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"Actually- it just sems black- it's green and red!" Gunter charges up his palms.
"Red if Fire and Heat, Green is Nature and Wind... That means..." DMX mutters and looks on Dragnier. "We have to finish him with Water and Ice and Earth and Electricity!"

Dragnier roars and casts a dispel, negating any bonification on DMX and Gunter, thus making DMX's swallow's disappear; then, the Dragnier leeches and saps every ounce of Gunter's magic strength.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Weakened, Gunter kneels on the ground, shaking. "Y-you really ARE trying to die!!" He shook angrily- and suddenly took out a glass bottle- he broke it on his chest, and was instantly rejuvinated. He dispelled Dragnier's dispel- returning the swallows.

Gunter was mad, this was not a good sign- He suddenly began chanting a strange language- sealing off and double sealing all of dragnier's abilities and magic EXCEPT his strength and speed. Aparently, neither did he seal his endurance- those were all natural.
"I should get elixirs every so often too..." DMX thinks as he holds his swallows tight. "I'm TIRED of you!"

DMX roars and takes the chance to transform again, "Distract him!" he growls, then stabs both swallows on the ground, a fire aura getting around DMX as he starts meditating.

Dragnier roars and then spits two balls of acid from the mouth, both spheres going straight for Gunter and DMX at the same time.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Gunter opens to warpers in midair- sending the acid-orbs to another dimension- he then closed them- and opened two more behind Dragnier- the two projectiles from earlier came out and splattered Dragnier with his own acid. "-It shall be done."
Dragnier roars in pain as he's damaged by the acid, his anger goes straight up and goes running to Gunter at amazing speed, then slams his body to the ground with one of his massive claws and pins him to the floor, starting to squish him.

DMX, careful not to lose the oportunity has to ignore the situation so he can reach the peek of meditation.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"RRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!" Gunter's fierce roar could be heard- there was an explosion of energy- and Dragnier's entire left claw evaporated-

"-Anytime now-" Gunter said to DMX, hovering from above.
[Insert a cool aura explosion here.]

"Hahhhhhhh- AHHHHHH!!!!" DMX cried as his body glowed and disappeared in the fire of his aura, soon, there was the enormous white scaled dragon standing, thumping it's three tails on the ground in his place.

"FOOLS!" Dragnier roared, the claw growing in it's previous place once again.

By then, DMX had achieved the Infinity dragon transformation, he was standing at 30 meters tall, six crystal wings with magical runes carved on them.

Infinity couldn't talk, so he just roared loudly to the Dragnier, both of them were the same height now, Gunter was just hovering on the side's of Infinity's left arm as the roar made the entire building be destroyed.

The skies darkened, storm started to brew, and the wind started to madly blow in hard currents.

Dragnier roared to Infinity and Gunter. "THIS SHALL BE YOUR GRAVE!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Gunter grinned. "It's funny you should mention graves..." He said coldly, and then rose up into the dark thundery sky-

[Cool energy special effects in the sky and clouds swirling goes here]

A figure descends from the clouds, twelve feet tall.
Long, spiky, silver hair.
Large demonic wings.
Evil coat.
White eyes.

It was Gungriever.
Infinity roared to Gungrieger, then turned to Dragnier, quickly going to him and slamming him with his head in a HARD headbutt.

Dragnier pulled back, then slapped Infinity away really hard, but he could stay to his feet.

"Rawwrr! You'll never defeat me!" Dragnier annihilated all his status ailments in a roar, then roared again, imprisoning Infinity in a huge rock cage.

Infinity would be smirking if his face actually changed from the cold stare, but he would have changed his face immediatly after he tried to destroy the cage, as it leeched his energy when he touched the wall. Infinity roared loudly from the loss, standing back.

"It's only a matter of time! You are only slowly the unavoidable!" Dragnier roared, growing bigger and more muscular as the energy absorbed by the cage was sent to him.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad