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Simple picture: Kari dressed up as Nefertimon.
I didnt know you could draw that well. ^~;

First thing I notice about it is the wings, maybe curve the lines of the feathers inward, as a suggestion. The shading looks alright, you'll want to stray from the cel-shading type of shading though, in my opinion. Interesting gijinka design, these always make me smile. I especially like the gatomons tail winding through her legs. ^-^ Very well done adaption. I would have put some gold metal high heels on her though, since Neferti's legs are arched like that. :P
That's awsome. By the way, was that another one made in MSPaint?
That's quite nice! I quite like the colour!

Just three things I would've done differently:
- I would have used thinner lines in places
- The lines on the wings look a bit shakey
- and I would've used a bit of shading on the wings.

But still: A cute pic. Well done. :)
Great work man, that picture is really excelent, keep up the good work
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
you did a nice job, GrappLeomon.
I like it, very very cute lol.
all what was said, was said, also is a nice job.^^
Thanks for the comments and advice, I really appreciate it. =)

Yeah, this one was also scanned and colored in MSPaint. I have another art program (Pixia) which was recommended to me, but it's all so foreign to a poor MSPaint user. ;) Cell shading in MSPaint is all I can do right now, but hopefully I'll learn to do more.

I was going to try to shade those wings, but I forgot. O_O
hey nice pic and i got a idea to compliment that pic

Neferti-Kari and Pegasus-TK together ^_^