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Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP)
OOC: Hmmm, so are we taking a short break from Monica's/Minami's part while they watch the movie?

"Mmmm, I think that will be good for now." Jedrek chuckled lightly before he leaned in to kiss Ryo's nose softly. "Was there anything else wanted me to wear, wolfie?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Yup. Is it sound weird for characters to talk while watching movie in cinema? :D

A soft murr escaped while feeling the kiss on his nose. "I don't think a girly clothes will fit on your manly body." Ryo teased, heading to the cashier to check out the item, as well as the jacket that Ryo had chose for the dragon.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
OOC: *lol* Good point. XD

"Yeah, you might be right about that, heheh," chuckled Jedrek as he flexed his burly arm before he went to join Ryo at the cashier and paid for his new jacket. "So where do you want to next, cutie?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
After pays everything, Ryo carries the shopping bag and heads out of the shop, swishing his fluffy tail happily. "Let's see a movie and after that, we're having a takeout while enjoying the view on top of that hill." Ryo stated as pointing his thumb finger to the hill located at the outskirts which can be seen clearly.

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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
"Oh sure, I'd love a good picnic." Jedrek grinned, liking Ryo's idea, while they headed towards the theater. The burly dragon looked towards the huge promotional posters up for the films playing and thought about what to watch. "Hmmm, looks like there's some good sci-fi and action films playing. Are you up for one of those, wolfie?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ryo walks with Jedrek to the theater not too far from the clothes shop, looking up a few posters hanging on the wall. There's quite a lot of action movies currently shown in the theater, and it's hard for him to choose. "I would love to see either one with action, thrilling, big explosion and use big guns in the scene."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
"Sure, that sounds fun." Jedrek looks at the poster Ryo was looking at, and uttered out loud, "Crack of Fire, eh? Alright then, let's check it out." The muscular dragon grinned as he held his lover's paw gently before buying them a pair of tickets. "Hmmm, did you want to get some snacks before we go in, wolfie?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ryo murred and follows the dragon to the counter to purchase the tickets. "I prefer not to eat during movie. It's kinda distracting and difficult for me to enjoy the movie. In fact, we're having a takeout after that and need to save a space in my belly for foods." He giggled.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
"Oh right. Silly me." The shadow dragon chuckled lightly, remembering that Ryo's appetite wasn't as big as his thanks to their size difference. "Okay then, let's go see this flick." Jedrek playfully slurped the edge of Ryo's ear, before he gently lead him by the paw towards the room playing Crack of Fire.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ryo normally eat two or three meals per day, depend on his appetite and their works but of course he'll eat small snacks. A small giggle and his ears twitch as Jedrek slurp the edge and entering the viewing hall with other furs before sitting on a chair had been set.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds