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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"I told you, Tali. Call me Alex," he corrected, kissing away at her neck. "You need me to fuck you?" he teased, pulling off his boxers and revealing his human erection. He suddenly pushed her down onto the bed and laid on top of her, in the 69 position. His hard shaft rubbing against her lips and face. "Pleasure me, and I might fuck you like you want it," Alex declared, before he began licking and kissing her cunt again.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tali's warm blush heated Alex's cock as he laid it against her face. She had never even seen a cock this big! Quarians werent anywhere as large as humans it seemed. Her thought process was cut off as Alex began to lick and kiss her tight pussy, making Tali arch her back and moan loudly. She then took his erection into her mouth and began to suck and lick as best she could, though she was inexperienced compared to Alex's experienced tongue. As Alex licked her, he would find that her pussy was insanely tight, clearly they were too different species, and fucking her would not be like anything he had ever had.


Suddenly angewomon would feel something almost like an electric shock touch her labia, and she would realize the time had come. Her pussy had just barely touched upon the surface of the sand, but already it was like nothing she had ever felt before, and even the vibrations that had traveled up her legs could not compare to this. If she moved in reaction, she would sink further, her flower becoming submerged in the pleasuring sands.

"Watch Kari." Erusemon said, very interested in what was about to happen. "Lets see how long she lasts..."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Sleeping soon. Sorry))

When Angewomon felt the shock of ecstasy, she gritted her teeth, biting her tongue to try and keep herself still. It failed. She fell into the sand and she let out a scream as she climaxed and quickly began pleasuring herself with the sand. She moved her tits, which bounced as a beautiful sight, as her lower half was quickly taken by the sand. "No! Nooo!" she moaned.


"Good job, Tali. Keep it up," he moaned, licking away at her as pushed a finger into her ass, fingering her cute bum. He stopped licking now and kept teasing her butt, keeping his index finger in her butt. "Suck on it hard and lick the underside. You have a lot of potential..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Hahaha! Look Kari! Look at how weak your precious partner's will is!" Erusemon said, laughing hard. "What a slut, what a whore!" He continued as Angewomon continued to fuck herself into oblivion. Sadly, things were not getting better for Angewomon. the initial touch had just been at the edge of her pussy, but as she humped and squirmed, she feel deeper into the sand. Her flower, which was already wet and parted under her due to the sand and her orgasm, was slowly pressed into the deadly sands as though being taken into the mouth of a skilled lover. Perhaps if it had all happened at once, Angewomon would have been able to resist after the first orgasm, but as it was she could feel every millimeter of her flesh as it was engulfed. She could feel it gradually cupping her… easing right into her.

The fine sand was soft and warm and almost slick where it sucked at her flesh and sent it’s energy coursing through her body right to her bones. The constant hum of the semi-solid ooze gripping her thighs and now slowly wrapping itself over her womanhood was inescapably powerful as it traveled up around her hips, along her belly and back, encircling her breasts and right up into her head where she could hear it in the bones of her ears. It was a low moaning chant, and that was only the vibrations.

As if the sands suckling her outer petals wasn’t enough, the downward pressure had opened her so that it was slowly filling her as well. It seemed to swirl and roll as it eased over her clitoris, sending sharp sparks of passion from the tiny jewel in waves that were growing more intense by the second. The fine, almost clay-like substance mixed with her own readily flowing juices and made a slippery slurry which felt as though it were alive… climbing and filling her tunnel ahead of her own sinking hips.

Erusemon smiled when this happened, noting the change that would no doubt appear on Angewomon's face. "Ah, its getting inside you now isnt it? Feels good right, its an interesting effect indeed, caused by the resonance. The underlying waveform seeks to even itself out through your body. The result is that it will literally pull the sand medium into areas of less concentration. Now that it has access, it’ll continue to flow into you for the next minute of so until it has filled every last nook and cranny. It will only stop when there’s no room for more. But you’ll be surprised how much will actually fit in there. The human body is quite flexible, and I can imagine how much your digital pussy will take. Still, it’s going to feel like you’re sitting on the grand-daddy of all dildos penetrating you right up to your cervix and buzzing away like there’s no tomorrow. Thats right Angewomon, my sand is going to fuck you, fuck you tell your dead."

