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Next Gen (Zero and Silver RP)
"OK then slave, then I will feed you." She went back to the wall then and cranked the chains back so that Jacob was standing straight again. She then left for a few minutes before returning a little while later, and not alone. Walking behind her, naked, bound, and leashed, was a large wargreymon. "Meet Champ, slave. He was one of my first slaves, my own digi partner. He will be feeding you today." she said as she led the large creature right up to Jacob. When she stepped aside he would find that the greymon in question had a raging erection. The Mistress prompted him forward and its large cock was soon right in Jacob's face. "Ok Slave, now open up. Dont disappoint your mistress. If you made me bring my dear champ all the way down here for no reason, then I swear you will regret it." She threatened. The bound, gagged, and blindfolded Wargreymon moaned as it rubbed its erection on Jacob's face, seeking entrance somewhere. "I suggest you hurry though...before he "feeds" you in the wrong place." she added.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
I'm sorry, father. I don't deserve to be your son. That was his last focused thought as Jacob began to pleasure the erection with his mouth, feeling humiliated and shameful, thinking about his mothers and sisters must have felt. How Kazey must have felt. He was very inexperience and it showed, but he was doing as his Mistress asked, licking it and trying to put the head of it in his mouth.

((I better get revenge for this))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(Dont worry, the plan will come together)

The wargreymon's massive erection stretched his jaws and gagged him several times as the huge dino digimon face fucked him. "Hmmm, good slave." The Mistress said from behind the large digimon. "You are proving your loyalty with every action."

She then undid Champ's bindings, freeing his arms up. With his hands free, Champ grabbed Jacob's head and forced him to deep throat him, almost suffocating him several times before, finally, Champ came hard into Jacob's mouth, holding his head there so that Jacob would have to swallow every last drop. When finally all the sperm was gone, Jacob would be released, and, at least, not hungry anymore. The massive digi orgasm had easily filled Jacob's stomach, so much so that it was slightly distended.

the Mistress was then in front of Jacob, rubbing his stomach gently with her hand. "Oh, did you enjoy your breakfast slave? Was it delicious? Was it fun?" She asked him teasingly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Good, cause I almost feel like trying to outdo my little act at 'the market' rp))

Jacob made a gagging noise several times as his mouth was fucked, and tears fell down his cheeks. When Champ came and forced the boy to eat the sperm, he coughed and nearly upchucked, but he kept it down. When he was freed he was left crying in shame as he saw his slightly inflated stomach, not replying to his Mistress. He finally answered with a weak, "Y-yes, Mistress. It was...f-fun..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(Lol, who would you even use for that? Alex is all nice now, he could never compare)

"Good boy." She said cheerfully, stroking the side of his face, and then licking up his tears. "You taste so sweet slave. But we have a big week ahead of us..." She added as she took the leash and led Champ away. "A very big week."

(Time Skip)

For the nest few weeks, Jacob would be subject to the daily torments his Mistress forced upon him. He was never taken down from the wall, not for any reason, and was humiliated countless times. His day would often start with him waking up and feeding his Mistress as usual, always forced to give the food he desperately wanted away to her. He would then be fed one of two things, gruel or cum, often times both, just not at the same time, but during either breakfast or lunch, there was no dinner. Then his mistress would subject him to further training, mostly focused around either rewarding him with soft, teasing pleasures for obeying her and making her pleased, or causing him extreme pain and punishment for displeasing her.

She trained him so that he would fear even the slightest change in her tone. When his mistress's voice became flat, bored, annoyed, or god forbid, angry, she would strike him, or subject him to a new drug or humiliation, each time outdoing the last punishment and always reminding him, "This can always get worse." and she was always right. It became a dangerous game, always stay on the mistress's good side, notice how she moves, how she acts and try to preempt a response that would keep her happy.

But regardless of whether he was good or bad, he was always given his dose of three drugs. Two in the morning, and the last one at night. Every night she was subject him to the torture he suffered in his first, so that his every fantasy and desire would be to be pleased by her. She forced him to the point to where he would pray for her to come back and please him, to relieve him to the torture the drugs and fan inflicted upon him.

Time seemed to stop, Jacob had no way of counting the days that passed aside from that which he could keep in his head, and that was rapidly becoming the property of the Mistress. Finally, at long last the day came where things would be different for Jacob...


That day started mostly the same, His mistress entered to find his exhausted form chained against the wall. She would force him to feed her, giving him the special fork with which to do so. But there was one thing missing that morning, his daily dose of Bactine. It was the first time since he had arrived that he did not have the drug, and although he did not feel any different at first, soon he began to feel the effects of Bactine withdrawal.

He lost control of his muscles as they started to painfully spasm. He would throw up uncontrollably, even when he had eaten nothing, and his eyes would grow so sensitive to light that just the dim light of his dungeon burned his eyes. And all just kept getting worse and worse. Meanwhile, his mistress sat opposite him as she often did, twirling a syringe full of Bactine in her hand. "Missing something slave?" She would asked in her smug voice.

(Respond to all three parts please, it will draw a better picture)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I always find a way))

Jacob cried in shame as she and Champ left the room. He could see his father berating and disowning him, his sisters abandoning him in disgust, and his mothers shaking their heads in pity for him, the poor disgusting creature. He would soon cry himself to sleep, and have nightmares of his family and Kazey...


