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I do not doubt that dale is a very powerful and skilled... person.
BUt since you both agreed, I volunteer myself for... official starter.
-if, that's okay with you guys.
(he does three handseals, then his hand suddenly gathers energy from lightning.)
tell me when youre ready, and when a thunderbolt strikes the ground, it means go.
...I often have doubts on myself, I'm not strong... I'm not weak... I... dont know what I am. I hope that I'm at least strong enough to protect the one I vowed my loyalty to.
You can referee us if you wish, Crimson. I have no objection.

*looks over at Dale*

Remember what I said...don't go easy on me just because we're allies. Fight for real or you'll get ground into dogmeat.

*draws a sword from inside his coat. It crackles with energy, illuminating the dark space*

I'm ready.
kind of hard to hide with that blade.
Veemon's Followers
Why would we need to hide?
Veemon's Followers
Tactics shmactics. I need to fight something. How am I going to do that if I sneak past them all?
thats when you stab them in the back
Veemon's Followers
There's no fun in that! Besides, anything that's tough enough that you'd NEED to creep up on and stab in the back is probably too strong to be killed in a single blow.
unless you hit the jugler vain
Veemon's Followers
How're you going to hit the jugular if you're stabbing something in the back?