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Digimon Savers / Digimon Data Squad
Thanks Cyber, I finally got to see the first episode!

A few comments:

I like Masaru's "proactive" style of Digimon combat, and I just hope it continues through the rest of the season. He does get points deducted for being an anime stereotype.

You'd think Cockatrimon would attack a KFC, not a burger joint.

Some of the new Digimon at DATS looked pretty cool. I suppose they'll probably name them in some new cards that nobody will buy. Wink
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Well I just watched the first three raw episodes via links on TheDigiPort. I have a lot to say. I don't speak a single word of Japanese so I haven't a clue what any of the characters are saying. Yet I can sort of assume what they're subjects are based on facial expressions and the situations present. I'm not too concerned though since I'm sure an English dub will arrive eventually. I personally don't like the main character so much. He thinks he's invincible running up to digimon the size of two story buildings and punching them.

The fact that they fall down from such a blow makes little sense. Other digimon in other seasons have taken barrage after barrage of digimon to digimon attacks and stay unscathed. Plus he's also prone to go postal at any moment. Why he ended up having that fight with the other character in the boxing ring remains a mystery to me. Speaking of him, I think he's looking at this whole responsibility of having a digimon partner the wrong way.

He has his blue dog-like companion follow him everywhere and call him master which reminds me a lot of abusive trainers back in pokemon where they didn't even consider them as equal beings, merely stepping stones to becoming a master. Anyway, its like the two of them aren't even close. More of a butler to aristocrat relationship. Then there's the girl; she's okay although I'm not favoring her digimon. She never has a facial expression, just a blank stare. That sort of freaks me out. I do like the storyline about having an agency which confronts wild digimon appearing on a rampage. Although I have a feeling something much more horrid will occur in later episodes.

It always does; there's been dark masters, D-Reaper, Lucemon and the return of Myotismon. I'm not dissing the new season in case you think I am. Like all digimon, I enjoy all of it although I do have preferences as to what's better or worse. I'm also eager to start writing lemons based on it yet I feel I have to wait and base it on the dub footage. For all I know, they can change the names of everyone or everything. I've always based my works on dub character names. I have yet to put this season on my scale of 1 to 10 since I've only seen a little of it. I'm sure you people here have probably downloaded episodes already. In case you haven't I recommend you do. This season is worth checking out and will hopefully revitallize the franchise.
Quote:I personally don't like the main character so much. He thinks he's invincible running up to digimon the size of two story buildings and punching them.
I just caught up to where you are, and I agree; I dislike Masaru. In fact, I dislike all three main characters. Masaru is stupid, and he shouldn't be able to jump that high. Touma seems like a veiled attempt at encouraging anti-semitism, or maybe just anti-Euroism. Yoshino is probably the best of the three, but her catchphrase, "This is the worst," is getting really annoying, and her Digimon is clearly weaker than the others. I'm putting all of my hopes on the PawnKnightmon and that turtle in the hat.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Well, I'll chime in my 2 cents and disagree with you both.

Masaru is pretty cool in my opinion. He's a straight up tribute to all the stubborn, relentless Goggle boys, and his will to never fail is a great trait to have in the team. He is of course the brawn of the team. The brains obviously are Touma and I think his deductive and analytical skills are awesome. They are the perfect team up too, they both are solid in their decisions and once they can work as a unit will be a solid team. Yoshino has not really appeared enought action wise to solidify her part as the team "guardian." With the description they gave of her when Savers was being promoted I expected her to be a little more protective of the boys, and she really has done nothing yet, which I'm sure will change in time, after all we are only 5 episodes in...Overall I think its a solid group of Savers and it's a great series so far.

Quote:The fact that they fall down from such a blow makes little sense

The reason they are knocked around is because when they are hit by Masaru, he released his DigiSoul which physically manifests itself during a fight, such as the damage it does to a Digimon when he produces DigiSoul with a punch.

