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What the Hell? (New series) (R&R)
Alright, this is my first fic to be posted anywhere, so give me a clap! *claps self* (I'm so lame :? )
Anyway, this is the forerunner to what I envision as a long(long(long)) series of fictional pai...delight!
So, read on. (No lemon content.) Oh, and it's quite long. And I like to be very detailed. At least I think so, judge for yourself.
What The Hell?

By Erendor

Can't see how I thought that last one was long - when I look at this one...
Oh, and I've had to use a third party program for spelling and grammar, since Office isn't installed since the reformat and I can't find it, so any mistakes you find are probably the fault of it. (This third party program seems REALLY old :? )
My style of writing is a bit mixed, and I wrote this in parts bridging various moods, so it might seem odd, but bear with it!


A Strange Disturbance
By Erendor

Just some of the usual warnings: NC-17, if you ain't over 17, 18, or whatever age is required to view this kind of material, please turn back. I'm not really that concerned, if you found this you were probably looking, but the authorities might not like it.
I don't own Digimon, it belongs to Toei or something (I don't really know O.o). Any non-Digimon Adventure or 02 characters are purely fictional, and any resemblance they may bear to persons living or dead is a coincidence. Oh, the Digimon characters are probably fictional too, just not mine.
I don't think any more warnings are required, so enjoy!

Chapter 2 of ? : A Strange Disturbance.



Oikawa woke to the alarm, his worldwide consciousness detecting... something... Something new, something dangerous. Something out of place. Utilizing his vast perception, he tried to pin a location to this...anomaly. No such luck. The closest he could get to it wasn't close enough for a look, his extensive intellect was being repelled all around the area. This was trouble. Something of this nature couldn't be any good, that was sure. He had sworn to protect the Digital World, and here he was, powerless to help it. He needed more information on this, and then perhaps he could act, but his limited senses couldn't investigate this, he needed someone else, someone more... physical. Oikawa sent out a summon, the problem would soon cease. He would not let anything harm the Digiworld.



Taichi woke straight up out his dream (A particularly pleasant one, with Sora featuring), and straight down into the floor.
"Damn!" Taichi said, and struggled to untwist his legs from the blankets, which proved difficult, half asleep as they were.
"Coming, hold on a second!" he cried out, as he released his legs, and struggled to pull on some pants. Quickly, he grabbed for the nearest shirt among the few over the floor, and pulled it on as he ran for the door. Taichi opened the door to see Sora, dressed in a green shirt and matching green skirt, holding her hand up ready to knock again. Sora looked over Taichi, seeing his worse-than-usual hair, and how rumpled his shirt and pants were, having just been picked off the floor.
"Err... did I come at a bad time?"
"Of course not, I woke up just as you hit the door. What is it?"
"Well, I wanted to tell you something. Can I come in?"
Taichi blinked. He'd been standing right in the doorway.
"Of course, sorry." Taichi said, as he moved back down the small hall. He motioned to the couch "Take a seat."
Sora remained standing near the entrance to the room, while Taichi went into the kitchen and got out some soft drink. "Want a drink?"
Taichi poured some drinks, then sat down on the couch. Noticing Sora still standing over by the hall, he motioned to the other couch. " Come on, it doesn't bite!" Sora hesitated for a moment, then took the drink from Taichi, and sat down next to him.
"That's weird, isn't she with Yamato?" Taichi thought to himself. Anyway. "So, what did you want to say?"
Sora paused again, looking down into her glass. "I just thought I should tell you - Yamato and I broke up."
"What? Why?"
"It isn't that important. I wanted to know though, I'm feeling kind of bored, and since all the rest are either at the beach, or busy studying, do you want to go see a movie with me?"
Taichi blinked. This was incredible. He'd barely even spoken to Sora since the Belial Vamdemon fight a few weeks ago, and now here she was asking him out on what sounded suspiciously like a date? He'd been longing for her, ever since he broke up with her and she'd gone to Yamato for consolation, and now she was back?
Taichi realized he hadn't said anything for almost ten seconds now, and quickly replied (although not TO quickly, didn't want to seem over-eager) "Of course, what are friends for?" He smiled at her.
Sora seemed to brighten up a little, even returning the smile with one of her own. "Thanks, Taichi."
"It's no problem, just let me go and change my clothes and wash my hair, can't go to the movies looking like this, can I?"
Sora laughed. "They'd throw us both out, and I really want to see this movie!"
Taichi laughed in response. "Well, if that's how you feel about me, I'll just go and put on some month-old rags, shall I?" And with that, he left the room and entered his own.
Sora smiled to herself as he left. "God, I love him so much, when he smiles like that."

Taichi hummed to himself, as he picked out some suitable clothes, but first, in case they came back later and Sora came in here, he cleaned up a little, making the bed and getting all the really noticeable junk off the floor, stripping, and putting it all away in a basket in the cupboard, to be taken care of later. Then, he went about finding some clothes. A shirt here, a pair of pants there, some clean boxers... it was a little difficult, considering how untidy this place was, what with Hikari being away for the last few days, and him being a little...lax.. about cleaning up. He was about to close the cupboard again when he spied some socks, and, lacking anything else, picked them up with his mouth.

Sora, after having waited a few minutes, drained her drink, and flicked through channels on the TV, got a little tired of waiting, and went to see what was going on. "Geeze, I hope he didn't fall over and break something.." she sighed, as she went to the door of his room. She knocked briefly, then not getting any answer after a few seconds, opened the door and went in, to be surprised by a completely unclothed Taichi.

Taichi, as it turned out, heard the knock, but could do no more than mumble through the socks in his mouth. Then, when he heard the doorknob turning, he hastened to spit out the socks, but was too late to avoid Sora catching him in his birthday suit. Sora continued to gape at him, as he stood there, and only after a few seconds remembered to cover himself. "Damn," he thought "This really didn't turn out well. I mean, I always hoped to be alone with her naked sometime, but not like this..." He wondered, though, why she didn't leave. Then, suddenly, she strode over to him, and pushed the clothes he was covering himself with out of his hands. "Sora!" , he started to protest, but
"Quiet.." she said, silencing him with her lips, as she pulled him into a deep kiss. Their mouths met for a few seconds, then she pushed her tongue against his lips, and after a second, he let her in. Their tongues twisted about each other, as she ran her tongue around his mouth, getting to know him better. Letting go, after almost a half minute of this, Taichi looked stunned.
"You want to know one reason why I left Yamato?"
"...W-why?" Taichi questioned.
"I couldn't stand being away from you.."
Then, unable to bear it no longer, she pushed him backwards, down onto his recently made bed, and knelt down before him, taking his manhood in her hand, and rubbing it with her fingers. Then, Sora slowly ran her fingers down the side, to his balls, and gently massaged them, before running them back up to circle his head. This continued for a while longer, before Taichi, unable to bear it any more, leant forward and pushed her head towards his rod. Looking up at him, she saw his pleading eyes, and nodded, before taking his now fully erect cock in her mouth. She circled the tip with her tongue, pushing against the small slit there, before winding her way down the shaft, to his balls, which she teased briefly with her tongue, then moved her mouth back up, and licked the head again, at the same time, taking his testicles in her hand and squeezing gently.
Taichi was in seventh heaven as she ran her tongue all around his shaft, as well as massaging his testes, and then she took his complete six and a half inches into her mouth, giving him a complete surrounding, and sending incredible feelings all through his body. He shook a little, and then started heaving his body up and down, pumping in her mouth as she gave him so much pleasure. Then, she took her hands from his balls, and rubbed his chest, then moved down his arms, and onto his legs, as he furiously pummeled her mouth. She kept licking at it, as well as massaging him all over, until he finally came, in a single last thrust, coupled with a loud grunt, and a tremendous shiver through his body. Sora got a load of come right in her mouth, and, attentively, she tried some. She found the taste to her liking and slurped up the whole lot. Seeing Taichi spent for now, she requested his help.
"Taichi, please..."
Taichi lifted her up onto the bed with him, and then began working on removing her shirt, at the same time as he tongue grappled with her, making it a little difficult, but neither of them minded very much, of course. Eventually, he succeeded on getting it off, and then started massaging her breasts through her bra, eliciting moans from Sora. As he did this, she lifted herself up slightly, and unclasped it for him, letting him take it off and drop it off the bed. Then, he leant forward and gave her a thorough licking over her chest, prompting more drawn out groans of pleasure, as his hands worked at he skirt, letting it fall away, and revealing her pink panties. Mesmerized by this new sight, he stopped his tonguing, and let his hands move down to cup her mound, rubbing it gently through the material. Then, he pushed against them, letting his finger slide into her sex, bringing her panties in with it. This caused even greater levels of pleasure, and made Sora give a little scream, before slipping back to her cries of pleasure. Then, he moved himself further down the bed, to where he could get a full view of this place of much delight. Sora wondered why he had stopped for a second, until Taichi slowly pulled her panties down, with her lifting herself up to let him get them off. Then, with this last obstacle removed, Taichi leant forwards and began moving his tongue in and out of her now dripping pleasure center. Unable to resist herself, Sora gave out a little yelp of happiness every time he plunged back in. Then, to create even greater pleasure, Taichi started flicking at her clitoris, that one spot that amplified all the feelings she felt, and at the same time started massaging her breasts. Sora's moans rose higher and higher in pitch and frequency, and got louder and louder, and Taichi listened carefully for the right moment. Just before she reached her climax, Taichi stopped his tongue, and pulled himself up her body. Sora wondered why he was stopping for a moment, until she felt his newly stiffened rod poking her stomach. Reaching down to guide it in, she gasped at the new feelings she received as he pushed his way in.
Taichi felt for a moment a barrier inside her, and, thrusting hard, felt it resist for a moment, before it gave way.
Taichi stopped in mid push when Sora yelped in pain "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to h.."
Sora silenced him with her lips "Please, just go slowly."
Taichi nodded, and slowly pulled his shaft back out of her love canal, then advanced back in, feeling for a moment the remnants of the barrier he had just broken, taking away the last of her innocence, and she his, and began thrusting again, slowly at first, but gradually building up. Sora, after a moment forgetting the brief pain, began shaking her body, drawing closer and closer to climax. As Taichi felt Sora was near, he pushed his head forward and began licking her breasts, bringing her even more pleasure, as she tightened her legs around his back. Then, the wave of bliss washed over her, as she reached her long-awaited high, her legs drumming against Taichi's back. Taichi, still awaiting his second orgasm, pushed in faster and faster, feeling her walls caress his manhood. Then, as he neared his peak, he thrust harder and harder, which drove Sora's pleasure higher and higher, until she again came in a rush of fluids. This new development was enough to send Taichi over the edge, and, with one final thrust, he emptied his seed deep into her. Pulling out, he lay down beside her, feeling happy now just to be near her.
"" Stammered Sora, still shaking from the bliss.
And with that final reassurance of each other's affection, they fell asleep from weariness.

Five minutes later...

In the other room, the laptop suddenly flicked on from power saving, and a soft voice issued from it...
"Hello, hello? Anyone there?....Hello!"
The image slowly changed from black to the face of a young, quite handsome man.
"Anyone, is anyone here?"
"Aha...this will insure someone hears..." Suddenly, the volume on the laptop increased tenfold.
"Aaaieee!" yelled Taichi, as he woke up to the loud noise and fell off the bed.
"Aha!" said the voice. "Come in here, there is something I need to tell you, Taichi."
Taichi paused in the act of raising himself off the floor... That voice... it was Gennai!
"Just a second!" Taichi hastened to throw his clothes back on..they hadn't heard from Gennai since the Belial Vamdemon incident, which meant this could be important! Finishing, he debated briefly on wether to wake Sora, but chose instead to leave her be. Then, he entered the other room, where he was a little surprised to find Gennai looking at him from the notebook.
"Wha..Gennai, what are you doing on the computer? What's going on??"
"It's just a way to reach you, I had no other way to check this place for anyone. Are any of the others here?"
"Sora," Taichi responded "but she's sleeping."
"Well then, I'll tell you, but I'll need you both soon enough."
"Let's hear it. But keep it down, don't wake Sora up yet."
"Very well. Just recently, a disturbance was discovered in the Digital World. An entire area has become practically invisible, except that you can still see it."
"Invisible but visible, hey?" grinned Taichi.
"Exactly. It is visible in the optical sense, but invisible to us any other way." responded Gennai.
Taichi frowned. "Wait, I thought Oikawa was protecting the Digiworld from this kind of thing?"
"Yes, but this isn't any ordinary disturbance. Oikawa cannot get near it, and neither can any of the God digimon. All their powers halt whenever they get near. I want to investigate it myself, but even I can't get near. That is where you two come in. We need you to go the Digiworld and investigate. Ken will be going with you."
Taichi thought for a second, then looked down at his feet. "All right, if you say so. I'll go wake Sora, and you can tell us where to go." He clenched his fist. "I'm not letting anything hurt the Digital World, too many friends I care about are there." He straightened up again, and went to back to his bedroom. "All right, let's go."
Taichi entered the bedroom, and looked down at Sora, letting his eyes roam over her naked body, seeing her placid and sated state, with a gentle smile on her face. Suddenly, he dropped to his knees, a grimace on his face. "Oh.. my.. god... what have I just done?"

Jason groaned. His mouth felt like old newspaper, and the pains in his head, and indeed, all over his body, were something dreadful. He felt like he'd fallen onto a huge boulder, or something. He groaned again, and opened his eyes, seeing the fuzzy blue of the sky above him.
"That's odd, I don't remember painting the roof blue." he remarked, still unable to see straight. Suddenly, something short and black appeared above him, with a red rag around it's neck. It looked like some kind of black man.. a man with boxing gloves. And a smiley face pointed on his belly. And about two feet tall. Odd kind of man.
"So you're awake, huh? Let me tell you, you didn't exactly pick the best place to fall onto." the little black thing remarked.
Jason closed his eyes, shook his head, and pushed himself up to his feet, faltering, and falling back down against a large rock. In his now slightly more horizontal position, he opened his eyes again, and saw the little thing much more clearly. He must be dreaming. Before him stood a small back thing, shaped sort of like a human, with claws on its feet, boxing gloves, a scarf, large pointy ears, and what looked like a smiling yellow face on it's stomach. What the hell was going on? And, that little black thing reminded him of something...
"Hello?!?" pressed the creature. "I didn't go off and get that stuff so you could just ignore me!"
Jason slowly became aware of a slight sticky sensation on his arms and face, and he moved to rub his arm. A sap of some kind came off in his fingers. "What is THIS?" he questioned - in a slightly disgusted voice.
"That, my friend, stopped you from waking up in a lot of pain - you've got a lot of bruises on you."
"Well, thanks. Who are you, anyway? Or what??"
"I'm Impmon, pal, and I'm a Digimon."
At this, Jason froze in the act of wiping the slime off his face.
"Hey, you all right there?" asked Impmon.
Jason's eyes widened, and then he smiled and closed his eyes, lying back down.
"Yeah, Impmon, right...stupid glowy ball. It's great seeing you and everything, but I'd rather dream nothing than dream Digimon; I hate waking up to that."
"This ain't a dream, buddy."
"Look, come on, we should be getting out of here, some Monochromon live around here, and they don't enjoy visitors."
Jason just lay there, ignoring Impmon.
"Umm, hello, we need to go?" tried Impmon.
Jason kept ignoring him, but opened his eyes and stood up to look around. He wobbled a bit, but resisted Impmon's help. Looking around, he saw he wasn't too far from the sea, only a couple of meters ahead was a steep cliff, and, behind the rock, he saw the jungle. It didn't look like that bad of a place, but he didn't much care, since it wasn't real. He stood up on the rock nearby to get a better look, but all he could see was jungle and ocean, with a dirt path separating the two, and, around him, some boulders creating a kind of wall. "Wow, real imaginative dream you got there, Jason boy." he thought. "Jungle and ocean, and a few rocks as well. Swell."
Suddenly, interrupting his thoughts, and Impmon's suggestions, there came a loud roar from his left, down the path alongside the cliff and jungle. Seconds later, an answering roar came from his right, down the track the opposite way. Impmon yelped, then leapt up onto the rock formation with Jason, obviously scared of whatever was coming. Then, Jason saw it. Well, them. Two Monochromon were coming down the opposite paths, and they didn't look too happy, bellowing their challenges.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you." said Impmon. "Night of Fire!" Impmon summoned a small fireball on his two pointer fingers. Jason blinked, and stared in amazement at Impmon. Could it be true? But there was no time to think on it; the Monochromon were here. Crash! The two Monochromon collided, smashing themselves against each other, roaring their challenges. Impmon seemed to be satisfied that the two weren't about to attack them, and dropped his fireball, before turning to Jason.
"Still think it's a dream, eh?"
"Not quite. The name is Jason. Are there?"
"Of course I am, what else, partner?"
"P-p-partner?" Jason stammered, in shock.
"Sure." Impmon pointed at the device clipped to his pants.
"W-what?!?" Jason hurriedly unclipped the thing, and held it up. "Wow, a D-3?"
"What's a D-3, Jason?"
"It's a digivice, just a new one. The newer digidestined had them...wait. Impmon, have any kids been here before?"
"Oh, sure! There were kids here just a while ago...when..." Impmon shivered "When...Belial Vamdemon was sucking the Digiworld dry."
"A while..the" Jason was shaking, his mouth wide open. "I'm here? Now? Me?"
"It looks like it!" responded Impmon. "But, just one thing?"
"Can we continue this somewhere else? Those Monochromon wouldn't be too happy to find us."
Jason laughed. "Sur-" Unexpectedly, the rock Impmon and Jason had been standing on fell to a blow of a Monochromon tail, and they were both sent flying, landing in the jungle, nearby a dirt path. Staggering to their feet, they fled along the path, as it lead in, in to the center of the island, where a large...enormous... mountain beckoned. After a few minutes, danger seemed to have been averted, so Jason and Impmon just continued walking through the jungle, Jason thinking about the Digital World, and Digimon, and all Impmon - and himself. Where did he fit in?
"Hmmm...." Jason mumbled.
"Just wondering, do you know where this trail leads?"
"Sure! It goes for a while, maybe two hours, maybe less, and then you come to a big lake."
"A...lake?" Jason scrunched his brow and put his hand to his head, thinking hard, remembering.. "A...lake..."
*Wishes for comments*
ok then it's not that bad keep writing