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Adventures of the DaD! (Revival)
I only know from the backup I made back in the end of May, before my leave. >.< Well, here were the last actions then, maybe we can pick this up again.


Page 52 of the old ADaD...

Previously, on the ADaD... (lol)

Guilmon and a Shotgun

Centaurimon's dull trodding bore on through the desert, the centaur singing "Horse with no Name by America" as he went along.


Reizmon and Fredizomon stumbled in, bowing clumsily at Cavusumon.

"Sorry Lord Cavusumon, this lummox told the half-breed the secret location" grunted Reizmon, as he held onto the sobbing Fredizomon.

A dark figure arose from a chair in the shadows.

"Idiots! Do you realise how IMPORTANT that information is?! not that this isn't the most blatent location ever..." she snapped, walking out of the darkness, a claw pointed like a weapon towards the cowarding two.

ANOTHER Character

Name: RMAK (Renamon and an AK47)
Age: looks and acts to be in human years is 18
Army: Cavusumon's council
Discription: Standard renamon, wearing a khaki tank top and camoflage pants. Has a black AK47 on her back.Has the "like i give two fucks what you think" tone which could potentially cause GM's dad to wet himself >.>
Other: Joined the council for the free toaster coupon and because she was bored.

Ray the Backlasher

"As of now, I'm not the only female. I'm going out to walk." Envymon got up and tossed her hair to air it out a bit. Sh was feeling steamy. "Hm. Why does SHE get firearms? I want firearms."

Guilmon and a Shotgun

A shadowy figure appeared in the distance and as the centaur trudged forward, he saw the outline of Cavusumon. Centaurimon slowed to a halt in fron of him, a metre boundry between them.

"'Sup." grunted the beast, his sword lazing around in it's sheath. "So you're the ignorant ass who wants to rule the've got less braincells then a teacloth..."

"White knight this is Knight Rider...catchy...gotta write that down..Ahem, come in!" came a voice over the hand radio in his flapjacket.


"It's useless you know. Even if you do defeat me then you'll never deactivate the firewall." As Cavusumon said this a great wall of fire sprang up behind him. "This is the same area where Apoclyamon was once kept. His power is far greater than ours could ever be, yet he could not escape. It's useless without the code and I' m the only one outside the firewall for miles around who knows it. So even if you win you lose."

Deburimon approached RMAK. "Who, if you don't mind me asking are you?"

Sean agthered his things, well If there really is going to be a huge army then we need to train. See you guys later."

*Fluffys world.*
Fluffys eyes opened slowly, he was lying on a pile of leaves and moss, it had been too long since he slept on a proper bed. As his eyes fully opened he began to recognise features. "It's my old den." He said wearily.

Guilmon and a Shotgun


Kishy threw the radio on the floor.

"Still no damn signal..." he growled.

*Digital world*

"so's taking over the world...what REALLY made you think ' oh i'll go take over the world, that'll kill some time...' " he grunted and reached for the radio. "'S'cusey just a sec...'ello you there?"

*Cavusumon's base*

"names RMAK...people call me a problem?" she growled, lifting Deburimon by the neck with somewhat suprising strength.


"One small one." Deburimon replied He swun his legs up and kicked RMAK square in the jaw. "I have your moves on file which means at one point you were allied with those people on earth. Care to explain?"


She jumped off him and landed.

"So i was aquanted with the enemy, so was our leader and his pet..." she retorted.

"Centaurimon? that you?"

"Yeah, found Cavusumon"


"Far east of top Digital Plain...bit obvious if you ask me but still, he's got some weird firewall thingy..."

"Meh, i might take that out for you, see you there, just hold position."

*digital world*

"Okay then Cavusumon, i'll just trot around here whilst i wait for my friends...wanna do the crossword, maybe a logical puzzler?" the Centaur had appeared to have misjudged a combat trip with a typical british camping holiday.


Cavusumon was losing his patience, you came here to fight did you not, then fight this." A large storm whipped and 3 creatures rose up from the earth, one a magnamon 2 a angemon and the third a Azulongmon. Each had the power of ultimates, they were similair to the spire creatures." I have no time to waste waiting on your friend." As one the three makeshift digimon attacked. The fakeys would not be enough to destroy him, just occupy him.

Deburimon smirked,"That was different Cavusumon went to challenge them and enslaved somone. You however have direct ties, I hope Envymon hasn't revealed anything too you. Or any other members.[Matts charachters when he posts.] Since the two sentry guards cant be trusted."

End of part 1
Part 2

Guilmon and a Shotgun

"Eh? oh get off i'm doing down 21!" The centaur bucked and kicked the magnamon away, jumping into the air with sword raised above his head. "£CENTAUR CLAYMORE!" A roaring fiery have of a horse blasted from the blade, kicking the Angemon 2 miles away.
"F-e-r-t-i-l-i-t-y there we go..."

"Oh sod off...i'm mainly here because i'm bored and need a toaster..." she growled.


"Fine, you can hang around for now, at least untill the council comes to a decision."Deburimon replied.

Ray the Backlasher

Envymon returned. She didn't look happy.

"There's a bastardation of Azulongmon out there. I HATE Azulongmon with that wonderful body and those beautiful chains..." She sat down and slumped her head down on her folded arms. "Sovereigns..."

Guilmon and a Shotgun

Centaurimon looked up form his crossword at the Azulongmon.

"What? you wanna do one too?"he asked. "I'm kinda stuck on 5 across, 'A terminal shortage of life, unavoidable' any ideas?"

Chaos Knight Matthew

*Tournament Area, a while back*

After seeing that everyone had left, Matt felt a beeping coming from his Time Band. Pressing a button on it, he sees an image of Jacub on a projector.


"Ah, good. I need you to do some investigating for me. To the northeast of your position, I noticed some disturbances. I need you to check them out for me."

Looking to the direction he was talking about, he agrees and begins to head towards the direction indicated.

*Present time*


From behind a nearby object, a thorny vine shot out from behind it, aiming to ensnare Kishu by the neck.

*Nightmare Battle*

"Kee hee hee! I'd say let's finish these two off once and for all... I'm already getting bored with this one." Matt Zero Omega said to Devil Ray, spinning his sword behind him faster and faster until a buzzsaw of energy appeared. The blood mist froze up around it, giving the attack a double-hit chance once it connects.

Ray the Backlasher

[Giro's Appartment]

Mrs. Chang was giving Juno a tough time. He had paid her for this month and the next three months in advanced, but she refused to leave until she inspected all the rooms (all five of them, including the extention that Juno had paid for).

"Bathroom very dirty!" Mrs. Chang complained, running a finger across a groove behind the small mirror to collect dust, then wiped it with a finger again and once more when she found none. Juno had scrubbed and washed everything in the bathroom in Giro's room from the toilet and tub to the tiles on the floor and ceiling. It was spotless, no rust, no limescale or grime, and it was even shiny. Mrs. Chang turned everything inside out then back again, even scrutinizing the shower curtain thrice just to find something to complain about, but when she found nothing, she proceeded to point out how slimy and shower drain was. It had some fur at the bottom, but Juno unclogged most of it periodically.

"I apologize for the filth, ma'am." Juno apologized humbly. "I shall do a better job in maintaining the wonderful standards your appartment complex contains." He vowed, bowing his head. "This woman... she is thorough, and nothing gets by her. I admire her ferocity... her thirst for perfection. Perhaps I should've bothered to clean the drainage and pipes." He thought to himself, taking notes.

[Nightmare Battle]

"I'm feeling lazy. But then again... I'm also bored. And somewhat angry. Did I mention hungry? Oh goody, let's see how much of a good boy I REALLY am." Devil Ray said cheerily, his demonic voice was happy, but intimidating. Matt Zero Omega's attack totally encased N. Down Burst in a block of solid crimson ice, though he tried in vain to block with his blade like appendages, the force of M.Z.O.'s attack shatters them all, along with the block of burning ice that was N.D.B.

The blood mist fades, and the pools of blood splash upward like a tidal wave, splashing back down on Giro before the entire place was dry once more. N. White Out breaks free of the blood tomb, but she looked gruesome. She was but an icy skeleton. The area freezes and a snowstorm breaks loose within the Nightmare Circle once more, and N.W.O.'s skeleton is slowly encased in ice that became flesh and hair once more. The snow did not reach the trio, it melted and evaporated around them.

"All yours." Vermillion Giro said carelessly. "This Nightmare Showdown's almost over."

"Weeee!" Devil Ray yelled suddenly, his spiny gruesome arms extended like bullets and penetrated straight through N.W.O.'s stomach and chest so fast, she could never have dodged it. More blood and bones suddenly shoot out of her flesh, and freezes solid. N.W.O. shatters it all and falls to her knees. The gruesome stumps that were left of Devil Ray's arms sprouted more bone apendages that formed into claws. He laughed maniacally and was suddenly holding her up above his head. The horrifying head licks it's fangs, and D. Ray shoves his victim's head into the mouth on his chest. It chomps down, biting off her shoulders and up. Her arms drop to the ground, and are consumed by black fire.

D. Ray drops the body, and it is consumed by black flames as well, smouldering unto nothingness. The battle was over. The snow turns to rain and the Nightmare Circle fades, and vanishes. Devil Ray lets out a bestial roar of victory, enough to rip the souls clear out of a regular human, and V. Giro throws his head up to the moon, and howls a haunting, sad yet noble howl unto the heavens.

The blood slowly drips off Giro, the rain helps him control the blood flow and the blood vanishes completely. The wounds he had torn himself healed almost intantly, and he picked up his Shoulderpads weakly, putting them on gingerly to prevent his eternal wounds from bleeding him dry. He falls backwards, and lands on his butt, sitting there in the rain quietly and panting.

The bones on Ray's body retract, and so do the horns and spines. The eyes close, his hair shortens and turns black once more, and the jaws and mouths close and vanish. Ray was completely naked as the heavy rainfall obscurred his figure. He shuffles towards his backpack which lay close to Giro's shoulderpads and produces a new set of school clothes which he wears and a pair of glasses. He falls backward as well, lying on his back and breathing heavily. "We... we... hahh... won?" He asked weakly. Matt's aura caused the rain to dome around him and evaporate, so he could make out a figure behind a watery snowglobe-like area.

"We won." Giro replied bluntly, his tongue hanging out as he lapped some of the rain.

"It's really over?" Ray pants, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his vission blurring.

"Sorry." Giro apologized. "Guys... but no. There's one more fight."

[Outside Cylinder]

Raylena senses what's going on, and breathes a sigh of relief. She lowers the Golden Barrier, and sits down to catch her breath as it starts to rain outside as well. Clouds soon covered the sky, all but the full moon.

"It's over. Mirato? Do we make our move or wait?" Roux asked his client cheerily. His gauntlets were now glowing a light blue color, and an umbrella of water seemed to form over Mirato. The rain that fell on it just made it bigger and wider, and the excess dripped off the sides. The ground around Mirato stayed dry as well, a circle of dry ground would follow Mirato where she walked. Roux on the other hand, liked the rain.


Cavusumon appeared outside the doors agian, it was impossible to warp into the room and even harder to warp past the firewall without having the code imbedded in your data. "Relax Envymon its a fake." He said walking through.

End of Part 2
Part 3 ... lol, this new setup merges posts from the same user.... Cool.^^

Ray the Backlasher

"I know. All the reason to hate it even more." Envymon replied coldly. She herself was a fake Digimon, compromised of other Digimon parts, but there was nothing she could do about sovereignty.


*Earth - the long walk home.*
"So....What do we do now, go see a movie, get an indian or get some popcorn?" Ghostiemon asked.

"We need to train Ghostiemon, learn how to use this burst mode." sean replied.

"But why?"

"Because we couldn't beat Cavusumon, nor could Fluffy god knows we can't rely on him the whole time."

"Nuts on the road we can."

"Besides" Sean went on" There were more of them, remember that red guy? Plus cavusumon said there was a council. There making an army if we can't even beat cavusumon how can we beat the council and their army?"


Guilmon and a Shotgun

"Huh? hey get off!" the teen scrambled for his gun as the vine grabbed at him.

*Outside the Firewall*


The armor clad horse warrior charged at Azulongmon, drawing his blade and slicing through the sovereign and destroying him into the fine wind of red particles of data that formed him.


*The digital planes*

"If you'll excuse me, the childs done destroying his toys." With that Cavusumon pulled his cloak around him and vanished.

"So you digivolved, You're still no match for me."Cavusumon said." I will give you one chance to leave right now, leave train and prepare. We are constructing an army so big the ground shakes beneath its feet. Leave now and aid yourf riends in what may be their final battle, or stay here and die at my hands. The choice is yours."

Chaos Knight Matthew


Name - Paige 'Ivy' Kelaira
Title - Genetic Experiment #02
Group - Cavasumon's Army (Unofficial as of yet)
Age - 16
Hand Pref. - Both
Race - Advanced Human
Gender - Female
Appearance - [Image: No_2780.jpg]
Personality - She doesn't talk much except to her friend, Yuri. Other than that she keeps her speaking down to a few words. To everyone else, she is cold, ruthless and slays anyone that opposes her. She wasn't like this at first, before she became who she was.
Weapon - Claws, Thorn Vines
Armor - Plant Skin
Special Ability
Ensnare - Bind the target with vines.
Lasting Pain - Similar to Ensnare, but she shoots her thorns into her victim that is caught inside the attack.
Gaia's Blessing - Can control various plants and greenery.
Gorgon Eye - Can turn a non-organic item, such as weapons, clothes, etc., to stone with a flash of her open eye.
*More to be reviled*
Biography - She became who she was thanks to Jadeite's Genetic Experiments. She wasn't like this beforehand, but she was a shy girl that didn't like being around others. Now she is on a mission to find the one that did this to her and kill him in revenge for what he did.


"Futile." The plant girl said, glaring at him with her one open eye. More vines sproted from her back and shot out toward Kishu to hold him more. "Jadeite. Location. Die." She said as she tightened the one vine on Kishu.

*Near Cavasumon's area*

Matt saw a sort of Firewall out in the distance. In front of that, the Digimon he saw in the battle arena earlier was fighting off some Digimon. Drawing his sword, he goes into a barrel roll at Magnamon. "Spinning Thrust!"

*Nightmare Zone*

Misato, Marie, Ravicalumon, Lei and Demirenamon, along with Ryo and Flamepalmon, were getting soaked from the rainfall. They looked over to the three inside the area, Mirato in particular.

"Thanks Arqual, Garmarum." She said as she looked on. Seeing a wolf-like man first. Then she saw Matt Zero, who had just reverted back to his normal armor and was sitting on the wet ground, panting. The third one made her heart skip a beat. He looked just like Rayler, but older in appearance and just as attractive. "... Rayler?" Mirato called out as she walked towards Ray. Misato looked at Mirato with a confused look, but she was worried for Ray, so she followed her inside to just be safe.

Matt Zero, panting, was also laughing a little. "Are you kidding me wolfie? There's more to this?!" He asks him, completely caught off guard.

((I think that's all of them...))

Ray the Backlasher

[End of Nightmares]

"Fraid so. And don't call me wolfie, it gets old." Giro panted. He staggers to his large feet, and lets the rain soak him a bit more. "It's either gonna be real easy, or fucking hard." He told them, enjoying the coolness of the rain as it touched his skin.

Ray panted hard, and then coughed up a surprising amount of blood. "M... more fighting?" He asked weakly.

"Only internal battles from here on, squirt." Giro replied, and sat down on the ground again. "Here it comes... see you when I see you, eh? Fight hard. Don't lose." He muttered, and with that, dozed off. A strange atmosphere forces Giro and Ray into a deep slumber, and it would on Matt as well.

[Giro's Internal Battle]

Nightmare Seismic Tempest was the one Giro defeated, and so he would be his Nightmare. His battle would be based on the weight and burden of the responsibilities he assumes for the sake of the world... and the failure to protect the ones he cared for, his home world, Neo Midgard. NST will force Giro to relieve his worst memories over and over again, showing him different outcomes of what could've been. Giro's astral form is strapped onto a stone table at the beginning. The stone is inscribed with runes that bind Giro's strength and powers. He is defenseless.

[Ray's Internal Battle]

Nightmare White Out is Ray's Nightmare. She will show him the embodiment of a cold and merciless heart. The cold hearts of his father, the villagers and other people who turned him away. And then reveal his own cold heart, it's solitude and longing for friendship and love. He will relieve his worst memories strapped onto a throne of solid ice.

[Matt Zero's Internal Battle]

Nightmare Down Burst is Matt Zero's Nightmare, embodiment of the wild and reckless storm that is Matt's wrath when fully posessed. He will be forced to relieve his most painful memories bound by chains within a spinning vortex.

Guilmon and a Shotgun

"G...T...F...O!" grunted the boy, grabbing his firearm and blasting bullets at Paige.

*Outside firewall*

Centaurimon, now dedigivolved because it's hard to do a sudoku when you're 11 feet tall, turned and saw the boy's attack.

"Thanks...who're you again?" he asked, his horse masculinity breathed into every tone.

Ray the Backlasher

[Giro's Apparment]

"And no buy more furniture! Room too small! Need rent new room!" Mrs. Chang was scolding Juno.

"Understood ma'am. I already cancelled my subscription a week ago." Juno informed her. He was saved by another knock on the door. "Pardon me ma'am, I have to answer the door."

Juno strode across the room and opened the door. Mr. Chang stood outside looking cheery. He was a very understanding, jolly old man and was the one who allowed Giro to board in the first place.

"Ahh... you are not Giro. Are you his father?" Mr. Chang greeted him.

"No sir, and good evening. I'm his brother." Juno replied humbly.

"You are very soft spoken. Have you seen my wife? She went to collect the rent and she's been bullying poor Giro for months now. Have you been the one providing him with income? That's very nice of you." Mr. Chang said as Juno let him in. He took off his slippers in the hallway.

"Thank you sir, and no. He found a legitimate source of income for himself not too long ago. I merely balance his cheque-book, and provided him with one at that. I don't know how he survives out here, but I take it I have you to thank. Mrs. Chang is in the living room, eating biscuits. Would you care for an evening snack?" Juno offered him.

"I do hope she isn't giving you trouble. Is she bothering you? Am I?" Mr. Chang asked.

"Not at all Mr. Chang. Giro rarely talks to me, and I enjoy catering to guests. I was raised that way I suppose." Juno said humbly, and Mr. And Mrs. Chang made eye contact in the living room.

"Please call me Setsuru, Kai. Giro is much liked here, by me at least. He's very polite, and he's very handy in the yard and with tools." Mr. Chang informed Juno in a tone that sounded like he was warning him about an inevitable explosion.

Mrs. Chang got up suddenly and started arguing with Mr. Chang in rapid Mandarin. She was complaining, and he seemed to merely be holding on and at the same time trying to calm her down. Juno tactfully stood aside, and pretended not to take notice in the couple's old bantering.

"That language... and his name. It sounds like a Yamato name." Juno thought to himself.

End of Part 3
Part 4

The Big Bad Rav


Voice: ....I see the planet.... I see our destiny.... I see.... our victory....

*Team D-Jen Base*

Kalib: .....*wipes away sweat* .....woo... welcome back old buddy. *Looks at the new improved Instinct-27, no longer an exoskeletal design, but now a full fledged walker, with sonic grenade launcher with area of effect damage, anti-air batteries and flight capability, with boosters and wings* I'd never thought I see you again old chum.

Ravaja: Well... welcome back Instinct.

Avatar: A huge upgrade.

Jenna: You really outdone yourself Kal.

Lake: Heck yeah...

Ray the Backlasher

[Giro's Appartment]

"Thank you for the brownies Juno, your hospitality is much appreciated and rare in a city like this. We will visit to talk with you again soon." Mr. Chang bid the (cheery looking) Pure Black Wolborg goodbye as he herded his wife away from his appartment.

"You are most welcome. And thank you for sparing some of your time to a lonely person, Mr. Setsuru." Juno bid Giro's landlord and lady a polite goodbye with a rare air of cheer and contentment. Though Mrs. Chang had assaulted him with a broom with such an intense fury, he found her very entertaining.

"These are the people who have granted Giro a home and protection. They've done so much more in the course of two or three years than I may ever accomplish in my lifetime." Juno thought monotonously as he closed the door. "Are they a family? Is a family what Giro really needs? He no longer needs to know a life of battles and death. He needs to learn how to live for himself. All his life he abides to the whims and laws of all but himself. It's time for a new chapter in the 'Tale of the Tragic Hero', The End and his happily ever after." He thought adamantly and started filled the bathtub half full of water. He then cuts himself deeply underwater and allows some of his blood to mix with it before it fully heals. "I will do what ever it takes... to bring him his happy ending."

[Ray's Internal Battle]

Ray is sitting on a throne of solid ice. He's bleeding heavily as there are thick protrusions of razor sharp icicles that are cutting into him. Nightmare White Out shows herself to him.

"Poor boy, poor child, forever scorn by the frigid stares of your kin. Do you not feel sorrow? Do you not feel grief? Do you not feel... cold?" She asked him provocatively, caressing his bloodstained cheeks.

"AAAAARGH!!!" Ray suddenly yelled out in pain as his eyes widened and his pupils shrunk


Ray is born and Ray's parents are wishing he had never been born and his father trying to incinerate him after his birth. His mother's heart proved too soft and she saves him but hates him nonetheless.


Ray looks about three. Ray bumps into a puppy that befriends him, becoming his first ever friend and playmate. He begs his mother and father to let him keep the puppy, and they agree on condition that he takes care of it himself. Ray is forbidden to have toys, and his mother slams the door to his room after denying him a bed time story. He silently cries himself to sleep with his new puppy whom he had named Ben. He feels lonely because everyone who goes near him dies a gruesome death, like he was a curse. He also feels guilty. He's afraid Ben will die too.


Ben is grown up and has an uncanny ability to speak to Ray. They are closer than brothers, and Ray also seems a little older, about eight. Ben is brutally beaten after taking the punishment meant for Ray after he comes home late after his parents teach him how to bake. He comes home because he is captivated by the constellation of Orion after Loki tells him to take the time to enjoy life. He runs home and dicovers his parents trampling his friend and in his rage, he unleashes his demons and controls the element of fire to incinerate everyone who ever hated and despised him, saving Ben. His home and family is lost... but he saved his only true family. Loki's silhouette appears in the background and rests a hand on Ray's shoulder. He has learned to manifest. Ray is losing his control on his inner demons due to his powerful emotions, and is crying blood. Loki seals all his emotions except happiness, which he had never felt. Ray goes partially mad as he walks the road with Loki and Ben.


"No!! NO!! STOP IT- PLEASE!!" Ray cried out, begging Nightmare White Out to stop showing him his past.

"Nay, I will not stop. You will relive your worst memories until I break you." White Out informed him. She caresses his chest almost as if to comfort him, but she unbuttons his shirt to touch and feel his firm chest.

"Don't... don't..." Ray choked quietly, right before crying out in pain as she impales him slowly with her fingers, clutching his heart... slowly freezing it...

[Moonlight City]

Ray is thrashing around under the rain, gritting his teeth and bleeding from the eyes. He occasionally yells out, begging for someone to "stop".

The Big Bad Rav


....We are coming........Brethren... we are arriving...

*Team D-Jen Base*

Ravaja: Detecting no threat so far.

Jenna: Good Rav, come here baby. *hugs and kisses Kalib*

Lake: .....Huh.... where's Janis?


Fluffy walked slowly out of his den, he stretched off his weary muscles and stared at the night sky. There was a lehend on his home, each star in the sky was a god and each extra moon A great wolf. Three moons shone sown on Fluffy the rest of the sky was blank.
"Three moons, last I was here there was only one."
The new moons would stay at full giving the werewolves part of the strength and enregy of the wolves who's greatness created the moon.
Fluffy lowered his gaze to several cubs in the later stages of their life. When the larger wolf stared at them they dropped their posessions and ran.

Chaos Knight Matthew

*Nightmare Zone*

*Matt Zero's Internal Battle*

Matt Zero was standing tall with chains binding him to the spot. He was somehow teleported into a swirling vortex, but he recognized who it was from the appearance. Nightmare Down Burst had him ensnared solid, small debris cutting into his armor that swirled around him.

"I defeated you... HOW... How did you return?" Matt Zero asked the best he could, enduring the sharp pain, though his armor seemed to not be protecting him for some reason.

"You did...But now I shall break you, just like how you broke me..." A raspy voice called out just as the vortex got thicker and thicker, obscuring Matt Zero's view...


Matt Zero was back in his homeland, Feraliai. He wasn't bound anymore and was in his normal clothes, a cloth shirt and leather pants. He looked around, seeing his old home, where he and his family lived many years ago.

"Hey! Matt!" A voice called out. Matt Zero looked at the source and his eyes widened. It was a young girl about his age, wearing similar clothes, but had different colors on it. "You didn't forget about our adventure today, didn't you? You said you would take me along?" She said, smiling, her light green hair moving slightly in the wind.


A mob of Goblins had ambushed them unexpectingly. Matt Zero did his best to fight them off with his gained sword techniques that he learned from his stepfather, but they were too strong.

"Matt!!! Help me!!!" It was the same girl, being carried away by the Goblins.

"Hali!!!!" Matt Zero called out to her, trying to get to her, but she continued to move farther and farther away from him.

*Nightmare Battlefield*

Matt Zero was on his knees, looking blankly towards the ground. Maritila was lying next to him as it had fallen out of his hand when he fell to his knees.

Misato was trying to run to Ray's side. "Ray!! Ray!!! Are you alright!?" SHe was worried, seeing him fight like that.

Mirato looked at her target, Matt Zero. "Now would be a good time to finish this... but I can't fight him like that." She said to Roux, the rain falling around her. "Defenseless... I want to make my victory count."


Paige let him go so she could move around, avoiding the bullets like a gymnastic athlete. "Where. Jadeite." She said without emotion, her vine retreating into her back again. Readying her claws, she charges Kishu again.

*Cavasumon's Firewall*

"No problem. I'm Matt Sikado, I was at the tournament earlier." He said as he looked at the three digimon, ready for a fight.

