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the weapons await!!!
*snaps his fingers, his sword flickers for a moment and reappears in his open hand*

You'll have to try something a little more effective than that to seal MY magic.

*sword begins to glow and crackle with energy again*

Anemo Wave!

*with a broad slash of the sword, several arcing bands of lightning streak around Dale and Blue Rover binding their arms and legs together*

That should keep you for a moment.
he gets up off the ground. " by the way i'm immune to lightning attacks. bein someone who fights with the element of earth and all..." he then picks up his flambridge " nice try though." jumps into the air and stabs his sword into the ground "earthquake!" the ground beneth senjuro split open waves of earth going everywhere.
Veemon's Followers
(Gunter's hand twitches. he wants to join in- he has the urge to jump in himself... so he just keeps himself busy by cheering)

ALRIGHT CRONOS!!! *the cave starts shaking* yikes- oh no! *places hand on the wall* REINFORCE!!! *the cave stops shaking* becareful with the Area Of Effect skills! you DO remember that we're in an underground cave, right? take it easy!

Interesting tactic...

*begins gathering spiritual energy*

I've been saving this one for a rainy day...

*closes eyes and a different seal from before appears on forehead*

Ye of detestable name and virtue, false apostle: Thou art bade back to the abyss...

*a circle of 8 prestinely white seals forms in front of his outstretched hand. Tiny beams of incandescant light stream between them*

Seraphic Law!

*an intense beam of holy enegery blasts forth*
*Goes for something out of the blue*
*Charges for Senjuro as if to strike him down in one blow*
*Just feet away from him, he throws a shuriken at Senjuro's leg, impaling him in the shin and hits his weapon with immense(sp?) force, canceling any magic conjuring and knocking the weapon off to the side as it stick into the ground, halfway up the blade*
You said not to hold back, so I didn't.
*Pulls out a kunai knife and hold it to Senjuro's neck*
You're pretty screwed now. So, shall we team up on Blue?
Yes, we could team up...

*teleports a short distance away*

...or perhaps I'm not as screwed as you think!

*snaps his fingers and a green light circles his wonded leg, mending it instantly*

You disappoint me with all these cowardly back attacks, Dale.

*clenches his fist, which begins to glow with purple energy*

Stone Torch!

*a vicious spiral of purple and grey flashes around Dale, encasing him in stone*

Ah yes, I like that spell. I'll free you in a moment when I'm done with Blue Rover.

*he turns*

I believe I was interrupted last time...

*begins to channel energy again*

Ye must desire respite from they empty existance...thou shalt have it!

*a blindingly white light emanates from his outstretched palm*

Celestial Star!

*a flood of incandescant projectiles fly forward to rake Blue Rover with they holy energies*
Yikes!!! *jumps in front of Cronos*

Parry Energy!

*he deflects and parries all of the projestiles with his arms.*

that couldve killed him-be careful- *gasp* I dont think dale can breathe!

Esuna Strike!

*he smashes the stone in the center, cracking it open and freeing dale from suffocation*

I guess my job is to keep you from killing each other, go on! your spoils await!
alright then now that the nin is gone

forms a red seal in the air


assales him with multiple strikes.
Veemon's Followers
You know, if we don't stop this, we're gonna end up killing ourselves. It seems that we have just about equal strengths, in all categories. But, as long as Senjuro can stay alive, he can keep using that white magic of his. I, on the other hand prefer a little different kind. Not much power, but more of a diversion for my archery and melee skills. =)