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Stupid Rice
Look at what I'm ranting at, I'm so pissed off I blame the rice!

What's the fucking problem with my mom? Does she really think she's allmighy and perfect or what?

Today after waking up I managed to keep everything as she wants to see it at home, after that, I took a shower and left the bathroom as clean as it could be. I went to the PC afterwards, it's morning and everybody's asleep except me and my sister, we have the afternoon shift for school.
I decided that after many times of getting yelled at by it, I would cook without her having to tell me by phone because she wouldn't be here in time (Yes, she wants me to guess she won't come and have everything ready), so I decided to grab some supremas (Chicken milanesas) and cook them along with a good bowl of rice. I was going to wait for cooking the supremas, so I put the water to boil.
The time she came home, I greeted her and everything as it normally goes; once she went around at home, she didn't say a fucking thing about how I had left the house, I didn't say a thing. Just as she was going to her room, I told her I was cooking rice and would cook the leftover supremas. She nodded and told me it was good, then sent me to buy bread and two dietetic citrus drinks for her.

After getting back, I remembered that four days ago, I had cooked some meat along with rice too, and that the rice container was almost empty, I had organized the cupboard because it was a total mess, and thanks to it, I had blocked my view of the two rice boxes that were left. So I didn't refill the container because someone (my sis) had left the whole cupboard a mess. Then after she stopped yelling at someone by phone, I told her that there wasn't rice from last time I had cooked, she told me, "So what?" in a rather irritating tone.

I am tired of her talking to me in that bitchy tone when I clearly try to be as most respectful as I can, in fact, I never said anything bad to her, not a loud mouth, nothing. While she has bad mouthed me more times than I can remember.

So I just yelled at her, "Why do you talk to me like that?" and went over the boiling water. She yelled back, and I don't care to remember what she said. Afterwards, she said she'd buy some tomatoes and that it wasn't a problem; I insisted on her being more respectful to me, she didn't listen and just told me that she didn't care about the rice.
I got pissed off and threw all the boiling water away so even if she wanted to boil something else, she'd have to do it herself.

She then asked me, just as I had threw the ready water away, if I had searched.

Why should I have searched if four days ago the container wouldn't even fill a quarter of a single plate and I hadn't seen any more boxes?

She opened the cupboard and started rummaging through everywhere, pointed at two boxes and called me a lazyass for not looking for them.

I am fucking trying to be nice and cook to ease her work, what am I, supposed to be perfect and not make a fucking mistake to fail at sighting two stupid boxes I hadn't seen four days ago? WHY THE FUCKING HELL CAN'T SHE BE NICE TO ME FOR A CHANGE?!

There, rant done. Now I'm not sure wether I'm the idiot for not organizing well enough or I'm the fool for not shutting her up with a fist in the mouth.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Well you shouldn't punch your mom, but your experience sounds remarkably similar to several exchanges I have with mine. Is she, perchance, menopausal? Menopausal women act like irrational lunatics, partially because their hormones are going crazy, and partially because they think their crazy hormones give them license to act how they want.
Not that I know of, she was on her period yesterday.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
I wish she did, but it sounds as if something else is triggering those emotions and she is just baring her pain of what she is feeling onto you. I know its messed up when you do everything and the one small thing you seem to miss or neglect is pointed out. DMX, I know that experience all to well. Just if it seems to be a problem, maybe she can open up to you instead of yelling. I hope a resolution, and a bit of happiness, without yelling ends this soon for you.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Thanks Lonely, hope she hears you even though you're miles away from here.

Another thing, I kind of excuse myself for the unnessesary vocabulary that I used over there. I'm actually a passive person and I don't talk like that to anybody, I was just... edged, angry, bothered that everything ended in victory for her and I ended looking like an idiot. I didn't mean saying I was gonna punch her, don't worry sen, I've never attempted anything against my parents and I won't start here.

My anger is stationary, it stays for the moment I am pissed off, I tend to release it all at the time, if not I get worse later, but it eventually goes. And even in a couple hours or so, the rage disappears. I really get well in little time after even the strongest moment. I'm not calling myself abnormal for that, but discussion/debates/arguements just don't rock my boat, and I try to avoid them as much as I can.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
You should've known about those boxes of rice.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
I should, or maybe I shouldn't have tried to organize what my sister had wrecked up in the first place. There are so many things I could have done to remediate this. Should I go back in time?
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Quote:I should, or maybe I shouldn't have tried to organize what my sister had wrecked up in the first place. There are so many things I could have done to remediate this. Should I go back in time?
That won't be necessary. If I were you, I just wouldn't ask your mom any questions. Do everything you can to solve a problem (like lack of rice) for yourself, and if you can't solve it, live with it unsolved.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Are you sure I should do that? I mean, I'm looking up to you and your own experience since you are advising me; you wouldn't like to disappoint a fan, would you?
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Reminds me of how my mom acts on occasion towards me, she was probably just stressed out about something else and took it out on you. If it wasn't the rice it probably would have been something else, hopefully when she calms down you two can make amends (if not already) instead of her resorting to yelling at you for little mistakes that don't really matter.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions