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Digimon Petition
Well this applies to the americain/english speaking audience more than anything else so i post it here and a few other places. Please post in other places so we can get this word around. I know that sometimes petitions are more or less a waste of time but one might hope to get something done....

any way this is a petition for Bandai/Toei animations to crate a Digimon DVD set. This petition should be able to show that there is a market for what we are asking for. show your support for the set by signing and leave a comment if you can.

visit my petition at Petition Them and help out the cause.


*forges her tamer's signature*

I signed, added my stupid internet handle while at it lol.
Signed, but under a half-false name, because I fear that one day this could be traced back and used against me...
Anus Individual 20 Wrote:Signed, but under a half-false name, because I fear that one day this could be traced back and used against me...
100% agree!
The lack of a Digimon DVD set has always troubled me, especially when I see how many other series (many of which were never very successful in their television runs) are getting the DVD treatment. When a DVD was released of several episodes of the first season, I was hopeful to see more follow it, but none ever did. Why? Don't they know that I'd buy it? That I'd buy pretty much everything they'd release? Why, I'd throw down $200 for the first 3 seasons...maybe more. C'mon, let's have 'em. It's a win-win situation for everyone.
It'd be cool to have a dvd of digimon, espically if it wasn't like the VHS that only showed like 9eps from the first season lol.
I'm indifferent to it all together. If they create one, fine, if they don't fine. However, I'll see if I can sign it latter on to help support those of us who wants it.