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galdly *pulls out a flambridge out of nowhere*
Veemon's Followers
I was wondering if anyone was going to come along, or would the joy of this battle be solely mine. It's time; let's get them.

*brings palms together, which begin to glow with dark energy. A sword materializes in front of him*

*takes the sword, shaking his head*

I hope these are some serious monsters. They won't provide much entertainment otherwise.
no kidding if there are a bunch of weak monsters then i'll go to that room with the prostitutes. they have to be better than a bunch of weak monsters.
Veemon's Followers
Well *readies his sword* if Omega WEAPON really is down here, I'd say we can count on some tough opposition.

*they continue cautionsly down the passage way*

They're just around the corner...are you ready?
oh hell already! I hate random battles!

(he points the lightning sphere gathered in his right hand that he was using
for light at the source, it grows to the size of a boulder)

Stand Back please.

(he fires it, leaving a path of rubble in its wake, obliterating the "possibillity" of a random battle)

oops- got lifted away- I mean- (refers to his pocket book) Carried away! so sorry!
Hey now, you spoiled our fun! We were gonna obliterate them anyway, but the least you coulda done was let us draw some blood. You've been doing an awful lot of fighting lately...maybe I should cast Esuna on you or something, you must be Berserked or something...
y-yeah- I guess so...
or maybe I have A Wring and a Bloodlust equipped...
*dematerializes his sword back into the shadows*

*sighs disappointedly*

I guess there's something I had considered: we're kinda wouldn't have been a lot of fun anyway. So let's just find Omega WEAPON, wipe it off the face of the planet, and move on with the adventure.

*trudges down the passage, mutteing irritably under his breath*
*I'm so stupid.* he sighs sadly, and follows Senjuro.
Hey it's ok, don't get down about. Just...uh...ease off a little with the destructive rage next time, ok? We don't want any friendly fire happening.

*continues still deeper into the cave*

Hey look, a chest!! I'm gonna open it.

*opens chest*

A a cave......where apparently Omega WEAPON is? Gunter, are you SURE that Omega WEAPON's here? I mean, a Potion? C'mon...