*Sunlight Hotel Room 305*

Darktailmon had fallen asleep next to Janis as she was still recovering from the Meteors of Hell Jutsu.

*Team D-Jen's Base*

Regari - *Was still looking through the telescope, feeling a little tured on from what she was seeing*

Ray the Backlasher

[Nightmare Holocaust]

Ray bared his teeth and grunted every now and then. He occasionally clenched his fist and his whole body tensed as he screwed his eyes shut harder in anguish. He could hear Misato... she was right there! Oh how he wanted to touch her, to feel her, to tell her he'll be with her in a bit. The rain washed away the tears of blood that continued to flow down his eyes.

"I know. Warriors code of honor. I'm glad to see you'll do what's honorable before focusing on revenge first." Roux replied casually as he went a little closer to inspect Matt Zero.

Giro on the other hand, was kneeling down on one knee with his head bowed. It was just as well, he had the most pained and guilt-ridden expression he had ever worn.

[Matt Zero's Internal Battle]

"Does it not stir your wrath, boy? How weak you were? How incapable you were of protecting those you care about and love?" Nightmare Down Burst added harshly. He was working with the raspy voice.

[Giro's Internal Battle]

The stone table Giro was strapped on to slowly sprouted razor sharp spikes and Giro roared in pain. They impale him until they com out of his chest, thighs and stomach. Even more spikes appear above him and lower down with weights.

"Do you feel that? The pain of the burden and guilt you have amassed throughout your pathetic existence as a failure? Don't you just want to give up and rest? Don't you want it all to stop?" Nightmare Seismic Tempest said as if tempting him.


It was just about sunset in Berdevale village. Children were being called in by their families and saying goodbye to their friends for the day.
A Wolborg couple makes their way to the large village Orphanage. The female carried a quiet bundle that was her newborn. Neither of them wanted the child. He was small, weak for his race and age. They would've prefered a girl.

"Name." The Henborg nurse/clerk asked at the front.

"We didn't bother naming the runt." The father said harshly. "We'll leave that task to it's new parents."

After signing some scrolls and wavers, the mother leaves the bundle with the nurse/clerk, and they leave.


The young Grey Wolf class Wolborg has grown considerably after three years. The other children pick on him because he still doesn't have a name, and he was small for his age. He can talk now, like most children of his race at this age, but he was not as strong as them. Several other older Borgs including a Warthog, bull, horse, dog and tiger class tend to bully him, calling him names and throwing things at him. When there are no adults around, they would brutally beat him and threaten to kill him if he tells on them.


Many children have been adopted after six months, including the bullies, but not the young unnamed grey wolf. Though new children pick up where the last bullies left of. One day as he was being trampled, an older, dark furred wolf helps him out, and though the dark furred wolf gets hurt, he successfully beats the bullies away and they run. The Grey Wolf doesn't like the dark furred wolf, he's jealous because he's what a perfect Wolborg should be, but he is grateful, and in the end, they become good friends, and eventually grew to be as close as brothers. The black furred wolf is named Jono and he was orphaned when his parents were fighting in the war. He names the Grey Wolf 'Rock'.

[Giro's Appartment]

Juno successfully prepares the dispelling waters in the tub, which is shadowy and black, yet glowing eerily. He goes into the kitchen and prepares a cup of tea. "Fight. Fight Giro... you always fight, you always get up. No matter how severely you are struck down, you always get up. You're like a defiant rock against the tides of fate. Fight your destiny and make your own." He thought to himself.

The Big Bad Rav

*Team D-Jen Base*

Ravaja: *Jumps to Regari's side at the telescope (You know, Jumper?) Hey Regs, what you see?


Kalib: *Testing Instinct by firing at clay pigeons with amazing accuracy* YEEHA!

Jenna: Now that is killing.

Lake: You said it!

Avatar: Ditto.

End of Part 4

End of page 52
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Dear oh dear... It seems everything will have to rise from the ashes of error-ness, huh? XD

*mourns for rather long posts*
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Page 53

Part 5


*Fluffys home.*
"Huh wierd cubs." he said reffering to the running cubs. As Fluffy moved further away from the cave he aproached the W.Wolves forest, or at leats his packs forest. It was a large packed forest with random bursts of clearing. Full of dear and boar, oh and of course wolves. Including the cubs there was a wolf to every tree, many lived in the mountainside at the south end of the forest, some in the clearing and some like himself just always seemed to be going. It had been a long time since he was among his kind, sure there was Juno and Giro, but they were different. Different sizes different colours different mannerisms and different traditions. So different that Fluffy had forgotten some of his own. Like announcing your presence before entering the forest.

he was tackled to the ground sharply by three W.wolves. Big ones, not as tall as Fluffy but still big. Two circled him whilst one pinned him with a paw and sniffed.

One thing he did remember, don't fight back. If he retaliated without being recognised it would be an assualt and the entire pack would rush to his aid.

The wolf raised his head and growled "Silverfang..."

The Big Bad Rav

*Space, outside Earth's orbit*

*voice*: we have finally arrived brethren.... we shall fire the first shot in our CONQUEST! *Mothership charges a huge beam* BEGONE!

*Team D-Jen Base*

Ravaja: *Space scanners go out of control* Somethings up there, alien.

Jenna: Again?

Ravaja:'s headed straight for us!! GET THE SHIELD READY! CONTACT! WE HAVE ALIEN PRESENCE!

Kalib: Grr...

Lake: Alright, more alien busting coming our way!

Guilmon and a Shotgun


Kishy: *grabs at his gun and aims it as a warning at Paige* Look, i dunno who you are, who the hell "Jadette" is or any of that bollocks...i'm just waiting for a friend on a stinking rock...


Centaurimon: *offers his hand* Nice to meet you, Centaurimon's the name...what are you doing out here?

The Big Bad Rav


*Voice**: ......Contact *The blast goes down, hitting the Earth's surface, but no explosion happened*

Ravaja: I'm getting a signal, it's alien alright, but there' destruction?

Lake: What? No destruction?

Jenna: Are you sure?

Lake: Come on already, we waited all day for them just to get a beam?

Jenna: Guess so.

Lake: Gee, whatever!

Jenna: I'm going to the garden. Kalib!

Kalib: Yeah yeah.

Lake: ....Bull-loney.

Ray the Backlasher

[Giro's Internal Battle]

"Always the weakest, always the smallest, yet you had the biggest ego and strongest pride. You hated that child though he protected you and cared for you. Do you not feel shame? Do you not feel guilt that you never thanked him properly?" N. Seismic Tempest taunted, and then humiliated Giro by bashing him on the wolf nads.

Giro grunted and snarled, but he's felt worse. It hurt though. A lot.

The Nightmare laughed at him, and the sound of the people who laughed at him and bullied him resounded throughout the cave-like place that was his mind. N. Seismic Tempest impaled him some more.


Rock wasn't the strongest, or the fastest. He was however, gifted with prodigous cunning, reflexes and dexterity. Ever since he was saved by Jono, Rock became more confident and stood up for himself more. Despite his weaknesses, he was a prodigous fighter. His pride causes he and Jono to fight each other, and Rock is severely beaten, though Jono's left eye is rendered useless. He apologizes and vows to change, but Jono does not forgive him. Rock is punished with lashes.


The 'South Wind' Samael Lucian, one of the Village's "Four Winds" (Four powerful warriors who protect Berdevale village), visits the Orphanage. He was a Black Tigeborg (Black borgs were said to be the strongest variety of borg no matter what the race) with white stripes and he was said to be most ruthless out of the four. He came because he was envious of the 'West Wind' (another Wolborg), who's sons, (Zanjuro Xile Lycian, aged 4 and Jegan Lycian, Aged 1 month) would soon be old enough to learn how to fight. He saw the West Wind as his eternal rival, and always sought to beat him. For this, he wanted a son of his own. A strong and powerful son, one he could teach to fight like a Black Borg. And lo... his eyes settle on a Black Wolborg. Jono, Age 11.


"I... I..." Giro grunted as blood splattered out of the corners of his muzzle. "I was jealous... It was my fault... I didn't deserve Jono's friendship."

Seismic Tempest was shocked. Giro was already repenting! NO, he had to fight his fate! Fight HIMSELF!!

The Big Bad Rav


*The massive beam caused nothing to the ground, so far. For a few more seconds it continued to beam on until, it stopped.*

*Team D-Jen Base*

Ravaja: Somehow I do not like this one bit... *Contact* This is Team D-Jen, reporting, any allies, please return contact, we might have visitors coming back for a warm welcome, please contact.

Ray the Backlasher

[Nightmare Holocaust]

As Ray thrashed in anguish, his watch started to static, and Rav's voice can be heard broadcasting.

"This is Team D-Jen, reporting, any allies, please return contact, we might have visitors coming back for a warm welcome, please contact."

[Giro's Appartment]

The tub is filled with glowing viscous black water, and is emitting some sort of eerie chiming sound. Juno is no where to be seen.

[Ray's Internal Battle]

Ray cries out horribly with White Out's hand buried wrist deep in his chest. Icicles blossom on his skin and and spread outward starting from his chest. Slowly, ice started encasing him. His arms were the first to be frozen solid... and then his legs, his torso, his head... his face...

Nightmare White Out starts laughing sadistically as the ice covers his eyes.


People throw stones at a young Ray.


Despite Loki sealing his emotions, Legion overwhelms him whenever he's awake, and he has to fight for his life. He kills many, and the souls are sucked up by his right arm.


At twelve years old, Ray's right arm has accumulated so many souls, he is tormented every time he sleeps by their cries of anguish. His arm is covered in numerous symbols and markings, and is emitting a black atmosphere, and intensely evil aura. It no longer looks human.


Ben is Ray's voice of reason. At the age of twelve years and eight months, he has gone insane. Between the Norse Trickster God and the cluster-Devil, Legion, Ben was Ray's only path to heaven. People throw rocks at Ben and Ray kills them, despite Ben's warnings and pleas for Ray to show them mercy.


Ray has lost his individuality completely, and leaves a village where he was hiding to keep them safe. Villagers hunt him down and drag him back, and proceed to execute him. However, Ben intervenes, and won't stop no matter how much Ray cries, begs or pleas. Ben is eventually beaten to death, but happy that Ray escapes alive. Ben roams free among the stars once more as Lord Sirius, the Dog Star.


Ben's death destroys what little humanity Ray had, and he slaughters the entire village and every village nearby. His right arm goes crazy, and Loki fashions special chains to bind the arm and prevent it from harming Ray, while keeping him under control. Ray mourns for Ben.


El Dorado in flames.


Atlantis Sinking.


Ben snuggling up to Ray to keep him warm.


The ice that covers Ray's eyes melt and his head thaws out. Tears flow freely from Ray's eyes and he has a small grimace/half-smile.

"What!?" N. White Out yells out, surprised.


Ray hugging and playing with Ben.


Loki making Ray his first toy.


Ray romping around the Savanna with a Lion cub named Kopa.


Raye and Ray debating on the actual winner of their battle.


Matt punching him to snap him out.


Giro saving Ray from Rayner.


Misato smiling at Ray cheerily as their compartment on a Ferris-Wheel goes up.


"You're right... I've been treated coldly, but my heart will not freeze. I have experienced friendship, and care, and love... and those are enough to keep me warm. Those are reasons enough for me-to-LIVE." Ray says passionately, and the block of ice encasing his body shatters, sending shards of ice outward.

The Big Bad Rav


Voice: Yes... It's all going to plan...

Servant: Purest Kilatoa.

Kilatoa: Yes brother.

Servant: The Earth team seems to be contacting allies. What do we do?

Kilatoa: No, let them...

*Team D-Jen Base*

Ravaja: Anybody? Hear me out, we have alien presence!


Sean and ghostiemon had arrived in town, they were passing the locaol electronics shop when everything went haywire. All the tvs and radios wet crazy repeating Ravajas message. Running inside they grabbed the nearest walkie talkie and replied "This is sean and Ghostiemon, repeat Sean and Ghostiemon do you copy?"

Ray the Backlasher

Somewhere in the wilderness quite close to Team D-Jen HQ, Juno pressed Giro's phone to his ear. "I have complied. What sort of alien presence? Extra-dimensional, planetary or other-realm aliens?" He asked bluntly.

The Big Bad Rav

*Team D-Jen Base*

Ravaja: Well, their Extra-Dimensional, they use wormholes and for some reason they shot down that BEAM!!! *The ground bursts outside the base and reveal biological-tech creatures, after the base and Juno* Juno get inside now!

Kalib: AVATAR, LET'S HEAD OUT! Instinct ready to go!

Ravaja: Not yet, stay Kal, perimeter base defenses activated.


Kilatoa: Hahahahahahahahaha..... perfect...

Chaos Knight Matthew

*Team De-Jen's Base*

Regari - I'll stay and help defend the base if needed. I don't think I'm much help out there at this point... *Lowers head sadly*


Paige, now annoyed, began firing her thorns from her body like mini-missles, countering Kishu's attack and a few heading towards him, ready to explode on contact.

Another voice came from near where Paige was, though it seem to be coming from her shadow. "He's telling the truth. Leave him be."

"Annoyance... Destroy..." Paige said as she eyes Kishu for a moment longer.

"Leave him be, he's of no importance to us dead nor alive. We must move on." The soft girl's voice said from Paige's shadow as Paige stopped her attack.

"Unnecessary..." She said as she walked away from Kishu, onto her journey to find the man named Jadeite.

*Firewall area*

Matt - A little birdie told me to come here. *Chuckles, shakes time band a little* It said that there was some sort of distortment here, so I came to check it out. Didn't think you were in a fight against these guys.* Looks to the three Digimon*

*Sunlight Town*

Messages appeared on all the TV and other electronics there, repeating Ravaja's Message.

Jadeite was passing by the electronics shop when he saw it. "How many times must these Aliens continue to fight I wonder." He said as he listened on to it.

Jacub, who was looking for Matt, had also noticed the same thing on his Time Band Locater. "... I need to get Amelia, now." He said as he pressed the button for Time Distortment to get to his hut.

The message was still being sent, so who knows who else has seen it... Maybe...

From the shadows of the alleyway across from the TV store, a creature in there see the message, and feels something from it. Was it longing, was it need? He had felt so out of place for so long there that he needed to know for himself who these Aliens are. Turning back, he walks back down the alleyway to ponder on such things.

*Nightmare Battle*

*I should have this ready by next post... It's new data after all. lol*

The Big Bad Rav

*Team D-Jen Base*

Ravaja: Hey Regs, we'll need everyone on this, including you babe. ok? *Kisses Regs' cheek* I need you too.

Lake: *Sees those techno-organic creatures outside from a window* JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! *Thing gets shot out by a turret gun*

Kalib: Phew...

Jenna: Their defiling nature itself with their technology. We have to do something!

Ravaja: I know, but we have to scan one of these things first before we get out. So in other words, destroy them all then we get one corpse in base!

Kalib: Great, but how do we get one in?

Ravaja: I will! *Jumps from his position to outside*

(OOC: From now on I'll say Jump instead of teleport.)

Ray the Backlasher

OOC: Lol, I take it you've seen jumper. Okay Matt! And it's nice to see you again!


Juno pays no heed to the creature. He did not seem threatened. Instead, he continued to talk into Giro's phone. "I will be fine. I must know something, Ravaja. Among your vast collection of powers... you have a powerful one that can manipulate time and space, don't you? I have heard of it, and I also hear it has been blocked temporarily by the Midgard Serpent. I can undo it's Global magic so you can use that ability again. Heed me, all I ask is that you not let the innocent perish while I concentrate." He said.

The Big Bad Rav

*Outside Base*

Ravaja: *Hears the communication mentally* No problem, I just need to get one sample of these creatures to the lab. Do it Juno! *Hands spark with electricity as he fires bolts at the creatures*


Kalib: He's gotta be crazy to do it.

Jenna: Hey, he's the Rav, can't stop him.

Lake: He's just a kid remember... a very lucky kid who scored before any of us.... *Stares at Regari* How did you two get along?

Jenna: It doesn't matter to me, I have Kal, you have Jan, we're all even.

*A crash sounds outside as Ravaja jumped back in with the specimen* It's down, so I'm going down to the lab. *Jumps to the lab*

Ray the Backlasher

Juno untensed his muscles, and took a calm breath. He raises his arms, one over his chest and one extended to the side as if he was aiming with a bow. He pulls the hand over his chest back and a a brilliant ethereal bow suddenly erupts into existence. He aims at a higher angle, and waits a few moments.

He opened his now glowing golden eyes, and waited. "Timing, precision, accuracy... all the relevant attributes of a great archer. But they're all for nought... if he aims with his eyes, and not with his heart." Juno thought, and closed his eyes again.

"Be safe, my brother." Juno whispered, and fired a straight jagged magic bolt that left a rail of ghostly white. Perfect timing. There were about 49 ethereal seal-snakes traveling around the world at nearly the speed of light. Like the solar system, they occasionally aligned, and Juno took that opportunity to take them all out at once. All 49 had been skewered on the magic bolt like a shish-kebab. There was only one left, but that one was with Jacub. The seal was lifted as the bolt imploded, taking the snakes with it.

"You're liberated." Juno said into the phone, and hung up.

The Big Bad Rav


Ravaja: *Hears him* Thanks.

Kalib: Yeah, to who?

Ravaja: Juno, he has lifted that block off my Time powers. I can stop the aliens.

Kalib: You better, now go!

