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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Ky skateboards around the town for a while, enjoying the cool night air. He just barely hears Cronos' call. As he moves, he begins thinking about what had happened to Blue with Shadow.

He doesn't know it, but he's going faster as he thinks this....

"From childhood... that Shadow...."

...and faster....

"...killed his friends... and his parents...."

...and faster....

"....It's a big deal... because..."

...passing 30 miles an hour....

"...I know what it's like...."

... 35... 40... 45....

"...I know... what it's like...."


He rides across a street, too deep in thought to notice the cars-- or the curb on the other side. His skateboard hits it hard and the wheels fly off. He flies into the air, eyes closed, barely realizing it. He flies farther and farther away from the curb-- landing thirty feet away and sliding across the pavement, his damaged board splitting in two as it crashes on the ground in front of him. People and creatures stop and stare, and he hears their voices....

"Oh, man! That had to hurt!"

"Duh, rocks-for-brains! Look at all that blood!"

"He's twisted up pretty badly... someone have a cell phone? Call an ambulance!"

"Whoa... What's up with his eyes?!"

Ky doesn't realize it, but his blue eyes begin to glow again as he opens them, anger and sadness flowing through every vein in his body. His pupils glow as bright silver points in the center of the two blue circles.

"I know what it's like... to be alone...."

Without a word, he stands up. There's blood on the ground and everywhere else, and his skateboard is severely damaged, but there's not a scratch on his body or his clothes. The crowd stares in mixed fear, awe, and confusion as he picks up his skateboard and walks silently back to the hotel, his mysterious eyes glowing just the same.

OOC: felt in the mood to write a story kinda thing. lol Sorry if it's too long <(^_^")>
Mullen caught Khoi as he slumped onto him. "I say! Steady on, now! Come on, we'll go to the hotel, book ourselves into that room, hmm?"

Then he remembered the wolves and that vamperic elf. They'd got the keys to the rooms.

"We'll find the other chaps, they have the key."

Mullen hefted Khoi's weight, settling his arm about his neck and placing his own arm around Khoi's back and under his arm. He sagged.

Mages are not made for weights! Mullen thought, and they made their slow way out of the door.

"Where the devil is the hotel!"
ooc: ok so where are we then if we arent in the hotel o.O i thought we were in the hotel restuarnt or somehting *shrugs*

"hehe im alittle woozy, sorry for this trouble im causing you" *trys to move on my own but falls to my needs* "...guess my legs are frozen, urp" * i pushed myself off the ground and fell back again*
Ky walks past them, his eyes still glowing.
::lands in front of Ky, his black angles wings shilding them form view.:: "why so fast? ::notices eyes:: "ok, how'd that happen?"
Veemon's Followers
"...What're you talking about...?"
" the crash and the eyes. which, by the way are glowing blue and silver. wait. when did i get black angel's wings?
Veemon's Followers
"Glowing blue and silver.... yeah right... as if my eyes would--"

He notices his reflection in the glass window. All of a sudden, he realizes that his skateboard is damaged, and that he had just crashed hard in the middle of a crowded sidewalk.

"What's going on?! Please tell me you're doing this, Cronos!"
"can't say i'm not. say do you know when i got black angle's wings." ::Looks over at window::"and storm blue eyes."
Veemon's Followers
Ky's eyes suddenly return to normal.

"Weird... maybe I do have some strange power after all.... Either that or I'm going nuts...."