. Sure enough, Mary Jane doesn't linger quite as long watching Spidey leave while she gets soaked.

By the way, the topic title appropriately comes from "Macy's Day Parade".

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  Ghost stories handed down
Posted by: Wisemon - 11-23-2004, 04:15 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

I was searching for the airtime for the new Yu Yu Hakusho episodes, and I found a personality quiz.
Take a wild guess at who I got. I'll give you a clue; he looks like my avatar.

<a href=""><img src="" width="325" height="150" alt="Which Yu Yu Hakusho Character Are You?" border="0"></a>

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