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More Renamon
well i decided to say hell with waiting for my web page to be finished because frankly i dont think i'm ever going to get it rite. it looks like royal crap at this point. this dosent stop me from drawing though. in fact just after i scaned in the request for Renamon without a tail i flopped out the old clipboard and drew up this one inside of like 20 minuets. round trip of corse. i had to find a CD for some art music (Saliva mix cd i burnt) get the water jug from the new frig and then find my pencil... which took like five minuets of fur pulling frustration...

anyway. here is the glory of glory Renamon Woo Pie!

and now just to show you how seriouse i am at my drawing speed. here is another sketch i just completed. minus about a minuet for typing. this one is cleaner because i'm really starting to get back into the swing of things.

here is Kung-fu Renamon

Your speed is eerie, your drawings are great. In one word: WHOA. ^^
Glad to see you found your pencils again, Ryoku ;)
interesting but can you do other digimon?like Biyomon?
sure thing, got anything interesting in mind?

ok here's one

a kawaii looking Biyomon hugging a teddy bear
.. .. RENAMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dude it b teh renamon :P heh those are some sweet schetches
Pretty classy man, I enjoy the Kung Fu Renamon, looks artsy lol.