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Training Arena
((I'm still in the process of learning RPing so bear with me))

A lone arena stood amist a vast desert. The stones inside the combat area cracked with age, a few areas already begining to crumble. Entering from one of the openings is a 5'1 silver-haired kid wearing a blue jean jacket with purple flames etched in the bottom of the jacket, blue jean pants, a white shirt, black shoes and a backpack with a sword pommel sticking out of it. A purple star shaped device with a screen and six buttons around the screen with a star above it loosely dangles on the boy's chest. Behind him, a 4'9 blue fox that looks like a blue version of Renamon also walks out, looking around the arena.

DemiRenamon- Are you sure anyone's here? Looks deserted to me, Lei.

Lei - Well, we don't know till we look, correct? ::Continues to look around::

They continued on towards the center of the arena, not knowing what awaits them here....

((Open Battle, if that's active here... This fight, Lei and Demirenamon usually work as a team, so anyone interested for a training fight? I'll post the two's template if someone accepts. It can also be a one on one Digimon fight if you want.))

((I'm sure that these were mentioned before but...

No God-Modding
No Powerplay

Also, if you were wondering, Lei is one of eight of my new Digidestined in my series, Lost Digidestined))
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
*in walks sean and ghostiemon*

sean:why did we come here

ghostiemon:you led us here

sean:did i

ghostiemon:hey who's that over there

(please tell me if this is wrong)
Renamon's Army
Gabumon Loverz
oh, if we can have profiles, then im switchin' characters :P
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
((Everyone has their own methods, which yours is good. Here's the templates

Name: Lei Ilumil

Gender: Male

Class: Digidestined/Cross Knight/Dragnis

Crest and Design: Time: Twelve arrows outside of two circles with a star in the center, being that Time itself has a course it runs on, and the actions you do may help or hinder you, wheither it be past, present, or future.

Digieggs: Time

Weapons: Twin Sword (Sword splits in two)

Armor: Jean Jacket w/ Jean Pants

Relic: Infinate Backpack

Digivice Color: Purple

Digivice Shape: Star (More info)

Attacks- Slash

Razor Burn- Peirce Defences
X-Slash- 2x hit

Haste- Speeds up target.
Cura- Recovers Health by 30%.
FiraBall- Throws a sphere of fire at enemy.

Special Technique
Spin Slash- A spin attack.
Razor Storm- Combination of 'Razor Burn' and 'Spin Slash'.

Team Tech- Flare Cannon: Lei and StarRenamon's Team attack. A large fire wave.

Companions: DemiRenamon

Music theme: FinalFantasy 9: You're Not Alone!


Name: DemiReanmon (Used wrong template before... sorry)
Partner: Lei Illumil (Digidestined of Time/Swordman/MagiUser (Magic User))
Gender: Male
Height: 4'9
Type: Data
Level: Rookie

Like a normal Renamon, but black fur on the areas that were white, purple and black yin yangs, blue fur instead of yellow and has orange armguards (I suppose that's what they are, never knew the real name for it).

Digivolve -
In Training - ChibiRenamon

Digivolve +
Champion - StarRenamon
Digiegg of Time - Magimon
Ultimate - Dark Evolution - DarkKnightMon
Ultimate - Light Evolution - WindKnightMon
Mega: - ????(Hasn't got that far yet)

Tech 1 - Diamond Pin: Needle shapped energy, thinner and sharper than Renamon's Diamond Storm.
Tech 2 - Star Sword: Creates an energy sword. It's sharpness is about the same as any regular sword, but let's him use sword-style attacks.
Tech 3 - Renapeare: Teloportation ablility
Tech 4 - Flarewave: Releases Fire energy from the right hand. Strongest Attack.

Special Ability: Magimaker- Can use his partner's magic/tech abilities if he has any at the cost of the original's power. Used as a last resort.

Special Tech- Digital Restoration - Can revive any Digimon, regardless of attribute, but it forces him to take a nap for a little while, since it drains some of his own life force to use.

I'll wait for yours... ))
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Name: Vook Kyrian

Gender: Female

Appearance: Note: this is just what Vook LOOKS like. she is NOT wearing a bikini!!! she's in armor, like described below.

Class: Dragoon

Crest and Design: (none)

Digieggs: (none)

Weapons: Claymore (long 2hand sword)

Armor: Plate Mail (silver mail, body piece and leg pieces, and arm pieces. no helmet)

Relic: uh...i dont know...

Digivice Color: (none)

Digivice Shape: (none)

Attacks- Slash?

Bowling Bash - Knocks the target back 30 feet, and causes damage to anyone they knock into.
Omnislash - Goes into a frenzy of slashes, hitting anywhere from 1 to 6 times.

Growth - Increases attack +50
Cure - heals a small amount of HP

Special Technique
Sword Cutter - Throws the sword, making it spin like a propeller, and slice through enemies.

Team Tech- (none)

Companions: (none)

Music theme: "Vook" composed by "BanYa" (you can listen here: CLICK inside the flash file to play the music)

is this OK?
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
The two look at the new arrivals... one Dragon and a two-man group.

Lei- See what did I tell you. ::Takes out Twin Sword:: Didn't expect to see a dragon though...

DemiRenamon - Ok, Ok, you were right. Star Sword! ::An energy sword appears in his left hand.::

Lei - We're here to seek training. Would any of you care to assist us? ::Looks at the three::

((Hmm, looks ok... just didn't expect someone to use the same layout as me was all. Nice pic though.))
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Name: sean random
Gender: Male

Class: Digidestine

Crest and Design: randomness:circle with a sword through and a snake coiling round the circle

Weapons: sword

Armor: shoulder and arm

Digivice Color: red and black

Digivice Shape: slightly rounded

Attacks- Slash

none unstylised random fighter

double speed:
moves twice as quickly for 12 seconds

Special Technique
blind rage:seething attck that lasts for 30 seconds

Team Tech- biomerge.

Companions: ghostiemon

Music theme: linkin park a place for my head


Name: ghostiemon
Partner: sean random swordsman small magic user
Gender: Male
Height: 1'0
Type: Data
Level: in-training

small slightly transparent circular no markings

Digivolve -
baby - demi ghostiemon

Digivolve +
rookie - apprenticemon
champion - sorcermon
Ultimate - Light Evolution - paladinmon
Ultimate - dark Evolution - necromancermon
Mega: - omnimon biomerge

Tech 1 - ghost headbutt-phases through body and hits heart effectiive up to champions
Tech 2 - ectoplasmic shield:halves damage stops rookie attacks and dow
Tech 3 - phasing

Special Tech- future slight-phases one second into the future to avoid attacks halves health can only be used once per battle
Renamon's Army
Gabumon Loverz
Lei - All three? This is getting interesting.

DemiRenamon - THAT little thing is a fighter? :: Points at ghostiemon with his energy sword::

Lei looks at sean and ghostiemon.

Lei - It may be small, but watch out. Don't get too carried away.

((Ghostiemon has a Chaos Digivolve too? -Able to use their light and darkness forms-))
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"yeah...i've heard that thing can be dangerous." Vook said, unsheathing her sword, and holding it out in front of her with both hands. "so i'm staying on my guard..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
sean:they insulted you ghostiemon

ghostiemon:hey thats not nice

eat my ectoplasm chibi

Renamon's Army
Gabumon Loverz