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Evading the post-flood rule. No-one post here but me, or senjuro. This is a continuation from where we left off in the Crackdown RP.

Dominic murred softly as his lips met hers, choking back a longing whine as she pulled away. He smiled and squeezed her paws gently as she spoke, remarking about her professionalism. Dominic could only smile even more, leaning into her again. "I won't tell if you won't..." he said, smirking playfully.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
She hugged him close, stroking his chest softly. "It's not about telling or not telling. Up until this morning, you were technically the enemy." Dinah looked him up and down. "It might come as a surprise to you, but I'm cybered just like everyone else here. I mightn't be as fast as Zebulun or strong as Levi or as smart as my father but I know how to fight." She grabbed Dominic's package through his pants, squeezing firmly. "And I know just where to strike." She let go and patted his crotch gently. "You keep that in mind in case you get any ideas of betraying us...or me." She stroked his face and kissed him again.
Dominic yelped softly as she groped him, and murrs as she kissed him again. "mmm... fear not. My reasons for maintaining my loyalty are obvious... and appealing." he said, pressing into her. "Seriously though, the only people I consider enemies are those who make themselves my enemy. I'm just as happy NOT causing trouble..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Then we should all get along just fine." Dinah pulled his face close to hers and she kissed him deeply, her eyes closing blissfully, content that she had outmaneuvered the wily coyote for now. She pressed herself against him, her paws tracing intricate designs along his back.

OOC: I couldn't resist the wily coyote bit.
Dominic mrrfed softly and kissed her back, his soft canine tongue brushing her lips as her paws wandered along his back. His, in turn, wrapped around her waist gently, pulling her in close as the front of the pants she'd loaned him started to bulge conspicuously.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Dinah chuckled throatily, her paw gently rubbing his swelling sheath through his pants. "Perhaps a more intimate setting than an infirmary would be more suitable..." She pulled back and put her hair back up, slipping her glasses back on. "A bio-bed is hardly my choice for a mid-afternoon tryst. Follow me." She strode out the door, pulling Dominic after her down the empty hallway. She entered her keycode into a security lock and the door to her quarters slid open with a gentle hiss. She gave his rump a gentle swat, herding him inside.

The room was surprisingly feminine, for all its technology. Compensating for the lack of windows, a gentle light emanated from a holographic one, bathing the room in an accurately simulated sunlight that was very rare to see these dark days. A queen size bed sat against the opposite wall, its mahogany frame and burgundy quilting oddly matching its mechanical and futuristic location.

Dinah smiled and took her hair down again. "These are my quarters." She turned to Dominic and took his paw. "Since I'm not working, I don't have to go by my callsign anymore. I never thought Dinah suited the real me, anyway." She shook his paw softly. "Jessie."
Dominic chuckled softly at her remark and follwed her down the hall, meeping as she swatted him, moving him into the room. He looked around, reaching out to the window. "What the..." he blinked and blushed slightly as the window fuzzed and distorted as his paw passed through the simulated glass. "Oh. I see... holographic..." he muttered, turning to look at her. He smiled and padded towards her, hugging her gently. "Jessie huh? That's a cute name. Much better suited to you than that other name... your callsign, you said?" Dominic kissed her nose lightly, still smiling. "I like the glasses; they look cute on you..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
She laughed and blushed softly. "They're just for show. No one needs glasses for vision correction in the days when you can fix everything with microscopic machines." Jessie smiled and kissed him back. "Yeah, my callsign is Dinah. I'll tell you more about it later if you want." She hugged him around the neck. "But we both know why we're in here. It's not to talk about glasses or callsigns." Jessie stroked his back softly.
Dominic smiled slightly at her forwardness, wrapping his arms around her waist again. "Mmm that's true..." he said, kissing her softly, mrring as he pressed into her again. Considering it was the only thing he was wearing, his pants were bulging considerably, and that bulge was currently pressed into her groin, shifting slightly as his grip around her waist tightened, pulling her in closer.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Jessie pulled back, her eyebrows arched. "Eager, are we?" She gently started undoing the coyote's pants, smiling slyly at him.