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What do you hate to see in a lemon?
All of us, the more the less, are turned on by lemons. But we sometimes get to see stuff that has the opposite effect.
Which are those for you?( I mean specific stuff, not things like 'I hate yaoi' or 'I hate yuri'.
In my case it would be:
-The 'statue with a big cock' type of lemons: Ie, the het where the girl does everything and the guy is Mr Attitude who just lays back and enjoys. This is typically written by guys, and it's hard to be enjoyed by a girl.
-The kind of yaoi that says: 'Oh, I went out with 300 girls and now I discovered I'm gay!'
-The kind I like worst!!! the'War Postscript Yaoi'!!!!This is the kind of 'lemon' where all you get to see is a kiss btw the MCs, btw a 45 pages plot of violence, killing, treasons, blah, blah, and very specially, lots and lots of sadness. To make matters worse, the writer doesn't say 'Look, I'm here to bore you', but s/he thinks, very convinced, that s/he's a great social critic, or that his/her stories are so deep that make him(her superior to the ones that write PWPs or fun stuff. I'm glad this is not so common in the Digimon fandom, unlike in the Saint Seiya's, where it's a real plague; but I did see a couple of those bores around.
-And sth personal: the Beelzemon/Jeri couple. Ugh. I'm not the kind that likes the elephant/ant kind of relationship. And he's MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things I hate in lemons:

- Illogical pairings: Ooh, I hate these. The worst is when the lemon is based on superhero cartoon (like JLA), because it's usually the case that the author's a shipper who's seen very few episodes of the cartoon, and has never even read the original comics, and is just matching up two characters because they think it's cute. The result of this is that you get dumb pairings like Supergirl/Green Arrow, or Batman/Batgirl (I don't even know where to begin explaining how horribly wrong that pairing is.)

- Daddy/Daughter Lemons: It's not so much the incest or the pedophilia that gets to me, but rather the fact that these kind of stories are all written in one of two ways. It's either the father raping the daughter, or the daughter seducing the father. Either way, these stories tend to be crap.
There's not many juri/beelzemon fics out there and I heard once that that batman/batgirl thing may have been inplied somewhere.
But I don't like a massive amount of yaoi fics in one anime. So two guys are close but can someone write a story where they like a girl please.
Fics about shows that shouldn't have lemons made of them. I saw a lot of these before deleted all their lemons.
Really bad lemons like those at this one site that posted the worst lemons ever.(I lost the address)
I think that's all.
Unknown, I think you meant

And Batman/Batgirl (at least in the comics I've read, and speaking of Ms. Gordon)? I've always seen him as a father figure to her, not in some sort of romantic way. Aside from that Batman/Batgirl wouldn't be TOO wrong on a technical level (ignoring what I just said about father figure and no romance as far as I am aware of)... it's not incest, they sorta like each other, they know each other well...

My personal bicker-factors include... lemme think...
1) The generic Mr. 12-inch-cock with the stamina of a horse. Especially annoying in Digimon couples where one of the boys is like that. Which kinda leads me to...
2) The virgin with a natural talent in sex. Girls instantly give great blowjobs, a guy instantly knows exactly how to please the girl (with the help of his 12 inch cock), and so on.
3) Lemons where I can feel in the very first line that the author is systematically building a shortcut to the lemon scene. Lines like "It was a sunny day when [guy] visited [girl], who was alone at home." really make me cringe and pray for the best.
4) Overdone plots and couples. Tricky one, but at least try to avoid ONE of those two. If you got a default couple (Takato/Jeri, Takari, Daikari, VeeGato, PataGato, whatEVER), at least try to get a halfway original plot. Or at least an excuse for a plot. Or make both of them female (*silly grin*).

There's more but this is all I can think off right now... I might get back here later :P
Chibi Renamon Wrote:And Batman/Batgirl (at least in the comics I've read, and speaking of Ms. Gordon)? I've always seen him as a father figure to her, not in some sort of romantic way. Aside from that Batman/Batgirl wouldn't be TOO wrong on a technical level (ignoring what I just said about father figure and no romance as far as I am aware of)... it's not incest, they sorta like each other, they know each other well...

BM/BG shippers keep pointing to an episode of "Batman Beyond" in which an older Barbara Gordon alludes to a relationship with Bruce Wayne. Never mind the fact that "Beyond" was different from the other DC cartoons.
Not sure I can identify with the need to read all these comics, thought about reading Batman: Return of the Dark Knight, though.

American comics are all fanfiction on a writing level anyway, its all AU (alt universe, such as Punisher kills the entire Marvel Universe, ect) looks like its meant to just shock the reader. Not that I don't like that, buts no different from anime comic stuff, neither.

As far as likes dislikes for pairings i'd have to say I don't care for underage stuff mostly.

For digimon its usually digi/digi pairings, unless the writer can amuse me with a clever story first, its just not my bag.
Reading Gnostic, I remembered one more: the Rookie/Mega pairings. Like Beelzemon with Renamon. C'mon, when the Mega has just started to warm up, the Rookie is exhausted. If the Mega could be satisfied, the Rookie might need several months in the hospital.
Christopher Wrote:Not sure I can identify with the need to read all these comics, thought about reading Batman: Return of the Dark Knight, though.

American comics are all fanfiction on a writing level anyway, its all AU (alt universe, such as Punisher kills the entire Marvel Universe, ect) looks like its meant to just shock the reader. Not that I don't like that, buts no different from anime comic stuff, neither.

Spoken like someone who's never read a comic book in their life.
Nope wrong site chibi and Gnostic yeah that's what I heard before
Quote:Spoken like someone who's never read a comic book in their life.
I don't read too many comics, but I know that Marvel does have quite a bit of this, like, The Age of Apocalypse, or Spider-Man Unlimited. Still, they shouldn't be knocked like that.

What do I hate in lemons? Too many things to list. If I'm just looking to get off, I'll let stuff go, and I really won't care, as long as I like the couple and the sex scene, but if I'm looking for good writing and a good series...Let me put it this way, by my standards for legitimate and enjoyable stories, less than 5% of the writers on this site, or any other fan fiction site, meet my criteria.

Here are my general guidelines:
Proper grammar
A well paced and well conceived plot
Developed characters
No authors putting themselves in the story directly to fuck other characters (putting themselves in as the writer or a god is okay)
No scat, incest, bestiality, blood sucking, or whatever else you sick fucks can come up with.
No boring filler and name dropping just for cultural purposes (Lord Archive's weakness)
No coupling Zoe/Izumi with anyone but J.P./Junpei.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against