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Most Overlooked Digimon?
Sure, we all know the big stars, mostly Gatomon and Renamon (along with many others) but, who do you think should belong up there and is commonly overlooked by the common fan?

I vote Biyomon myself, but... yeah.

hehehe, or antylamon either way, tis overlooked greatly. Good idea for a topic.
I would vote Biyomon, but she is one of the leading chars, and gets plenty of airtime and most people know all about her if you watch the show.

My vote goes to Gazimon. Well, all the Gazimon. There are a few of them.
Ah yes, Gazimon does deserve a spot up there too. Very true. See? I 'overlooked' that one. lol
Oh, now I see what you mean.

Really, you overlook the Biyo? Hmm, I always remember her.
I think Agumon or Garudamon. Agumon was my very fav but that changed when i noticed Biyomon was Garudamon. I like them both :)
For me, I think that would be Gatomon and Patamon or their other evolutions forms :D Twisted
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Well.. for Biyo, she did have a main character position in 01, but even so no one talks about her as much as let's say, Gatomon or Renamon. Blah, I don't even know anymore >_<

i am on ruhe's side... floramon should be givem more attention... just because she is the cutest flower :D ...