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Damn illnesses taking my money.
*sneeze* Eww, I got a stupid cold and had to call in sick at work. Not only do I lose my hours of pay cause I'm not there but the manager that was supposed to have off has to work for me. I don't think he minds much but I feel bad anyway. I think everyone would agree that I shouldn't be around food with a cold though.
yeah that's true and it does suck having a cold don't it
Yeah and it's still kicking me.

I could hardly think at school.
oh well could you normally? heh heh
Sometimes lol
That sucks, but it happens... At least it's just a cold. Doesn't usually take long to pass, fortunately. Well, get better soon. :P
Thanks, but it's been a week and whatever it is, is still kicking my ass.
heh heh oh well they're like that
You're lucky. When I told my boss I was starting to feel sick, he implicitly threatened to fire me.
You should have went to work and made everyone sick. That's what I would have done (I hate people so whenever I get a chance to do something like that to them, I take the oppurtunity and do it). Well, I was going to say something else, but I lost it, so end it here.

*Annoying thing from answering machines* END OF MESSAGE!!!