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Next Gen (Zero and Silver RP)
"What was that slave? Are you giving me orders?" She asked, Punching him the stomach afterwards, sending crippling pain throughout his body as she did. "I know what you can do, I know what you will do, stupid stupid slave. If you went to ever feel pleasure again, to feel release, then submit! Submit to me!" She ordered in a harsh voice. "It will make everything better, it will make your new life easier." she added a few seconds later with her softer voice, her hands return to sooth his pain, her lips kissing his neck softly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I am!" Jacob cried out, crying once more as he felt the horrible pain from the punch triple in effect. "Please, Mistress, I'm your slave! I'll be your slave forever, just let me cum!" he pleaded. It was obvious the drugs were working, but there was still one last bit of his mind and soul that was keeping him from revealing the location of the mansion. Other than ratting out his family, he seemed to have been broken well enough. It was up to the hacker to decide if this was enough for a reward.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Fine." The woman said. "You graduate to level two slave." she removed his blindfold, letting him see her again and see his surroundings for the first time. He was in what looked like a dark basement with a single light and tons of torture equipment lining the walls. Directly behind his new mistress was a stair way leading to a door.

"Happy to have your sight back slave? Keep up the good work and maybe you will get off that wall, or even be allowed to cum. For now though, this is enough. Cumming is a pleasure only I will give you, and only once you are my true slave." she picked up a syringe from a nearby table and injected him with something blue. Instantly he would feel a powerful pain in his crotch, which lasted a few seconds before dying away, taking the pleasure with it. He was no longer horny and no longer needed to cum...he could rest now, but he had not been allowed his release. "Savor the pain slave, you will be begging me for it soon enough. Now, good night. I will see you in the morning for the next part of your training...try to stay warm." she leaned up and kissed his bottom lip before leaving, swaying her sexy hips as she left, opening the door and letting him catch a glimpse of freedom before he was embraced by darkness once again. Cold, cold darkness. His ordeal had just begun.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
He groaned as the syringe injected him with the substance and saw with shock his erect die and his body lose its heat. He motioned his head yes at her question, but reacted with horror as she left. "N-no! Please, Mistress! Don't leave me!" he cried out, seeing the light vanish and leaving him cold, alone, and scared. He began to weep once again and he tried to sleep, but was too cold. He ended up staying awake for hours before finally blacking out due to exhaustion. Help... he begged.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Jacob would be woken up later by the feel of an injection. His mistress was back, and was giving him his daily dose of the first two drugs, sparing him the last one for now. "Hello slave, how did you sleep?" she would ask when she noticed he was away. On a table next to them was a plate full of delicious fruits and snacks, which smelled wonderful, particularly to Jacob's empty stomach. "Are you ready for todays training?" She would ask, slapping him hard across the face if he did not answer every question.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"F-fine, Mistress." Jacob whimpered at the smell of food and he stared at the fruit longingly, before redirecting his attention to the woman. "Yes, Mistress, I am ready for training," he replied. I-is this what father did to my mothers and daughters? Was he this cruel? he thought, awaiting to hear the woman.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

She smiled when she noticed him staring at the food longingly. "Good pet." she said with a satisfied smile. "Then here is your first task of the day. You will feed me." She then walked over to large crank on the wall and turned it a few times, loosening the chains on his arms so that he could fall to his knees, but still could not reach anything with his arms. She then walked back over to him and place the table in front of him, his face almost level with the food, though his hands could not reach it. She then sat down across from him in a chair and presented him with a strange looking fork that appeared to have a bit piece. "Open your mouth and take this. You will use it to pick up food and place it at my lips. You will serve me today, arent you lucky."

She leaned forward a bit and opened her mouth slightly, waiting for him to start feeding her the delicious food on the table. Jacob could take the fork being presented to him and do as he was told, or dive his face into the food and eat as much as he could before being punished. the food itself smelled delicious, and he had not eaten Lunch or dinner the previous day, and no breakfast that morning.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Hey, hey....shuttaup))

Jacob was about to dive into the fruit, but stopped. Maybe it was the softer, nicer part of him that he inherited from his mother. Maybe it was just him playing a smart move. Either way, he obeyed his Mistress, feeding her the delicious fruit with the fork.

For a while, he seemed relatively calm for it. Then he couldn't take anymore and began to cry slightly, his stomach groaning and roaring for food. He had no choice though, and obeyed the hacker, delivering fruit after fruit, no matter how much his body tortured him to bite down on it.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
She smiled happily as she was fed the food, making sure to take her time eating so that Jacob could truly suffer. Finally, after a long long time, it was all gone, and she groaned softly as she leaned back in her chair and patted her full stomach. "That was delicious, thank you slave. Now, I assume that you want to be fed as well am I correct? Hmmm...what to feed you what to feed you...How hungry are you slave? Will you eat anything your mistress gives you or will I have to return later when you are even hungrier?" she already had a diabolical plan for Jacob, which, luckily enough, also allowed her to reward a more recently well behaved slave.

(Slow posting for a bit, playing fall out)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Hmm, tried that game. Never got the addiction to it. Oh well, have fun))

Jacob knew he shouldn't have said it, but he couldn't help it. He hungered so much and would do anything for food. He hated his weakness and knew his father would, but he obeyed his Mistress. "I-if you want, Mistress. Please, feed me. I'll do anything, Mistress. I-I will do anything," he cried. It was about time he showed if this was a lie or the truth.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.