Quote:Why he ended up having that fight with the other character in the boxing ring remains a mystery to me. Speaking of him, I think he's looking at this whole responsibility of having a digimon partner the wrong way.

He fought Touma because he felt Touma was disrespecting him. Touma told the DATS leader that Masaru wasn't worthy of being a DATS agent and Masaru wanted to prove to him that he was indeed worth something. (By the way, the fight ends in a tie, I thought Masaru lost until I saw the Sub). And as for the responsibility of having a partner, when you watch the subs you'll realize that Agumon is all about finding and defeating strong enemies, just like Masaru likes to. So they are working together to fight strong enemies, right now I don't think Masaru sees the bigger picture about helping everyone, he just wants to fight. I'm sure that will change soon...most likely with information about his father.

Quote:I don't speak a single word of Japanese so I haven't a clue what any of the characters are saying.

Watch the Subs, you'll understand everything very well.

Quote:Masaru is stupid, and he shouldn't be able to jump that high.

C'mon Wise, its a friggin cartoon. Plus, there are Digimon running around the world...what shouldn't be able to happen?[/quote]
Yeah well I need to get around to downloading the subs. So far I've only located the raw original versions. Nothing a few searches on the web can't fix. One more thing I can't understand; why does the main character needs to take what appears to be data from an enemy before Agumon evolves unlike the other two character's digimon who not need such a thing to advance further. Has that been explained through the show yet or am I missing something because I haven't watched it in a language I comprehend?
Quote:why does the main character needs to take what appears to be data from an enemy before Agumon evolves unlike the other two character's digimon who not need such a thing to advance further.
I think he needs the contact. The punch starts things.

Quote:Masaru is pretty cool in my opinion. He's a straight up tribute to all the stubborn, relentless Goggle boys, and his will to never fail is a great trait to have in the team. He is of course the brawn of the team. The brains obviously are Touma and I think his deductive and analytical skills are awesome. They are the perfect team up too, they both are solid in their decisions and once they can work as a unit will be a solid team.
When you put it that way, maybe I can see my way to liking them, but as you've also pointed out, they're just too lobsided in personalities. In fact, they seem to be almost exactly like Takuya and Kouji from Frontier. One is hotheaded, and the other is a machine. It's the same formula. Takuya and Kouji were worthless without Junpei, Izumi, and Tomoki. So where are the characters with depth in this season?
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
It seems to me that they are aiming to look at this season as a solid team. You can't just say one is like this one is like that, you need to look at it and say this DATS team has Masaru's strength and Touma's smarts. Its one cohesive group, that's where the depth will come from.

And as for them being like Kouji and Takuya, well Kouji was a machine, he was good at fighting but his skills were great but he was certainly no genius, he was just arrogant, and Takuya, I guess the best way to put it was that he was passionate, but he almost quit once and I can't see Masaru doing that. But I liked Frontier so nothing against them.
The Reclaimer Wrote:The reason they are knocked around is because when they are hit by Masaru, he released his DigiSoul which physically manifests itself during a fight, such as the damage it does to a Digimon when he produces DigiSoul with a punch.

Wow, I like that explanation alot. I have a slight feeling the developers didn't care much for that detail, but that I think that covers the basis really well.

Though I do agree a bit with Wisemon that they don't have too much depth. We see what they act like during their "jobs," but not their normal life too much. We know some for Masarou but not all. Like his Dad he is dead, gone, or what not? Yoshino we practically know jack squat. Therei still time for depth, but only one part of their personality has truly been shown.
Masaru's dad disapeared. I think he worked for DATS. But yoshino so far is really about her job. While tohma? We know about as much as we do about yoshino.
Quote:but he almost quit once and I can't see Masaru doing that.
Is that right? How much do you want to bet there's going to be an episode where Masaru almost quits? It's all part of fitting the mold.

Quote:he was good at fighting but his skills were great but he was certainly no genius
He believed he was smarter (though we all know Junpei was the smartest), and that's almost the same thing.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against