Ravaja: Peace. *Jumps off as Jenna's vines dragged the corpse to the lab*

*Alien Beam site*

Ravaja: Nothing in site... *Stops time and turns it back to see the beam in progress* My goodness it's huge.... *Feels a strange surge of power from the beam though it's going back, but then losses control and can't flashback, getting a major headache in the process, his arms and legs surrounded with fire and ice and radiation, losing control* EEERRRRRRRAAHHH!!! *Hits against a tree and jumps back into base with a jumpscar behind*


Ravaja: Oooh.....

Jenna: Rav? What happened?

Lake: Woah stay back, he's losing control!

Ravaja: *Eyes glow with radiation, but he tries to concentrate hard, screaming in the process* ooooohhhhh DAMN IT! AAAAHHHH!! *Soon gains control back, healing back wounds from his burst* I'm ok... I'm ok...

Kalib: What happened? It was only a second since you were gone...

Ravaja: It was longer than you think. That beam that hit us, *Body twitches slightly* is a high powered energy beam that can create technological or powered beings from anything in sight, including all organic matter. It has high interference with my power, I have a feeling they want more than just the Cube.

Avatar: We need the big guns boss.

Kalib: Instinct is on stand by, and Avatar, I got a few more things you can outfit yourself with for this.

Avatar: Ready.

Lake: Wait wait wait wait a sec, you mean that beam that created this thing in the lab can give more power to anything and interferes with those with power in close range?

Ravaja: Yeah... I saw a passer-by in sight, but she ran off as soon as the beam hit, but... she glowed...

Kalib: .....Get to the Lab NOW! *Jenna runs to the lab while Lake takes care of defense and Kalib drags Ravaja up to the lab* god your heavy.

Ravaja: Growing up Kal, I'm 17 for crying out loud!

Kalib: Geez, get more Veggie Delights and lose a few like Jared....

Ray the Backlasher

The brilliant bow dissipates as Juno slowly lowered his gloved hands. "This world is new to me. It isn't my territory, it isn;t my home. But brother, it's become your home. I'll let you defend it... I know you wouldn't forgive me if I took all you and your friend's glory. Just remember to come home for breakfast." He thought, and vanished in a blur of speed lines.

The Big Bad Rav


Jenna: You won't believe this. This creature has a body constituency of both alloy, wires and...plant.

Ravaja: You mean their like your mirror plant dogs of sort?

Jenna: Almost, the sample shows their able to adapt fast. I made the rest of the sample in the chamber for safekeeping.

Kalib: It better be.

Lake: FLAMETHROWERS ON! *Flame turrets fire upon the creatures, turning them to burning running chunks*

Ravaja: Man this is serious.

Kalib: Duh, we have more aliens because of that Cube!

Ravaja: ....yeah

Jenna: Now is not the time to put blame on someone, we have to do something. We have to get up to space.

Kalib: Then how about the Earth?

Lake: Contact, we need back up, alien invaders are attacking. Moonlight City, do you copy?

Jenna: Thanks Lake!

Lake: No problem.

Jenna: I'll stay here while you guys go up and stabilize the threat. Lake, is it ok if you stay here?

Lake: I'm alright with that, be sure to be careful up there!

Ravaja: But Kal, how about Instinct?

Kalib: Nothing it can handle, it isn't an exoskeleton anymore. I can travel to space with that thing.

Ravaja: Alright then. We're set. *Looks at Regari* I'll be alright ok Regs, I don't want you to get hurt. I love you. *Kisses her on the lips*


Kilatoa: This is taking too slow, VISOR!

Visor: Excellency, it seems we have a human agent in our control on the planet.

Kilatoa: Hmm.... Elaborate.

Visor: She is a strange specimen, the beam must have affected her genes and bonded not just with our technology, but with a local life form.

Kilatoa: A local life form you say?

Visor: Yes, insects my liege.

Kilatoa: Interesting, and I know just the place for her. Hahahahahaha....


Red-haired Girl: *Panting from a long run from the beam* What.....what's wrong with me?! *Looks at her arm after she swept a bee away, and soon, holes opened up and bees crawled out* AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

*Voice*: HALT! *The girl stopped her screaming* ....Name, creature.

Rina: Rina, I'm Rina. Who is this!?

*Voice*: *Trances her* I am the Light. I am the power of you. You are a gifted one... Rina. You, are the one who can save us...

Rina: ......The light.... My light...

*Voice*: Yes....... you are my disciple...

Chaos Knight Matthew

*Sunlight City*

Jadeite didn't like what he was seeing. A swarm of Techno-organic monsters were swarming the city at a fast pace. He was keeping a good bit of them away with Ground Dasher, but all he could do was run for his life...

*In the sky above*

"I don't believe it! This is going to be a long one Amelia..." Jacub said as he looked over the area. Amelia. He aimed her lasers at the invading creatures, firing rapid shots at them.

*In the shadowy alley*

Looking at the Aleins as the passes, it confirmed his inner feelings. "B... Brethren?" He whispered as he reached out to one that stopped, his insect-like hand sticking out of the shadows, though it's form resembled human in a way.

*Earth/Firewall Area*

*Waiting on GMSG*

*Team De-Jen's Base*

Regari smiled when Ravaja kissed her. "I love you too." She said with a smile. Later on, when Kalib asked her a question, she responded with, "Because I love him. And I love how wild he can be." She said with a small growl of approval.

*Moonlight City*

Misato latched onto Ray, holding him tightly as he thrashed around. "Ah... Ray... I'm...... I'm with you." She said softly as she held him, feeling the rain falling onto her "You.. can defeat this monster... I believe..." She said as she held onto Ray as much as she could until he stopped, the rain getting to her a little. She hugs Ray close to her chest, lowering him down to his knees as she huged him.

Mirato watched form her orb of air, her counterpart hugging her world's Ray. She felt the same kind of feeling as she had with the Ray in her world for a moment until she glanced at her target once again, narrowing her eyes as she waited for her moment to strike...

Marie noticed something on her Digivice. "More Aliens?" Lei said, sighing. Marie used a wide-range version of her Regenerator Spell, healing everyone in the area greatly.

"There. Can you find the source of the signal?" Marie asked Lei.

"I think so, give me a moment." Lei said as he started fumbling with his digivice.

*In another portion of the city*

Kinlier and the rest of the group was fighting their share of the aliens that started invading the city. "Dammit... Just when we got finished with one battle already..." He said as he slashed at them with Ragnadammerung.

Laylia was attacking with multiple energy beams. "We need to get going to Manaris..." She reminded him. Ryion, Kelly, Rederin, Len, Laris and Emerald were defending themselves well, but the numbers just seem to be increasing.

*Matt Zero's Internal Battle*

Matt was still in that battle in the forest, chasing after Hali, determined to get her back from the Goblins that took her. Spikes suddenly appeared in front of him, impaling his feet slightly and making him lose his footing and crashes onto the ground. "Hali..." He felt drained form the spikes. It seemed that they had a poison in them. He felt anger from his action, not being as perceptive as he normally was. Suddenly, spikes surrounded him, slowly rising inwards, aiming to impail him as he lays on the ground. "I... I..."

A voice appeared from seemingly nowhere.

"Do you submit? You're so helpless, why should you live any longer?"

He scowled at the voice. One thing Matt Zero didn't like is someone pointing out his own weaknesses. Looking further ahead, he sees one of the Goblins with a knife to Hali's throat, it's hand inside her shirt, feeling the inside of it. The spikes came closer and closer, but Matt Zero was only looking at Hali, getting enraged form the sight.

"I don't care how helpless I am." Matt Zero said seriously as he stood back up, staggering a little. "Hali... is my friend... I will protect... MY FRIENDS!!!" He sprinted forward into the spikes, but before they could touch him...


"Matt... Will you protect me?" A young, blue-haired girl asked lightly, looking up to the Dark Knight, though her expression is one that could kill someone.

"We're friends now, right?" Matt asked the girl. "Either way, I'll guard you." He said, running a ungloved hand through her hair. The girl closed her eyes and became relaxed. She suddenly hugged Matt Zero.


*Mystic Lake*

A vision of Matt Zero playing around with the Gemini Sisters and his Familiar friend, Lamia.


*Nightmare Battle - Sunshine City Beach*

Now it shows Matt Zero fighting in the Nightmare storm, alongside another Familiar friend, Salarume.


*Nightmare Battle - Moonlight City*

And now the previous battle, where Matt Zero was fighting alongside Syliria, even for a moment. Also when all of his Familiar Spirits merged into him...


*Matt Zero's Mind*

The vortex began to lessen slightly, glowing red eyes could be seen from inside it. "The friends I have... The friends I've made... I've sworn to protect them all... I know I'm weak and defenseless at times, but I know that with the power of friends, ... POSSIBLE!" stretching his arms, he strained against the vortex, coming close to breaking it's spin cycle...

