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Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP)
"Heheh, indeed I do," replied Jedrek as he flexed his huge biceps, before he lifted Ryo and everything gently into his arms. "Hang on, wolfie." He kissed his nose softly before lifting off towards the top the hill, getting a better view from above. "Ah, there's a perfect spot," he declared, while slowly descending towards a comfortable looking spot near the top with the shadow dragon landing lightly on the freshly cut grass.

"Oooh, it's so cute and yet sexy." Monica grinned with approval, liking the look of the flowery underwear. "Hehe, okay, guess I'd better get you something sexy too. Give me just a second." After a few minutes, Monica returned with black lingerie, similar to the last set, but this time being made from a soft silk with some red roses worked into the black material. "Will this do, sugar?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ryo then giggles as being picked up and secure the items tightly on his arms while on the flight. His eyes observing the hill till Jedrek find and descend on the spot. He then hopped off from the dragon's arms till his footpaws touching the soft short grass which never being touched, the views of the city is astonishing before he sat on the grass. "Yup, it looks perfect." He said.

With a nod, the hybrid waits for a while until Monica comes with her selection, similar design with the leather but material is different and also with rose design to add it's sexy and dark aura. "Oh my, it looks really suitable on me. I'll definitely choose your selection, sweetie."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
"Awesome," replied Jedrek as he sat down gently beside Ryo and grabbed his lunch. "Mmmm, I can't wait, it smells so good." He opened the wrapper and licked his lips as he eyed the juicy cheeseburger and fries before he took a few bites happily. "So good, mmmm. How's your lunch, cutie?"

"Hehe, goodie." Monica grinned, happily Minami liked her choice. "Well, we still have plenty of time left, what do you want to do now, sugar? Maybe get some lunch, I could use a bite to eat." The vixen then blushed cutely as her stomach growled, causing her to giggle nervously.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ryo open the paper bag and the recycled plastic container before began eating the fried rice, murring happily. "Mnnrr...It taste good, but my sister can cook better than this." He giggled while wrapping his fluffy tail with Jedrek's as enjoying the meal in natural environment.

Minami chuckles as hearing Monica's stomach growling until she heard her own, blushing lightly. "That would be a good plan. Let's go." With that, she head to the cashier to pay the items they had selected and handing one shopping bag to Monica. "It's your turn to treat me since I pay for the clothes."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
Jedrek chuckled softly, "Well, it's hard to be something homemade, but the food's still good." He grinned as he curled his scaly tail tightly around Ryo's fluffy appendage. "Plus, it's nice just eating under the with you, cutie."

"Hehe, of course, sugar. I'll buy us a really nice lunch," she declared eagerly. Monica wagged her tail as she walked around the town square with Minami, scoping out some of the local eateries before finding what appeared to be a cozy, little sushi restaurant. "Oh, that looks good. How about I buy us a couple of tasty box lunches from there and we can go have a picnic by the lake?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ryo couldn't help but purring like a kitten asking for a belly rub once Jedrek's tail wrapping around his, continued enjoying the main course before moving on deep fried prawn. "Would you like some?"

The hybrid smiled as walked with Monica on the town square sidewalk while seeking the eateries until the Renamon find a perfect restaurant. "Oh, that would be a good idea. There's plenty of good spots we can have a picnic by the lake. I hope you know what's my favorite sushi dishes."

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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
"Sure, I'd love to. Thanks, Ryo." Jedrek nuzzled his cheek affectionately before grabbing one of the prawn, enjoying the taste of the seafood. "Mmmm, not bad." The shadow dragon then held up his burger and fries, wishing to be polite as he asked, "Would you like a bite of my burger, wolfie? Or maybe some French fries?"

Monica blushed a little, not exactly knowing what Minami might like since the vixen hadn't had sushi often. "D-Don't worry...I'll get us something tasty." She had a look around before ordering and paying for a couple of tightly packed box lunches filled with sushi rolls. With a pleased smile on her face, Monica handed Minami her lunch gently and told her, "I hope you like it, cutie. I got you some tasty tuna rolls. Hehe, but first lets find a nice place to eat."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ryo watching Jedrek munching the fried prawn before he offers his food. Not to make him feel disappointed, the wolf take some of the fries and munch in his mouth before murring. "Tasty as always." He smiled, leaning his shoulder against Jedrek's while finishing his fried prawn.

Minami nods as leaning her back against the streetlight pole while waiting for Monica to return, and it doesn't take her too long to wait. "Hmm...I'm quite surprise that you pick tuna fillings which is my favorite. Thank you." She kissed Monica's cheek while holding the lunchbox. "Since walking might take some time, how about we jumped on top of the buildings and search the picnic spot from there?"
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
Jedrek chuckled lightly before he returned to his own lunch, quickly downing the rest of his cheeseburgers and fries, before the shadow dragon sighed in relief. "Ah, I'm glad we could have such a nice picnic together, cutie." As he spoke, the dragon's beefy around wrapped around Ryo's back and hugged the thunder wolf, while he turned to gently slurp his furry cheek.

"Hehe, sounds like fun, sugar. Let's go!" Monica nimbly leaped to the top of streetlight and then to the rooftops, using her ninja reflexes before running with Minami towards the lake, all while looking for a good picnic spot.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
After a while, Ryo had finish all his lunch and end the meal by drinking a chocolate juice box before sigh in relief, feeling full on his stomach. "I agree with you. It was quite a rough months of fighting to make sure the entire city is safe for people, and us." The wolf purring as Jedrek's arm wrapping on his back and pulled closer to him, resting his head on the dragon's shoulder.

"Hey, wait up." Minami giggled as lowering her body a little before putting a force down to her digitigrade dragon legs, sending her up in the air and landed on the rooftops of the buildings. She then leading the Renamon once her purple eyes spotted a good picnic spot with a bench under the shady tree; jumped on the nearest lamp post and landed safely on the pathway, walk closer to the bench. "Here we are."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds