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GM & Kalyx's RPG
Hey, y'all! This here is GM & Kalyx's RPG, so you all should know what that means.

* hears silence* I thought so. :P

Name: Fiero (male) & Fieri (female); {twins}
Species: Phoenix; Digimon (originally from the Digital World)
Description: (Fiero); 6' even, 180 lbs., (Fieri); 5' 9", 145 lbs. Slender, yet muscular physiques, bright red & yellow feathers atop a reptilian-like body; body covered with down-like feathers, broader, thicker flight feathers on wings and tail, peacock-like crest feathers on head, bright yellow-orange reptilian eyes within black sclera, claws on upper part of wings (used like hands)
Clothing: Both wear black, stretchy, thigh-length shorts (like bicycle pants), Fieri's breasts are hidden by her downy, chest tuft feathers.
Others measurement: Fieri, B+ sized bust, (Fiero) sheathed, 22cm x 4.5 cm, when fully erect.
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Name: Silverfang Grizzlywing
Species: Arcane Lycanthrope
Height: 12ft when standing at full height, however he usually walks crouched reducing his height to 8 ft.
Description: Silverfang has two large demonic wings on his similair in shape and appearance to Devimons, his fur is a light grey. He has a deceivingly scrawny build, bt appearnaces can be deceiving.
Clothes: Silverfang wears spiked, leather, fingerless, gloves with matching shoulder pads and knee pads. He also wears a belt to hold his sword.
Weapons: A large broadsword about 6ft in length it is mostly decorative as he prefers to fight 'tooth and nail' as it were.
Renamon's Army
Gabumon Loverz
*Having emerged into the Real World, a little more than a month ago, the phoenix twins have settled into a secluded cave; sheltered and hidden deep within the confines of a thick forest. Always travelling together, the two forage and hunt for food; making their daily, morning rounds, just after the break of day."

"So, what do you think of this Real World, so far, Sis?", Fiero questions, stepping carefully through the underbrush.

"A hell of a lot better than the Digital World.", she replies," I mean, at least here in this forest, there's plenty of water and food. Not like the time we were stuck in that deserted level of expanse; a few months before we left Home."

"Yeah...", he laughs, smiling at Fieri. "You got that right, 'Ri."

(sometimes they call each other 'Ri & 'Ro, just shortened versions of their names.)
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Towards the edge of the forest lay a large river, a large shadw moved along the waters surface rapidly. The large greywolf burst through the surface of the water, he had been travelling all day and needed to cool down. He spent several minutes diving underwater catching fish and throwing them on the river side. They were small and difficult to eat but they grew in abudance here and were quite tasty, for fish.
Renamon's Army
Gabumon Loverz
Stopping short for a moment, Fieri stops moving, hesitating for a moment. "Shhhh! Did you hear it, 'Ro....that splash. Sounded like the fell into some water."

"Yeah, that's that river that's doubt stocked fully with fish. They just must be splashing, just eager to be caught. Let's go and check it out." Fiero starts on ahead.

She follows right behind, "OK, well maybe...but you be careful. Something just didn't sound quite right."
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Silverfang stooped, his ears pricked up, he reached for his sowrd to draw it. Missing he pulled a wet fish and swung it in the direction of the noise, the fish slipped from his grip and went flying towards the cause of the noise.
Renamon's Army
Gabumon Loverz
Hearing the fish's slippery release and approach, Fieri shouts out from behind, "Fiero! Look out!"

With his heightened senses and raection time, the phoenix snares the fish from its airborne trajectory; snatching it tightly with his razor sharp talons, almost second-nature. "You mean...for this? *laughs* I've heard of flying-fish before, in the ocean...but in a forest?"

Taking a bite from the writhing fish, he steps ahead, looking further into the forest's trees and foliage; quietly talking to himself. "Hmmmm, I wonder...this thing couldn't have come from too far away..."
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Silently cursing himself he began fumbling for his sword. He stopped dead when he heard two voices, pulling his ears down to his head he peeked over the bank of the river head just in view, searching.
Renamon's Army
Gabumon Loverz
"Fiero, please don't go looking for trouble You know how it always seems to find you." The female phoenix warns, cautiously following her brother.

"Relax, 'Ri...I can handle myself." He looks back, over his shoulder. "There isn't anything in this forest that I can't handle"

Fiero steps to the edge of undergrowth; the river's bank just ahead and set down below the ground level.
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Cautiously Silverfang rose up out of the water, the smell was alien, unfamiliar, it would present a challenge and he could never resist a challenge.
" Wgos there! Show yourself!" He commanded, holding out his sword.
Renamon's Army
Gabumon Loverz