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RP! Everything or nothing!
OOC: I wondered where you dissapeared to. Sorry for my absence too, read my post in the game 1.0 to find out how fun it was.


Shadow strapped his board to his back and headed towards the door, the scent going into his nose as he neared, urging him to enter, "Smells, kinda nice".

"Wait." Fengalmon jumped in front of him, "That's the TEACHERS bathroom. Your not allowed to go in there, it's against the rules."

"And your point? Did rules stop us when we set those chickens loose during spirit week back home?" Shadow, with a great deal of effort, pushed him to the side and opened the door, "So what was that, smell?" Shadow eyes bugged out at the site of Mar on top of the teacher while two others stood there watching.

"Well that explains it." Fengalmon said, poking his head through the doorway.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"-and you... are my best student..." she huffed- and then fainted.

Xan got out of the Digivice- and so did Alex.... She looked like she was ready to kill- and Xan had a black eye.

Xan took Tiffany- spread his wings- and crash/flew out the window, heading for her house.

Alex, on the other hand- Cracked her knuckles.
Shadow recgonized a threatening gesture when he saw one, "FENGALMON!" he jumped out of the way as Fengalmon charged into the room, his large form barely fitting and leaving stress cracks on the frame.

Fengalmon took a stance between Shadow and Mar, baring his teeth, "You want them? You gotta go through me first!"

"Just leave. Or Fengalmon get's a new chewtoy."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Alex laughed. "Puh-leeze! Just because I'm a girl doesnt mean I can't fight!" She yelled- a split second later- she had laid a barrage of exactly 75 light blows to Fengalmon- and he lay uinconcious in behind her.

She lifted Mar up by the neck, and made him stand up, she took a deep breath. "Now... I am going to-" She cracked her knuckles- then she pointed at his face in an accusing manner. "-get mad and yell at you!"

Shadow did one of those wierd anime things where the character falls flat on the floor with their legs sticking up (Anyone know a good word for that?), he stood up instantly, "YELL! All you wanted to do was yell at him!?"

Fengalmon got to his feet, he had an odd ability to recover from almost any wound quickly, "You coulda just said so, we thought you were gonna attack us."

"Okay, before one of us, most likely me loses their temper and decides to start a fight." Shadow walked next to her, standing a couple of inches over her, "Would you care to explain why you're here, and why you're attacking my friend?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: I believe you can say ''He/She fell on his/her head''


Mar shook his head at all which were there, his crotch was FULL of cum, but his dick had hid back in his pouch as his erection was gone like nothing, he then glanced over Shadow, almost ignoring Alex ''Uhm... and how do you know me Shadow?'' He asks, even though that would mean why HE knew Shadow in the first place too, but Mar then remembered he was being held by the neck, so he turned his head around ''Why would a cute and beautiful girl like you get mad? I think that personality doesn't go with you sweetie... don't be mad...'' He says softly, then rises his claw and caress Alex's left cheek softly while smiling, now forgetting about Tifa.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Alex samcked his hand away. "Don't you go flirting with ME you bastard!" She said, waving her finger.

"You have sex with my partner- then you hit on me!? what is wrong with you!? It's like you-"

"-and further more- I think flirtatious womanizer- bastards like you should be hanged by the balls and TORTURED!" she finished, panting slightly
Mar simply blinked at her panting, clearly not hearing anything what she said, he walked to Alex and then puts one arm around her waist, pulls her closer and stares on her eyes with a sincere look ''If I had known she was your partner, and that I'd ruin your beautiful face by having an intercourse with her... I wouldn't have done it...'' He said softly to her with his strong male voice, then stroked his white hair back so she could see his entire face.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Her eyes to those weird angry red-anime-eyes-


"YOU CREEP!!" She yelled as she slapped him with a little too much strength- sending him right into Shadow.

He stopped himself before landing on Shadow, sinking a claw on the ground after flipping in air, a CLEAR RED mark on his cheek as he chuckled ''Oww... if you kiss the same as you slap... wow... you sure are a nice girl...'' He says and shakes his head for a bit, wagging his tail around happily as he smiled to Alex.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad