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hmm yeah most dogs are, including females heh
It's not always a sexual action. Usually it's to show dominance. Males very often get a little caught up in it sometimes, though...
-yeah, I expected the answer to be like that! lol
-still, it's funny to watch... I had to run to the other room and laugh myself silly to get rid of it...- wait- Gabumonfurry- did you say females hump stuff too!?
wait- if humping innanimate objects are either a show of playfulness, or dominance... if he humps my leg- does he want me to play with him, or does he want to play with me- or does he want to dominate me?

this happened several times already- it's hillarious- yet confusing...
Yeah, females do it, too, but only for dominance.

Males do it for either reason, or for both at the same time. You shouldn't let your dog hump you, though. It can cause behavior issues if they think they're dominant to you.
okay, *phew!*
I was feeling awkward!
I searched the net on taking care of dogs, and found out that they could get a lot of deseases and stuff, lately, charlie's just lying around, not doing anything- is he tired- is he sick-is he bored- or is he sick... I dont know if I should play with him, leave him alone, take him to the vet, or just let him sleep... I'm getting worried.
I wouldn't worry about it too much unless he stops eating. Dogs are a lot like people. They have days where they just wanna laze around and do nothing, and they have days where it's impossible to tire them out!

If there's a really big change in his behavior for more than a day or two, you might want to get it checked out.

How old is he, anyway?
phew! he's eating normally though, I guess he's just tired!
his pedigree says he's about... five months old. he's already pretty big though, is that a good sign of health? or does he lack excercise?
Dogs are all different. Some are more active than others, and some need more exercise than others to stay in good shape. If he's 5 months, he's gonne be kinda big already, but not to his full size yet.

His paws are probably still totally out of proportion to the rest of his body. He'll be just about done growing when they no longer look so disproportionate.

By big do you mean tall, or do you mean tubby? If he's getting fat, then he needs more exercise than he's currently getting. There are lots of ways to get exercise that can be fun for both of you.
*takes notes*
dude, how do you know all this? lol
nah, not tubby, wel... when he pounces he is kinda tall... i guess.
I do take him on walks around outside atleast twice a day- he pulls on the leash though... but it's fun to be yanked around by a restless canine!
I had dogs all while I was growing up, so I know from experience. Sounds like you're doing great with him so far. I'm really glad you're enjoying him.