Ray The Backlasher

[Moonlight Ruins]

Ray starts breathing normally, but his breath is foggy, as if he was cold. Ray slowly wraps his arms around Misato warmly.

[Ray's Internal Battle]

Ray gets off the frozen throne and approaches White Out, who steps back.

"I know... Nobody likes Nightmares either, huh? Even other Nightmares..." Ray said softly.

Guilmon and a Shotgun

Kishy: *rubs the back of his neck* Speach-impedimented Slut...jeez, why'd she have to attack some teen-

Centaurimon: yeah well, i offered them some of my crosswords, but i don't think they want to *throws his blade and it lodges in one of the digimon's heads* do them...*starts to pat his belt, trying to locate something* damn, wheres is it?

End of Part 5
Part 6 (Final)

The Big Bad Rav

*Team D-Jen Base*

Lake: MOVE OUT WE GOT BLOODY COMPANY! THE DEFENSES CAN'T HOLD BY THEMSELVES! Shields are at 42% and falling, the turrets are being thrashed.

Ravaja: Oh shit. I think we should postpone our trip Kal. Get into Instinct, Lake and I will hold them up, Regs come with me. Jenna!

Jenna: Yeah?

Ravaja: Come up with a sample that may aid us against these creatures, just hope it can.

Jenna: Alright, I'll try.

Ravaja: Alright, let's move!

Kalib: Instinct Online!

Avatar: *Charges up laser cannons and checks stats* Avatar Ready.


Ravaja: *Shoots radioactive shots at them, freezing some in the process* Don't let them get in the perimeter.

Lake: You know I won't let them right? *Screeches hard and loud that the aliens halt for a moment, before running again* Damn it! *Spews an acid trail on the ground for the creatures*

Kalib: Come on Instinct, show me what your made of. *Hand deploys a minigun, firing over 300 rounds per minute. Aliens began to fly away, some have crawled on Ravaja*

Ravaja: Ah, get them off! *Kalib turns to sniper mode*

Kalib: Steady....*Fires a headshot on a alien hound* Gotcha!

Ravaja: Where are they coming from. *Grabs a hound before it could latch onto him and freezes it* Putrid scum.

Rina: You haven't seen putrid yet boy.

Ravaja: What? *Gets swarmed by bees and wasps* AAAAAHHHH!!! GET THEM OFF GET THEM OFF!

Kalib: Holy....

Avatar: Burn to flames bitch! *Flamethrower burst at Rina, but she somersaults away from the flames and unleashes more insects upon the base* I'll burn them up!

Ravaja: Don't leave me out. *Surrounds his body with fire* AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Kalib: *Com link* Jenna babe, we have a mutant on the loose.

Jenna: What? Make her busy, I'm halfway done with my formula, just need some juice.

Kalib: Fruit juice at this time!? *Explosion sounds away*

Jenna: Vine juice Kal, you know it's powerful.

Kalib: Ok ok, hurry, this mutant has insects in her

Chaos Knight Matthew

*Battle at Team De-jen's Base*

Regari was doing her best to help defend the base. She was creating Ice Stalagmites and hurling them at the aliens at a rapid rate, though they just kept on coming. Each stalagmite peirced the aliens in the chest, and melted, supposedly leaving a large, gaping hole in it's wake.

She sees a swarm of insects begin to attack Ravaja and freezes her aura to sub-zero temperatures, or -23 degrees below zero, and flew towards Ravaja. "Get ready Rav! I'm going to freeze thoe bugs off of you!" SHe said, swapping at some of them as she made her way to him.


Matt was engaged in battle with Magnamon when he heard Centaurimon tell him something. Knocking Magnamon back a good ways, he uses his Shadow Clone Technique and makes a full copy of himself. They both begam their charge at Magnamon when Matt 02 saw something on the ground. Picking it up, he sees that it was a Sudoku puzzle. Seeing that he never could resist a good puzzle, he uses the pen that was with it to try and solve it.

"Hey! ... I guess I'm still on my-" Was all he said when Magnamon's distance attack hits him hard, sending him flying to the ground.


Paige, now going on her way, grimaced a little and fell to her knees. She didn't go too far away from Kishu when she did so.'Clutching onto her arm, she sees a little reddish/green blood coming from her hand. "Injured? Impossible..." She said, feeling a little ill with her skin pierced from a bullet wound.

"Ivy?! What happened?! I felt a lessening in your power..." The feminine voice from earlier called out from her shadow.

"Pain... Hurt... It hurts..." Paige said to her friend. She may have high speed, but her defenses weren't all too great. Any sharp attack causes her great pain if she got too careless in her agility abilities, but how she didn't notices this before confused her. Paige looked back to see what Kishu was doing, making sure he wasn't going to attack her like this.

*Sunlight City Alleyway*

The creature in the shadows pulled back his hand. The aliens invading the city now seemed to be linked to him in some way, but not quite. Brushing a little bit of his brown hair off from his own vermilion red eyes that the iris was silted in them. Spreading his insect-like wings on his back, he flies up to the top of the alley, his metallic-green skin shining a little in the sunlight, though his body was in human shape and he was wearing rags that he found in a dumpster a while back. He looks around at the invading forces, trying to see about finding the leader of the forces.

*Matt Zero's Internal Battle*

Now that Matt Zero was beginning to resist even more strongly, the vortex's wind became even sharper, cutting into his skin more and more he pushed against it.

"You may have your friends to protect... but what about the one you FAILED to protect!!!" The Nightmare growled at him, hoping to add more of an edge to his attack on him. Matt stopped for a moment, the worst memory that he has just surfaced...


His true memory of that day, he was still chasing after Hali, two of the goblins having her in their grasp. Matt Zero was almost caught up with them until the goblin turned around, a knife at her gut.

"Whoa whoa whoa... please don't do this now." Matt Zero said to him, now having unsheathed Nerodammerung from his sheathe and holding it to his side, raising a hand to the three. "You don't need to do this..."

"This... Ha! You killed my brethren long enough! Now time for me to revenge my kind..." The Goblin said, right as he started to push the blade into her gut. Matt sprinted forward to stop the goblin, but his partner had also sprinted to stop Matt Zero, but he had begun a spin that was part of his Spinner Blade technique and therefore, the attacking Goblin was cut in half and kicked into two directions. When he turned to the other one, the goblin threw Hali to the ground, holding the bloody dagger that had his friend's blood on it. Enraged, Matt Zero whispered his Blaze Dragon ability, moving at the speed of sound to reach his target, knocking him back a good distance. After 3 seconds, the murdering Goblin was nothing more than a pile of meat and blood. Rushing to Hali's side, he turned her back over to her back, seeing the gaping wound on her gut.

"Oh, no... Hali I... I was too late..." Matt Zero said, keeping her clothes away from the wound.

"Matt... I..." Hali said, but her injury was too great. Blood had started to come out of her mouth and she was breathing harder and harder.


"See? You failed in protecting the one that you loved. You let her die... You deserve to die... now perish in your misery!"

The vortex became so intense that it had almost became non-visible again, and the wind itself was digging into Matt Zero's skin even more so than before, drawing blood at an alarming rate. The feeling s that surfaced form that one memory had hurt him far more than any that the Nightmare had brought up. The vortex had nearly encased him completely.

Just then, a pinpoint beam of light shot out of it.

Inside it, someone was embracing him from behind, her arms around him as he still continued to fight against it.

"Matt... I do forgive you... I know you did your best to save me..." The soft, gentle voice said to him. She rested her head on his left shoulder and sighed. "Please... Continue to live... for me... and all of your friends that you strive to protect..." The girl said to him, her yellow hair seeming to wrap around him a little.

"Releni... no... Hali... Thank you." Matt Zero told her, a tear falling from an eye.

"I love you Matt..." She said as she kissed his cheek.

"I love you... Hali." He said to her, nuzzling up against her, despite the damage being done to him. The tear fell from his face and landed on her arm...

A few more beams shot out from the vortex, turning it into a spiraling laser tornado until the wind tunned explode in a brilliant light.


Was all that was heard from the Nightmare Down Burst as he disintergrated by the light the two were generating from their love for one another.

*Moonlight City*

A column of light encircled Matt Zero for just a moment. When it had disappeared, Releni was with him, holding him in a hug. He had conquered the demons that had been haunting him for a long time, and now he was able to live with the knowledge of the past to move on with the future. He blinked a few times and looked around in the rain, then to Releni. He places a hand on her arm, happy for the fact that Hali is and was always with him wherever he went.

Meanwhile, Syliria had been keeping Havoric busy.

"Like I said, Matt Zero seemed to want to deal with you himself, so I won't let you go anywhere." She said, still in her true form.

"Like hell I will." Havoric said as he slashed at her again, Syliria evading easily. "I won't let him seal me up again!!!"

*Marie and Lei*

Lei, now managing to get the full message, looks to Marie.

