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so you want me to end this and decide what places you get? what, isnt it fun?
I dont what I excel at... I'm a jack of all trades, I guess.

oh, and-

Seal-Breaker! *cancels out all magic that was cast from seals, and magic being cast from seals*

-Dont attack the referee.[/u][/i]
I am not yet finished...

*smirks at Dale*

I owe you for the wound...

*snaps his fingers, five spears appear above him*

This should be adequate payback...

*points forward*

Sacred Javelin!

*the first four rocket forward, pinning Dale to the cave wall by his clothing, the last hovers very slowly toward him. It lowes and jabs Dale neatly in the calf*

Hardly a mortal wound... *snaps again and the spears disappear*
*Gets up from the floor*
Well then. Maybe I should try my magic then.
*Pulls a small kunai knife that's glowing red out of his outfit and throws it down into the ground*
*Runs towards Senjuro and smirks as his magic attack is begining to work*
This certain little spell drives spikes into the bottom of your feet and wraps around the ankles. Another thing that makes this spell unique, and also rarely known, is that it cancels any and all teleportation spells as long as it lasts.
*Charges Senjuro even faster as he sees he can't move*
*Slashes Senjuro's right arm with a katana that he pulled out during the charging, damaging any use of that arm, but not severing it completly*
Your turn Sen. And ref, is that legal to do in a sparring match? I quite enjoy it.
Were I not still levitating from when Blue Rover used an earthquake technique, your little ploy at binding me would have worked quite nicely. An interesting technique, to be sure, but it did not succeed this time. Only a mere scratch...

*flies back and outstreches both hands, gathering energy between them*

Hark, it is an omen! As hymns resound, thou shalt be offered as a sacrifice upon the Feast of Madness!

*the air around the gathered energy begins to shimmer*

Carnage Anthem!

*the energy explodes, sending out shimmering ripples of debilitating sonic energy, disrupting everyone's senses and casuing the cave to shudder*[/u]
i put up a ligt sheild when you were distracted. so itr don't affect me buddy

throws a balenced knife at senjuro's other leg

can't move cause of dale's magic. your scrwed.
Veemon's Followers
OOC: My leg from before is fine, and Dale's attack didn't affect me because I wasn't touching the ground.

IC: So you're just going to gang up on me? That's chivalrous of you. *snaps his fingers and once again, a green light binds his wound on his leg*

I've had enough of this silliness with magic. *throws arm outwards, a handsomely crafted sword slides out of the sleeves of his jacket. He grasps and spins it with impressive prowess*

I'm not finished with my bag of tricks yet...*drives his free hand into his coat and flicks it back out, throwing several shurikens at Blue Rover. He deflects all but one, which grazes his forearm*

And as for you, Dale...*flips agilely behind him, neatly nicking him with another shuriken*

There...*smirking* I hope you both enjoy that poison. It's a very special one. It isn't fatal, but you should be starting to feel a most exquisite pain right about now...

And what's best about it is this: any magical attempts to remove it from your blood only cause the pain to intensify. Naturally, I have an antidote for it...
i was the one talking about assassin stuff and here you guys are doin that stuff. this posion can't even hold a match to drow poison. that and posion can't hurt a fallen angel much...
Veemon's Followers
But if you read about what I had said about my spell is that it comes up from the ground. Nothing about you having to be on the ground. The rope/tentacle things that come up grab you, cancel the teleportation magic, and pulls you down into the spikes, damaging your feet and shattering your ankles.
RE-IN-FORCE! *The cave stops shaking*

"hmm? oh, nope. slashing your opponent's arm isnt illegal. I can heal you all later anyway. hey senj- you sure that poison isnt fatal? I'll have to disperse it if it is though."

*jumps back, and repairs the damage done to the floor with a few handseals*

"oh- carry on... dont mind me. I'm just making sure the cave doesnt colapse on us... *twitch! (I wanna' fight!) Twitch-twitch! (argh- gotta' control myself-) twitch-*"

occ: who plays ragnarok online here?
occ: I've heard that it's good, but never played it myself.

ic: I'm not to sure about this poison. How long does it take to effect the victim? I'm feeling nothing. And thanks for the fixing of the cave. It looked like it was about to go.