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*Jumps out from the dark straight at Senjuro and attempts to slash him with Cloud's Buster Sword as Senjuro just manages to deflect it, but not without being knocked back*
Tactics Shmactics what??

(Sorry, I was on vacation with no capable way of being able to get on)
(And btw, I LOVE all three of the prizes)
good then you won't mind losing! zephyer slash! slashes at him with hi speed

NOTE: i'm not trying to get on Zephyer's to kill list it has nothing to do with her.
Veemon's Followers
*grins, steadying himself*

I was wondering where you ran off to. That's a big sword...I hope you know how to use it.

Have at you!

*teleports randomly around Dale, delivering countless flickering slashes at him*

*Dale wields his sword with impressive prowess, definding himslef adequately from the storm of blows*

*stands still for a moment and smirks again*

Well now I'll deal with YOU *points at Blue Rover* in a moment.

Alright Dale *draws himself up* I can see you're taking it as seriously as I suggested.

*expertly spins his sword several times and jams it into the ground. It begins to glow*

I can see you're skilled with a blade, but how do you fare against my Great Magic?

*a mysterious seal appears on his forehead, his eyes glow red*

If ye believe that thy eternal bonds may be broken, then let my words be as a veangeful blade upon thee!

*streaks of light begin to coalesce about his extended arm*

Cosmic Spear!

*a deadly, razor sharp spear flashes into existance and rockets without hesitation directly for Dale's heart*

(he catches and stops the energy spear inches from Dale's heart.)

no need to go crazy- that was deadly force! fair game please, (disintegrates the spear) please try to use non-dealy, yet powerful force! Wink
tar suddenly surrounds his sword "there! how bout no magic attacks, ya"
Veemon's Followers
*jumps back and allows them to continue*
Go Cronos! woohoo! nice tactic!
Senjy! do something! you can do it!
Dale- go crazy!!!
i think i'll wait over here while you two duke it out
Veemon's Followers
occ: dale isnt here, you should duke it out with- oh. theres no one.
maybe later then! :D
occ: haha very funny
Veemon's Followers
occ: it is? ....... oh yeah- it is! hahahaha!!! *why am I laughing again?*