For the days of torture, Jacob did his best to be a good slave. So much like his mother. He would study her tone and body, making sure he always acted accordingly. He took the drugs, fed her mistress, and allowed himself to be fed the sperm or gruel.

The tears eventually stopped. He had accepted his fate and in a way, forgot about his family in his waking hours. The only time he really thought about them was in his sleep, where his nightmares would have them torture him along with the woman.


Jacob realized he did not get his daily drug, but dared not speak out. He did as he usually did, but when he felt the muscles spams and heard her voice he almost started crying again. He groaned and screamed in pain, feeling the horrible agony. "P-please, Mistress, have mercy," he pleaded as she held the Bactine.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
She did not have mercy, and for an hour she left him to suffer. The pain eventually became so bad, and the spasms so intense that the only thing that kept him from breaking his back were the chains that tightly restrained him. What was worse, it would not happen all at once to let him get used to it, no, it happened in short spurts of time, giving time to breath and recover, knowing that in a minute or so the pain would resume even worse.

During one of these breaks his mistress finally spoke. "Do you see slave? I am the only one who can give you this, the only one in the entire world, all of them in fact. I am your life, I am your death. You can not live without my permission to, and you will die unless I will otherwise." She then leaned in closer, her face almost touching his. "Do you know why I do this to you? Why I am letting you feel this cruelest of punishments?" For once she did not wait for him to answer. "So that you understand that escape is literally impossible. Without me, you will die. Even if you escape to die, you will die a slow and painful death, and you will do so alone. Im letting you suffer so that you can fully understand that you belong to me, now and forever, and there is nothing that will ever change that. Ever. Do you understand slave?"

She would wait for as long as it took for Jacob to confirm that he understood her completely before finally giving him the drug. The cramps and pain quickly subsided, though it was replaced with a an icy spray of a nearby hose as his mistress covered him in cold water to wash away the filth on him. Each time she did this, it would feel like icy daggers digging into his flesh, but it was nothing compared to the pain he had just suffered.

"Now slave, Im going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer honestly. Do you want to come off the wall? Do you want me to give you back the use of your legs?"

(Heading to bed after a few more posts)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
He howled in pain and agony as he felt his muscles spasm, acting out of his control. Jacob begged his Mistress to help him in the hour she had left to suffer in. He pleaded and begged to hero, prayed to her, cried out to her for mercy. When she began to speak, he just felt his guilt and shame being stabbed in him once more.

Jacob once again broke down in salty tears as she explained to him why. He just nodded as he wept, whispering, "I'm your slave, I'm your slave..." He screamed and bellowed in horrible pain and suffering, and the hacker would watch him twist and spasm for a few minutes before shouted, "I understand, Mistress! I understand!" He whispered a thank you to her as he was injected, but gasped with pain and shock as he felt the hose and the icy water. When he heard the question, he whimpered and replied, "I-if you would allow it, Mistress, I want to be taken off your wall...."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Good...Hold Still slave." She said as she loosened the chains on his arms so that he could lower them for the first time in a long time. She then walked up to him and with a wave of her hand, unlocked them. She then quickly instructed him to place his arms out in front of him, which was hard considering how long it had been since Jacob had moved his arms at all. Still, he had no choice, otherwise he would disobey his mistress.

When he did so, she took a Straight Jacket off the wall and wrapped him in it, securing his arms tightly in its binding grip. His lower body was still naked, but now he had some kind of warm clothes, even if it did make his arms useless. It was after this that she unlocked his legs. "Congratulations slave, you have graduated to the next step in your training. You may now walk about, as I will you to of course." she then took a leash and secured it to his collar. "Come now." She ordered as she led him up the stairs for the first time, opening the door and allowing him to enter her home.

She had her own mansion, which was very much like Jacob's father's, save for two things. For one thing, her mansion had many, many more windows, as though she were daring Jacob to try to escape, or taunting him with second difference. His Father's mansion was in a cave surrounded by a forest. Her mansion was on top of a hill overlooking a beautiful valley and a lake.

But, there was actually one more difference, one Jacob would only become aware of after it affected him. There were strange rails in the roof of the building, they went everywhere, like a mini train rail, and from it hung a sort of tether. The mistress took this tether and tied it to Jacob's leach. "Although you are now able to use your legs, you are not free. You will only be able to go where the rails allow you to, or were I tell you to." She explained to him as she came up behind him and hugged him. "Oh Im going to have so much fun with you, my new slave." she said, her hands reaching into the front of his jacket and running over his chest, particularly his nipples. "I always love the third half of training." she whispered seductively into his ear.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I'm getting sleepy. I'm going to sleep soon two....))

He allowed the straightjacket to cover him, happy to at least be warm. Jacob struggled to keep up with her steps, as he had not been used to walking due to this long torture session, but he did his best. He looked at the leash on him and stared the ground, as a slave should.

His eyes still saw the mansion, and the many windows. Before he could even think about escaping though, he heard the hacker talk about the rails. He nodded in response, before feeling her hands over his skin, closing his mouth and suppressing a moan as she stroked his nipples. "Yes, Mistress...."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.