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God Threat (a Zero and Maero RP)
(They are under the tree Im pretty sure, and Melina is rubbing her eyes and waking up even as he comes over, though chi is still asleep and tiny on Melina's breast)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Oh...Sorry. Edited))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Melina yawned softly when she was poked, and opened her eyes when she was shaken. " there something you need?" She asked timidly. She looked down at Chi and blushed, the little fairy had her arms around the bud of her hard nipple and was still using it as some kind of pillow, nuzzling it and making Melina moan softly and blush. She gently reached down and picked the fairy up in her hand, which made Chi jump a little and look around. She hugged one of Melina's fingers as she did and looked up at her master with her large, cute eyes.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King chuckled at his adorable pair of slaves and kissed Chi's head. "Good morning to both of you," he said, and kissed Melina, slipping in some tongue but leaving her wanting more. "We are moving soon. Get ready to go, okay?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Chi blushed a little when he kissed her head and squeaked a, "Good morning master." Melina accepted the kiss and began to kiss back, but he pulled away just as she was getting into it and left her blushing and embarrassed when he pulled away. They both nodded and stood up, getting ready to leave.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex would rush about, waking up the others. He awoke Sevnie, Melody, Mecha, and their child, before looking for the furries and seeing when exactly they were moving. Once he had all the details, the two parties moved on.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Soon all of them were waking up and getting ready to move. The furries were also getting up and would start moving as soon as they were ready. While walking, King could ask any questions he liked, about the God of hunting, about the God of domination, and anything else he could think of.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex walked with them and as he did he would ask the girl he had first released about the two gods. "What are they like? What do they look like? Where is the God of Domination's home? And when I meet your God, what will happen? Will he reward me?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
She looked at him with amused eyes as he rattled of his question. "Relax, relax. order I think it goes, My god is Hunter the God of Hunting and Mastery. Their god is, Mikal, the God of Cruelty and Domination. Our god is an honorable, powerful leader of the beast folk. With him at our head we maintain the balance of nature and prevail over it. Their god is an Invader from another realm, who came here unannounced and began a pointless war with us.

"I dont know what Mikal looks like, but Lord Hunter looks like...Imagine a cross between I gigantic, muscled man, and a proud, wise Alpha wolf. That is the best that I can least that was what he looked like the last time I saw him. The god of domination comes from his realm, but I dont know what it is where it is, or even what to call it. As far as where he is here, he lives to the south of this place, in the sunder lands.

"And lastly, I doubt you will meet our god. You will likely have to deal with his wife...I fear Lord Hunter has become extremely ill of late, and Depends on her to help run all no essential matters."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"...How can you maintain a balance of nature and prevail or it at the same time? Doesn't that imply you're above it and thus unbalanced?" King asked, confused, before focusing. "Ill? Do you think it is Mikal's work? Can I help, perhaps?" He asked, following and wondering what this Mikal guy looked like.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.