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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Shadow froze, and put his arm down. "why? he's only going to come back with more. you see, they are the one's who attack us."
Flamey only begins to cry. "I don't want anyone to die!"
"Okay..." Shadow said. He then picked the hunter up- and looks him in the eye. "Did you hear that? he doesnt want you to die. why do you think is that?"

The hunter is silent for a bit. "I don't care." he said.

"Then you'd better hope he still thinks the same..." Shadow raised his arm again. "What say you?" he asked Flamey.
Flamey looks from the hunter to Shadow and back again. This hunter didn't even care, as if losing his life was a small price to pay for being able to shoot at Flamey. But he didn't want to be responsible for losing someone's life! The pressure seems to intensify in his brain, sparks come from his hand, until finally he just runs to his brother's arms, crying.
The Hunter is shocked.

"Leave." Shadow said menacingly- his eyes were glowing red. "leave, and never return. if you do- I WILL kill you." he said.

the hunter got up- looked at flamey "sorry-" he whispered- and ran off.

Chaos hugged his little brother. "it's okay- it's okay..." he said, trying to comfort him.

"here..." Shadow said, putting his hand on Chaos's shoulder. "let me... try..."

Chaos nodded.

Shadow gently wraps an arm around flamey- and turns him towards him. he wipes a tear away, kneeling down, he hugs flamie. "You did a good thing flamey... you saved a life... I won't kill anyone- if that's what it takes for you to trust me... no matter what- I will not fight."
After a while, Flamey stops and looks at Shadow. "R-really? L-Like a Digimon? V-vaccine Digimon fight... o-only in play or t-training or defense from e-enemies...."
"Yes. exactly like that. if that is what you want. no killing. I promise." Shadow promised.
Flamey stares at him for a second... and then slowly hugs him.
"Thank you, Flamey." Shadow whispered softly in Flamey's ear. and then he got up, and was engulfedin darkness on his way to the forest.

"Are you... okay?" Chaos said, putting a hand on Flamey's shoulder.
"I-I... think so...."