The Sand continued to penetrate her just as he said, pleasuring her like nothing ever had. Finally, when she was up to her waist in sand, it would all suddenly stop. "Break time." Erusemon would say then. "Im going to give you five minutes to collect yourself Angewomon, because as it is you wont last long at all. Look at Kari here, isnt she worth protecting? The clock is stopped, try to get used to the sand...before I turn it back on again." He said with a devious smile. "Im sorry Angewomon, this wont be quick, it wont be gentle. I wont have mercy."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Angewomon!" Kari screamed as her digital partner lost all control, humping madly against the sand.

Angewomon gasped the vibration of the sand, feeling it's hum and power. She could hear its inviting music and wanted so badly to lose herself to it. She then lost all control as the sand began to fill her. She screamed and howled in pleasure, her self-control flung aside as she embraced orgasm after orgasm. She knew she was going to die if she kept at it, but there was no self control in her body. Only lust and pleasure.

She couldn't comprehend nor hear Erusemon, too mad with pleasure for anything that could resemble a coherent thought. She moved her body, in an attempt to increase the ecstasy, but found that it had all stopped. She had a hard time hearing Erusemon, but was able to get the gist of it. She looked at Kari and realized what she had though and sniffled, feeling her face become hot and tears roll down her face. "I'm sorry," she whispered, as she tried to control herself and stop her tears before the five minutes were up.

"Please, Master, don't do this! She's broken, she's yours, stop!" Kari begged, reaching to hug Erusemon's leg, crying and unable to take the sight of her best friend suffering in such a way.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Shut up pet!" Erusemon ordered, slapping Kari hard across the face. "You do not make requests of me! Silence, sit and watch. Angewomon is fighting to free you and herself! She is fighting to make I am defeated! If that isnt worth dying for then you arent worth the crest that is wasted on you!" Erusemon scolded. He then turned back to angewomon. "So then, are you ready Anegwomon. The clock is almost out, your five minutes are almost gone...ready to start again?"

Whether or not she answered, the Sand would soon start vibrating again, and Erusemon would continue his teasing and ridicule.

The Sands pleasuring power was just as great as it was before, but this time Angewomon had time to prepare for it. Still, it felt just as good, if not better as her body continued to slowly slide down. The objective was not to move a muscles, to sink as slowly as possible, to outlast the sand itself.

“That’s it… let it take you, Angewomon. Cum for me and let my sands devour your luscious body.” Ersuemon taunted from his throne, now picking Kari and placing her on his lap, near his erect cock. "Lick it and pleasure it and I might spare here." He whispered to the loli before continuing.

“Look down at yourself, that’s it. See how the sand wants you? See how it sucks at your lovely Mons?… You’re hips? Do you feel it stroking you?…Lapping at your center?… Licking the lovely little bud of your clitoris? Do you feel the pleasure it gives to you my little Angy?”

Suddenly the vibrations would spike slightly, and Angewomon was sunk almost to her breasts now, almost! She had to hold still, if she didnt, her breasts would come in contact with the sand, and it would all be over. How could she resist it when it had both her pussy and breasts in its pleasuring grip?

“It’s so deep inside you, It’s going to make you cum soon. Let it have you…” Erusemon purred, beckoning the sand to slightly increase its strength, though he did not effect how fast it continued to pull her under.

After a time the maniacal human turned digimon would smile and lean forward. “Face it Angy, you can’t fight it… Why don’t you imagine that it’s me licking you… stroking you…. fucking you…” He teased, giving her a good look at his large erect cock as Kari most likely sucked and licked it.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
No...No, please! Don't! Angewomon pleaded, but it was too late. The show had started up once again. She heard the sound of Erusemon's voice, but did her best to ignore it and drown it out with memories of Kari, her partner. She was who she was fighting for. She bit her lips, holding back gasps, moans, and shrieks as the bombardment of pleasure continued.

She looked like she was going to be victorious, for a while. She remained still, despite her pain and seemed strong enough to overcome the sands. But then she heard a moan, a female one, and she made the fatal mistake of opening her eyes. She saw Kari sucking away at Erusemon's cock and watching it made her drop her guard, letting her hear Erusemon's taunting voice. Tears fell from her eyes as Kari, her best friend and partner, sucked away at his cock like some two bit whore. "Kari!" she moaned, before allowing the sands to overcome her and take her body, drowning it in pleasure.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
“Oh my… You really do cum beautifully,” came her captor's words. “Better look down, slut.”

The sand was now at the base of her breasts and quickly climbing as Angewomon continued to lose control. She could feel its vibrations traveling up her body and teasing her nipples already, even though the sand had yet to make direct contact.

“There’s no escape now angy. Soon you’ll be up to your chin, with no way out. You’re just going to cum… and cum… and cum, until you’re sucked under. In fact, I think you’re about to lose it again, aren’t you?” Erusemon taunted, gloating and stroking Kari's head as she continued to lick and suck his massive erection.

“It’s coming up on your breasts, slut. I do hope you won’t disappoint me by losing it too quickly as it starts to suckle your nipples. You are an angewomon after all…"

Angewomon would have to resist the need to cry out in ecstasy when it first touched the undersides of her breasts, cupping her as it gradually eased around the soft mounds, like a lover sliding his hands up her body toward her nipples. She could only watch helplessly as the brown, nearly liquid fingers slipped around the hard, pulsing peaks at her chest, covering them, and sending an impossibly powerful wave of new arousal through her body. The new sensation was overwhelming, making her feel twice as much pleasure as before, if that was even possible.

If angewomon had any hope before, it was lost now. The sand would lock her wholly into a state of euphoria that would be her last, but she probably didnt even care. She was only pleasure now. Time ceased, or at least seemed to extend out for an eternally long moment. More of her would sink under, until finally the sand reached her chin and forced her to look up. Her whole body was now submerged save for her face, and as the pleasure continue to wrack her body, it became clear that it too would also soon be gone, disappearing beneath the pleasure sands of death that beckoned to her.

And then, with an abruptness that was painful… it stopped. "Well well well, looks like you lost my sweet little Angel slut." Erusemon said, picking Kari up and stroking her in his arms as he stood and began to walk towards her, stepping onto the now still and solid sand. "five minutes left on the clock, but for you I would say you have about thirty seconds, no more." He reached where her face was still poking out of the sand and knelled down so he could see her better, her place a hand on the side of her face and stroked it softly.

"You lose my sweet little Angle. You lose. Now, of course I cant take your life, how on earth would I find the location of the other Angewomon if you were dead? Stupid, stupid little slave." he shock his head and smiled. "Now, do you want to come out angy?" He asked.

The sand, being no longer active, had reverted to a hard packed cylinder around her, freezing her body in place, and making breather very hard, though not impossible.


Tali moaned loudly and squirmed a bit as her inserted a finger into her butt. "Ahhh! Alex..." she moaned, her ass wiggling as she tried to dislodge the finger, never having felt any anal pleasure before. She tried to do as he instructed as well, sucking harder, taking more into her mouth and moving her tongue around the underside of his cock.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angewomon couldn't comprehend anything Erusemon was saying. She was so lost to the pleasure. Her hips moved with it, and when it touched her breasts she silently pleaded for more. She was in nirvana, heaven, a beautiful wonderland of ecstasy and lust. She could not stay silent it seemed as her chest was taken by the sands.

She fell down and down and down, deeper into the moving sand. She could feel her chin rub against it as she seemed on the verge of drowning within, before it all stopped. She cried and groaned as she tried to ignore the pain in her body and make sense of everything again. She heard Erusemon and her eyes widened, before closing. Hot tears ran down her cheeks as she realized she had lost. She simply shook her head, wanting to stay there and die, closing her eyes and praying for a quick death, and death might have been on its way as the sand began to make it hard to breath.


Alex moaned as Tali began to pleasure his shaft, and without warning he began to shoot his seed down her throat. Knowing she was not an expert, he only allowed a bit of his seed to travel down her throat before he pulled out, shooting the rest onto her face.

After doing so, he would slowly rise up and rub his erect cock against her pussy, overjoyed at the thought of his first alien fucking. "Are you ready, Tali? I'm going to make you scream in pleasure. When I'm done, you and I are going to be spending a lot more time together," he whispered, rubbing the head of his shaft against her slit. "This may hurt for a second, but trust me. Its worth it," he promised, before pushing his length into her.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Hmmm, so defeated are you?" Erusemon said rubbing his chin. "Fine, I dont really need you to tell me where the other Angewomon are anyway, I have my ways. I could kill you, delete you right now if you wish...But there will be a price." Erusemon crouched down and placed Kari down on the sands as well. "So long as you live, I wont take Kari's virginity." He said with a confident smile. "But when you die, I will fuck her, and then send her to the sand to be buried with you. A most pleasant way to die wouldnt you think? Now, make your choice."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)