"Yeah, we do have a problem here. If they're in Sunshine City, then it's only a matter of time before they get here." He told her with a grim expression.

"Dammit... I thought we would have some peace for a while..." Marie said as she glanced at Ravicalumon on her back, seeing how she was.


Mirato, looking at Matt Zero's outcome, stands up from hr spot, the orb adjusting to the height change. She sees him touching that other girl that was with him as if he were in love with her. It got her thinking about her revenge. Seeing this seems to make him look like he didn't have anything to do with her Ray's death. She crossed her arms, still looking at the two.


"Everything will be ok Ray..." Misato said as she hugged Ray. She could feel his coldness form his skin and his breath, but she held onto him regardless of it. She was determined to be there for him as he was recovering from the Nightmare assault.

Ray the Backlasher

[Ray's Internal Battle]

"It must be really painful... huh? It hurts, it hurts so much, to be hated, loathed, unwanted..." Ray said softly, walking ever so slowly towards White Out, who moved back until she could no longer. "For you nightmares... to be born of hatred, sadness, fear... to be born of pain, carnage and ruin... you were our children, we could feel strong emotion."

"Be quiet. Speak no more..." White Out begged as Ray stopped mere inches from her.

"The feeling of desolate solitude.. to be unloved. We're the same sometimes." Ray explained, and slowly pulled White Out into a warm embrace. "But even I found love in the end... while you still thrive in the lone cold... I'll tell you what. You say my heart is cold, my soul is frigid and I will freeze in despair... But I'll give you my love. I have love to spare, the love of a friend is all you'll ever need to warm your heart. Don't you feel happy, Nightmare White Out?" He asked cheerily.

White Out closed her eyes, and frigid tears rolled down her beautiful face. She embraced Ray back, and the frigid world shattered.

[Moonlight City]

Ray opened his eyes, feeling happy and so full of warmth and love. "Hi... Misa-Chan." He told Misato, smiling weakly.

"" He said suddenly, in another voice. It was as if there was another Ray in him.

"Hm?" Roux tilted his head. "Mirato, that boy called your name."

End of part 6

Whew... that took a while to load up. lol I added about 2 pages worth so that it will be as caught up as it can be. I'll also try to revive any others that I'm in as well.

Also, if you do have the next posts that came after this one, post them or start anew. I will be starting anew since I don't have anymore after this.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
(Just a reminder GMSGs out, for a while.)
Renamon's Army
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: can I has join, pleez? I'm good for mindless carnage, and the occasional raep. Just ask Ray-Ray.


*puppydog eyes*
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
OOC: Yeah, I don'tmind you joining Cowboy. I've heard a little of the RPs that you and Ray had, to bad I never got to read them. -_-

It'll be tomorrow before I make my nextpost, so if anyone else wants to before me, go ahead.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

*cracks knuckles*

*lights a cigarette*


Okay. Here's my first Character. I'll see how it goes, before I add another.

Name: Brandon 'B' Hayley

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Anthro Southern Timber Wolf

Description: (My link is FUBAR, right now.) 6'4", 245 lbs. Grey fur, with shoulder length black hair, shot through with EXTREMELY premature grey. Wears Camo Pants, and a Dark Blue/Tan work shirt, and an Olive Green Wide Brimmed Hat. He wears black leather steel toe work boots, and a black leather belt, with a massive silver "Texas" Beltbuckle. Around his neck hangs a black collar, with a silver buckle, and a makeshift dogtag necklace, made from a tag off of an old car part. He has black eyes, with a small white splotch in the iris of his white eye, which sits behind a pair of prescription eyeglasses.

Member Length: 9 inches, 2.75 inches in diameter, with a 4.5 inch diameter knot.

Orientation: Decidedly straight.


a pair of Ruger P90 pistols, .45ACP Caliber,

And a survival knife, with a rudimentary survival kit and compass housed in the hilt.

Personality: Hot Tempered, reckless, and just a little stupid.

Special Abilities:

Mechanical Prowess: can completely disassemble a car in hours, and put it back together again.

Weapons knowledge: has wood for anything that can kill. If it exists, he knows about it.

Alcohol Diffusion: never been hungover. Due to his size, he can get completely wasted, and have no ill side effects.

Sierra Bravo Delta: the dreaded S.B.D. He finds it hilarious when he 'cropdusts' people.

Animal Bonding: whatever the animal, no matter how ferocious, he can walk up to it, and be petting it calmly in minutes. He just has a way with animals.

Other Info: If you looked up the word "Redneck" in the dictionary, you'd see him. Playful to a fault, and gets extremely reckless in attempts to get a girls' attention. Dresses to impress no one, swears like a sailor, and smokes like a Ford.

Yay! I'm in a big-time game!


"FFFUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!" Brandon screamed, as he landed on his ass, from an impossible height, "shit. That wasn't smart....."

He groaned, as he got back up, to survey his surroundings. He checked to make sure his pistols were in good order, along with his knife, glasses, and hat. He couldn't forget the "Hat of Consummate Badassness".

"One thing is definately for fucking sure..." he groaned, as he wiped his glasses off on his filthy shirt, "I am DEFINATELY not in Rosenberg anymore..."
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
*Ok, the revival shall begin... but I wonder where Cowboy's char landed at...?*

*Nightmare City: Epilogue*

Mirato was slowly walking towards Ray, a shocked yet relieved look to her eyes. "R...Rayler?" She gently called out, the aura still preventing any water from entering it. "It has to... It is you isn't it?" She said, trying to convince herself of the truth that he was indeed alive. Older, but alive.

Misato looked at Mirato, confused at first. Then she remembered the Ray-clone that was killed a while back and realizes that Mirato was talking about him. Not wanting to interfere or make her upset, she backs away a little, but keeps her guard up. It was amazing to Misato that Mirato looked like a blue haired version of her as a ten year old.

Matt Zero was still trying to recover, as he sat thereon the watery ground, Releni working her healing magic to restore him to normal. He watched Mirato as she approached Ray, not sure what she was going to do.

*Team Dejen's Base*

Regari, now also outside, saw the alien attack and immediately began using her ice magic to freeze them. "Blizzaga! Blizzaga Dance!!!" She shouts, sending a torrent of large stalagmites to the insects with a single dance move. "How long are these guys going to keep doing the same-" She materialized an ice spear and throws it at another alien, piercing it's neck. "-thing!"

*Mystic Forest*

A young girl was running from an unknown part of the forest. She seemed to be a bug at first, but she was a rather large one as she was running for her life, though no pursuers were behind her. She was heading towards the direction to the other base in the forest, but even she didn't know or care, as long as she got away from that horrible place she was at.

*Sunlight City*

Jadeite, now in a pickle of his own, continued to strike back against the invading forces of the aliens on the town, but being alone was taking it's toll on him. Eating a few Lemon Gels, he resumes his attack, but even he knows that this won't last much longer...


Matt01 was still fighting the good fight as Matt02's Sudoku puzzle was completly destroyed. "Damn it!!!!"I was close to finishing that!!!" Matt02 shouted as he charged in to join Matt01's attack on Magnamon.

"About time you came back." Matt01 said as they continue to send slashes at Magnamon.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Edit: ask, and ye shall receive.


Brandon wandered for what seemed like hours, until he came across a city.

"Nightmare City? Phhh. Houston's worse." He joked to himself, as he walked into the town.

As he walked, he suddenly became thankful of his pistols and marksmanship skills, as his false sense of bravery left him. He lowered his hat over his eyes, and kept down his straight path, as he covered his gunbelts with his shirttail. Let someone try something.

"Let someone try something. I'll light them up like a goddamn roman candle." He said, as he lit a cigarette up, taking a drag off of it as he walked.
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
*It's true name is Moonlight City, but since the Nightmare's attack in it, the site was called Nightmare City. It's back to it's normal name now. >.< I should have mentioned it before.*

*Manaris City*

Kinlier looked on as he lead his team to the main building of the city. It seemed like a truly magical city, like how Platina from Ar Tonelico was, but it was a Floating city, so the only way to get to it is by air. It's buildings looked majestic and regal compaired to those at Sunlight City. The approached the grand doors of the buildings. Kinlier looked back at his party. Layliria, Emerald, Laris, Rederin, Leo, Ryion and Kelly all were behind him. They seemed nervous of being in a place as this, but forthe restoration of their town, it was needed to come here. Turning around, Kinlier sighs and slowly opens the door to the main chamber of the Angelons.

*Moonlight City*

Lei and Demirenamon were doing a round of the city to make sure that the Aliens that were invading were gone at this point when they saw someone walking down the road, not far from the entrance.

"Who is that?" DemiRenamon asked his partner, who didn't recognize the new arrival.

"I don't know, but be on your guard..." Lei said as he watched the new arrival for a moment, seeing if he was going to do anything at first.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions