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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Alex quickly held up his hand, motioning for them to stop and put the weapons down. He held the woman in his arms, stroking her head. "Shhh....Its okay. You're safe. We won't make you go back. Its okay...." He then reached down with one hand to the food broke a piece of bread off, before holding it up to her mouth. "Here. Eat."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The trembling elf cried softly into his chest as he comforted her and when he presented her with food, she cautiously took it. "This...this doesnt have...doesnt have the things in it does it?" She asked feebly. "The things that make me feel warm and weak?" if he told her it did not, then she would begin to nibble it, still staying in his arms. She could hold tons of information, she could be his best chance of saving Leliana from a fate worse than death. But first he needed to find out more about her, how she had ended up like she had, how she had escaped, and if she had escaped from the Darkspawn...or from him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Of course not." As she ate, he looked at some soldiers and asked them if they could find someway to learn about the girl. "Do we know of any nearby Dalish clans? Or any nearby cities with elven population?" If they could not help, or ran off to help, he would continue to hold the woman, protecting her in his arms. As he did, his mind would gently try to probe hers, trying to see if he could find anything.

((Slow posting))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The men would say that it was not likely. The Darkspawn had been overflowing just weeks ago through this area, if there was a dalish clan, then they were all dead or captured. But she didnt look Dalish, she had no Tattoos. She felt very different, he would realize, from normal elves in Dragon Age, and as he began to slowly probe her mind, he would see flashes of a world in flames, a dark lord being replaced, a people dying and burning, being enslaved. She wasnt from this world, he would realize, she was not a Dalish elf or a city elf, or an elf from dragon age at all! She was Lord of The Rings elf who had somehow ended up here.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex's eyes widened, as he made the discovery, but he shook his head. "Go tell Alistair not to move the army. I think I can find where that man went with this woman's help. Tell him that he should care for the injured and see if we can get any reinforcements. We may need them." The mage then looked at the girl and whispered, "I'm sorry...That man took you from your home. I can bring you back, if you want, but you have to help me."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The woman's eyes widened and she shook her head, shaking once more. "N-No...there is nothing to go back too...there is nothing...nothing..." Her eyes filled with tears as she remembered the devastation, the destruction of everything she had known and loved. And then there was the torture...

She screamed suddenly as she realized that he was in her mind, and tried to escape him, flailing and struggling desperately. "You are like him! You are like him!" she yelled in horror, before her body suddenly contracted and she began to spasm. She was going into shock, at least that was what it looked like...but in reality her programing had reached its maximum, it couldnt handle all the complexities of a broken psyche like hers. Her could help fix it, he could hack, but it would prove her right, that just like the man that had destroyed her world, he was also a hacker.

If he decided to help, it would be simple enough. Three hundreds trees all around the world disappeared as their processing power was transferred instead to her, and she would instead go unconscious...and he would find other thing in her programing as well. She had been tampered with, altered and modified by the other hacker. He could look at this alterations if he wanted too. Either way he would have to do something with the strange elf in his arms. the rest of his team looked at him, waiting for him to making a move, not knowing anything about what was going on.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((...Exactly how much processing power goes into a tree? Its a tree. A magical tree, I can believe, takes a lot, but a tree tree? Just saying))

Alex took the processing power away from as many trees as he needed to, and held the woman in his arms. He looked at his friends and asked to be alone, standing up with the girl in his arms. He walked over to the nearest tent and placed her down on the soft cloth on the ground, acting as a makeshift bed. He then put up an invisible shield, keeping any sounds that might have been heard from the tent silent to the outside world, but NOT visa versa.

He then looked back down at her and placed a hand on her head, seeing into her mind and looking at her alterations and what he could change to help her.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(you wouldnt think it at first, but trees are insanely complex to create in a program if you involve ALL of their real life functions. Every leaf on every tree is alive, preforming photosynthasis and create glucose for the tree. They are fairly compex at least, and three hundred of them disappeared, lossening up three hundred trees worth of data processing and space)

Looking into her mind, Alex would find the manhy alterations that had been programed into her. She was programed to fall into instant lust the moment someone began to touch her breasts, ass, or pussy. She was also programed so that she could not cum unless someone else gave her permission. Her breasts were made larger as well, from the original B cups, customary of the frail and slender elves, to nearly D cups. Her ears were also made extra senstive to pain and pleasure, and her mind had been badly tampered with.

In fact, her brain was such a scrambled mess that Alex could only make out a few of the actual alterations, and the rest were a mess of data and conflicting programs. She had been reprogramed in an attempt to crush her free will entirly, make her docile and obidient, and love pain and sadness like a drug. Clearly she was fighting it as best she could, but the only untouched part of her mind was that which felt fear, and so she defide her reprograming by feeling lots of fear.

The list went on an on, some of the alterations had been botched by sloppy hacking, such as the attempt to make her completely able to heal any wound delt to her, presumably so that she could be treated as an unkillable pain slave. That one hadnt worked out quite well, but despite those that had not worked, ALL the alterations left their mark.

In addition to how hacked her mind was, she had also been tortured and brutalized, often it would seem from what he could tell of her memories, and massive mental trauma had been done to her in the form of having her family and friends raped and killed in front of her, each proclaiming their service to her old cruel master before dying. She knew that this was to be her fate as well...yet somehow she had escaped!

Before Alex could start to delve into that, he felt her start to wake up. If he did not stop searching her mind by the time she awoke, she would scream as loudly as possible and try to escape in anyway she could.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Alex was sickened and grew outraged by what he found, and would have began to fix the alterations, when she began to awake. He quickly left her mind and stepped back. "Good day," he greeted, keeping his distance and placing his staff on the ground. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to help you. I can fix what he did. I can turn your body back to normal. But you need to trust me. Do you trust me?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The girl watched him carefully from her vantage point, her mind feeling raw and her thoughts scattered, the same feeling as when her old master had begun peering into her head, but not as strong or painful. " fixing." She said sadly, backing into a rock and curling up, hugging her legs to her chest. "I am broken...I am a broken toy..." She muttered, as she withdrew her knife and attempted to stab herself in the throat. But her hand stopped, the blade inches from her throat. Tears filled her eyes as she struggled to end herself, already knowing that she couldnt, not when she had been programed to not be able to commit suicide. "Broken..." she groaned sadly, dropping the knife. Alex could still attempt to undo her programing, but it would be dangerous. Some of the hacking was sloppy at best and much her had been corrupted by the miss use of her data. If he tried to fix her there was a good chance he would just end up deleting most of what she was, or wiping her memory entirely, both of which would deprive Alex of his only source of information, and only hope in tracking Leliana.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)