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God Threat (a Zero and Maero RP)
There were no animals that would work, there was no animal heaven, it needed to have a legitimate soul, a soul worthy of the god of reaping. If he wanted to attract him through a kill, he would have to find something a little more...sentient.

He could also try to reach him through other means. If he wanted to, he could try to find Mima and use her to get to him...but it was only a matter of time before his mother found his sister, still holding open a portal to this very world.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King refused to hurt any of his slaves, or an innocent sentient life. He quickly created a black platform with his shadow powers and ordered the slaves to get on it. If they did, chairs appeared for each of them, with seatbelts also appearing, holding them in place. He then ran ahead, with the platform floating behind him. "Mima! Mima! MIMA!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Using his powers, King could track the goddess, and would find the beautiful Field goddess riding a horse through an ocean of flowers, naked as before. When she saw him coming the horse turned his way and approached until it was a safe distance, but where they could talk. She didnt say anything, merely looked at him curiously. She was a goddess like Chi had been, the little fairy chained and sitting in an impossibly small chair. In other words, Mima was purely innocent.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex gently dropped his slaves, letting them sit down on the ground behind him as he found the Goddess. He looked at her, wondering what he was exactly going to say before he spoke. "Mima, Great Goddess of the Fields, please. Help me. I need to speak with your brother, the God of Reaping. I beseech thee, to help me. Call out to him and bring him here. He should recognize me as...not a threat," he slowly pleaded.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mima tilted her head as she heard him mention Virgil. "Why?" She called out in a soft voice. The slaves were all blushing slightly, ashamed to be naked and weak before another powerful goddess. Also, there was the matter of what Virgil would think of all these captives, and what he would think of King for opening a portal to his sister's world, thus putting her in peril since King's mom would follow them through right to this spot.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King had to hurry, he needed the help of the God, and even if he died from Virgil killing him, maybe Mima would be kind enough to care for his slaves and take them as servants. "I need his help! Please, I am in a hurry. Just call out to him, bring him here, and I will explain to both of you! Please!" he begged, bowing down to her. "Not just my life, but yours as well may be in danger."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mima nodded slowly and turned to the horse she had just dismounted. It bowed to her and laid down on its side and died, its life seeping painlessly from its mouth and eyes. Then Virgil appeared, much as he had before, floating above them, standing on nothing. "You called dear sister?" He said, walking down to them as though descending on stairs. She nodded and pointed at Alex before willing the horse she had killed to rise again, where it then rose and took her away.

Virgil looked at King, his eyes unfocused and uncaring as before, not seeming to look at him so much as through him. He did not seem to care about the naked and defeated gods and goddesses sitting behind him, despite the fact that they were all chained together and clearly afraid as well.

"You are here again, why have you summoned me?" He asked impassively as he stepped onto the ground, the flowers dying and springing to life around him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King was shocked by the creature's sudden death, but he was shocked again when Virgil appeared. He looked up at the God and bowed in respect, motioning for the slaves to follow his actions. "I need your help. When we met, you did not know who I truly was. I will tell you now, but I beg of thee to allow me to give the full explanation. Then you may judge me."

"I was created by a Goddess to take the power of others. I need simply to make love to a God or Goddess, and their power would be mine, their dominant strength would vanish, and they would fear and love me. I did this, with joy once, but no longer! My mother has betrayed me! Please, I will kill myself, I will suffer for my injustices, but you must help me defeat my mother and ensure she makes no others like me! Your kind, the race of Gods and Goddesses, is in danger, and I need your help to save it!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"I have known this." Virgil said calmly. "I have reaped the souls of the worlds you have destroyed. I have known since I met you what your purpose was, and your intentions. But what do you wish of me?" He asked as he walked around in a circle around King and his slaves. "I am not the god of Justice, it is not my place to judge you till your death, so I will not slay you." his voice a billion stolen whispers. His eyes then shot back to the portal, still open and spinning. "You have led your creator right to us." He said in a more serious voice.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yes, I...I had no where else to go. Please, Virgil, I beg of you, help me! Defend you and your sister, or-or make a portal for me to go through. I can't let my Mother find them!" King pleaded. "Please, if my mother comes here she will attack me. I am defenseless against her, but if you and your sister attack her, we may win! Please, isn't there anything you can do to help me against her?!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.