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I freaking need to win the lotto to get all the stuff I want to write done. So many plot lines to work on, so little time. And with the way work is going, my pace of advancing my stories might slow even more (if that was posisble).

Wisemon, in defense of Red Digivice Diaries Cassanova plotline, if you were going straight into the series reading only those two parts-- Daisuke would certainly seem to be out of character from what he was in the Japanese Digimon Adventures 02 series. However, that would be ignoring the pervious chapters that built up to Daisuke getting into that situation. RDD is certainly not made to be able to be read in standalone fasion, but as part of one continuous story with one chapter building into the next. And sorry you don't believe Miyako could be that open minded to at least try anything sexual at least once, she seems more likely to act like that than, say, Hikari-- yet I know conservative and reserved people like her who would see the Daisuke/Miyako as tame. Variety is the spice of life, and repeating insert pole P into slot V gets old if you don't do something different each time.

I make no excuses in how I push characterization. Toei will never put these characters in the situations this site would have them be in. So saying 'Hakari would never enjoy being tied up and whipped' would neither be true nor false as she won't be put into that situation in canon.
Quote:Wisemon, in defense of Red Digivice Diaries Cassanova plotline, if you were going straight into the series reading only those two parts-- Daisuke would certainly seem to be out of character from what he was in the Japanese Digimon Adventures 02 series. However, that would be ignoring the pervious chapters that built up to Daisuke getting into that situation. RDD is certainly not made to be able to be read in standalone fasion, but as part of one continuous story with one chapter building into the next. And sorry you don't believe Miyako could be that open minded to at least try anything sexual at least once, she seems more likely to act like that than, say, Hikari-- yet I know conservative and reserved people like her who would see the Daisuke/Miyako as tame.
Actually, I've read a lot of your lemons that led up to the Cassanova plotline, and I agree that you've set Daisuke up to be this character. I guess you can say that you've taken him a long way from his original character, which is still unsettling to Daisuke fans. Out of character is relative; I suppose. I'm doing the same thing to Henry in my series, making him active rather than passive, so I certainly won't judge you harshly for what you've done to Daisuke, or Miyako, for that matter. You do have the traceability, but do your ends justify your means? Speaking of which, are you even planning on ending the series? You haven't really set yourself up for anything encompassing, as far as I can tell.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
There are functionally two endings I have planned for the series. One being set a few dozen chapters from now, the other being one that can be placed at any time before then in case I decide to wrap things up before then.

Sorry if having Daisuke 'growing up wrong' rubbed you wrong. However, having the results of his wanton actions thrown harshly into his face will in some ways mature in, yet make him take a step back take a new look at his life. It's the sort of thing that life can do to anyone, where a few minutes of 'stupidity' can lead to a life time of regret. And it was something I wanted to address in RDD from the beginning: that romances aren't just flowers, poems, and hot ruanchy sex, not to mention that they rarely end happily ever after. 'Real life' isn't easy, and I had no intention of pulling my punches in this story. Cassanova was plotted out before I even got around to writing about Hikari becoming pregnant. And I'll warn you right now: more pregnancies will happen, sexual diseases will be discovered amongst the Chosen, someone will have a miscarriage, and at least one couple will permenantly break up.

RDD was always meant to address real world problems, which may in fact be the root of the 'OOCness' of the series. Even taking away the dumb jokes the dub added in and lightened tone, Digimon had an unreality to it, that little kids can fight and kill for a better tomorrow without developing mental problems. That and I use Japanese canon and characterization, not the dub's warped version of it, so some discrepancies occur there as well.
I like your London group, but have you ever visited England? A few cultural references, like you have with the Odiba chosen, wouldn't have been bad. When I read the London group, I didn't recognise England. It seemed just interchangable with France or Germany. In fact, whilst I read it, the images that came to my mind were of a Japanese district. I really, however, like your use of statistics. There is an absence of safe sex education in school, but I have never heard "You can't get pregant on a boat". Most teenagers want to express love for each other and see no barriers, like the possiblity of STDs, as far as I'm aware. I'm really enjoying the series, thanks a lot.
I kind of like how archive is doing his story. I don't know some of the origionial characterizations of some of the characters but they can't be too far off from how they are. Davis isn't that dumb but he probally doesn't think too much sometimes. And miyako might be like that or she could be like wise's version. Although wise's fics are more like he is, archive's could be more like a serious teen drama. (meaning dealing with teenagers but not as dumb as a normal one on tv.)
I like archive's work and would like to see how it finishes.
Quote:I like archive's work and would like to see how it finishes.
There are about a thousand other aspiring fan fic writers who have said the same thing over the past few years.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
this is off topic, but what happened to the critic series and i agree with herr mullen more feedback would be a good idea. that is why i stopped writing
You stopped writing because you weren't getting enough feedback? The main reason people should write is for themselves, not to gain fame and/or appreciation.
DV85 Wrote:The main reason people should write is for themselves, not to gain fame and/or appreciation.

People can write for what ever reason they like. Weather a person approves of a reason is an unrelated matter.
Although I will admit I did want fame, I also wanted people to tell me what i did wrong and how to make my stories better because the very few people who did say something never told me anything about how I could improve my stories. Also the main reason I wanted more feed back was because i wasn't sure how many people actually read the stories and i thought my work must suck or no one read them. So now I only write for school or I just don't publish stories.