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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Angewomono watched in horror, actually falling deeper into the sand a bit as she felt herself shiver in fear. She realized what was happening though and returned to being still, like a statue. She ignored the video, and the the horrible man.

When he spoke again she wanted to insult him and scream at him, but knew that would only make things worse. She closed her eyes and tried to drown at everything with thoughts of what she would do to Erusemon when this was over. She kept herself calm and cool, but Erusemon could easily change that about her....Maybe listening to the sounds of Kari being gangbanged would bring some life back into her....?

"Master! Please! Y-you're going to kill her!" Kari argued, seeing the video. She had tears in her eyes, sad over the seemingly loss of life of the poor blue digimon. "Please, isn't there a different challenge you could use?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tali did as she was asked, scanning the room and gasping at what she found. "How is this possible? The room is sterile, even you are sterile! There are no bacteria or germs anywhere...I dont understand-" she was cut off by Alex as he began to explain the cure he had concocted, a cure for the Quarian immunity problem. It left her all speechless by the end of it, and she held the green vile in her hands, studying it with open wonderment, contemplating it. "I-I dont know. Shepherd, this is all much to take in at once. I will run some of my own tests, to see if this is really compatible with our biology...but thank you...I...I dont know what to say. Why have you done all of this?"


"Angewomon agreed to this, pet. Do not question me or I will toss you out there as well." Erusemon warned Kari. At the same time the digimon inside her would begin to vibrate again, trying to drive her to the edge of orgasm again as Erusemon played with her breasts. "Let us just sit, watch, enjoy ourselves, and see how long your partner lasts." He said.

Indeed, Angewomon would find she was having a hard time lasting at all. Even though she was being as still as possible, she needed to breath, and even that slowly, almost invisibly, sank her. Not only that, but she needed to shift wait from leg to leg in order to keep balance and not fall, which also caused her to sink. Not only that, but she could not feel the pulsing vibrations moving up her legs. They were very powerful, and shook her entire body softly, making her feel the power of the sand that was slowly climbing up her legs towards the petals of her flower.

Erusemon laughed as he watched, still playing with Kari. "Ten minutes. You have lasted a whole ten minutes Angewomon. How does it feel? Can you feel the power of my sand as it slowly approaches your pretty little cunt? I think you will last maybe another hour, hour and a half at best. After that however, your pussy will touch the sand, and it will be all over...Tell me, how many men have even allowed to touch you?" He laughed again and continued to watch.

(Next Gen?)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I will, but I have to go in a bit. Thanksgiving party))

Alex scowled a bit as she said she would be running test, but he kept the act up just a little longer. "I already told you why, Tali. I love you. I want to be with you, forever." He placed a hand on her waist and another on her upper back, embracing her. "Before you go to run your tests, at least honor me with the chance to see the woman under that mask...and maybe have a kiss as my reward," Alex smiled.


"Ah!" Kari gasped and moaned in pleasure, moving her body as she felt the digimon pleasure her. Angewomon wanted to growl in anger, but did not, knowing it would just quicken it. She knew she was still moving down, and she cursed herself for it.

When Erusemon asked her question she tried to speak as calmly as possible, but the anger and stress behind her voice was obvious. "None." She could feel her body falling, and she tried to ignore the sounds of Kari begging Erusemon to let her climax.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tali shuddered as he embraced her, not knowing how to react. "I..I...Shepherd...Alex, this is all happening to fast. I know we have been through a lot together...and I...I may feel the same way about you, I dont know. But right now the galaxy needs us, we cant do this now. We cant rush this." She said pulling away from him. "I need some time...time to think, to get things into perspective...I will call you if I confirm his stuff is safe for my people." she said, trying to leave the room.


"Well, that is going to make this sooo much harder for you. I wonder how strong your will power is. Well then, Angewomon, to pass the time, let us talk a bit." He said, ceasing his pleasuring of Kari, letting her rest for a moment. "Or I could just watch and play with Kari if thats what you want. In any case Angewomon, tell me, do you feel the vibrations? The power inside them?" In fact Angewomon would be able to feel he vibrations strongly in fact, even though the it had only just reached her knees. It was so strong, it felt like her body was vibrating from the inside out.

"You see, the resonance required to make sand and water liquid is almost the same as that of flesh. That is why, in only a little while, it will feel as though the most skilled lover is licking you from the inside out. It really is a fascinating effect dont you think?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Tali....I understand, but just let me see your face. That's all I ask," Alex pleaded, holding onto her hand, not letting her leave. "You checked the room. You've checked me. Its clean. All I want, is the chance to see the face of the woman who's saved my life. Who's life I've saved. That's it...Please, Tali..."


"Yes," Angewomon replied, trying to keep her answers short. She did feel the vibrations, and she wanted to moan and embrace them. To fall into the sand and let it play with her, let it consume her, let it overwhelm-NO! She had to stay focus, and remember her target. She had to make Erusemon pay. She would answer any question he asked in a shortest way possible, wanting to protect Kari from his games, while trying to remain still as best she could. But with every breath, no matter how shallow, she would fall, inching closer to ecstasy and death.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Two hours slowly went by with Erusemon asking questions, and waiting. Finally he stopped and said, "Oh look at the time! Only an hour left to go, if you stay as still as you have been this whole time, you will win and be safe." He said cheerfully. Still, hope was fleeting. Angewomon had slowly been sinking the entire time, her smallest movements causing her to slip farther and farther into the deadly pleasure sand below. "How does it feel Angewomon? I bet your are really feeling it now. Its only a matter of time." He said with a smile. Angewomon would feel the vibrations reaching up and pleasuring her, lightly teasing her body as she continued to sink. Her hips and pussy were exactly one small inch from the quivering sand beneath her, and yet she would be able to feel the vibrations from the sand reach up through her body, even teasing her nipples slightly. She was not to far gone yet though, her willpower could still win out as long as her precious flower did not touch the sand. But her condition would still be bad, after all, this was enough to arouse a human woman to the point of having hard nipples and wet pussy. Erusemon then took a moment to inspect her, to see how her body was faring, to see if she was aroused yet, if the struggle to stay still had tired her or made her sweat. He wanted to take a good mental picture while he could.


Tali stopped and sighed. "Fine Shepherd...its the least I could do." She reached up and undid the front of her face plate, revealing her face..(Pick one). Tal blushed as she stared at Alex unmasked, wondering what he would think of her face. "Am...Am I..." she asked softly, unable to bring herself to ask the full question, afraid that Shepherd would find her repulsive.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex didn't know if it was his powers working on their own, his own personal feelings towards Tali, the fact Tali may have simply just looked that good, or some combination of them, but he found himself amazed by her face. Sher had a light purple skin tone, unnatural, but amazing. Her lips were a dark purple, but whether it was lipstick or natural, he did not know or care. Her eyes were amazing, and almost seemed to glow with knowledge and radiance.

It took him a minute to realize she was talking to him and he rubbed his head. "Tali...How do I put this...? Miranda, Samara, Liara, Ashley, and Jack, all naked on my bed, aren't even half as beautiful as you are right now," he smiled, attempting to embrace her and place a hand on her cheek.


Sweat fell down her body, traveling down her sexy frame as she tried to remain still. She still had to shift and breathe, which caused her chances to fall more and more. Still, she remained determined, with her eyes closed and her mouth shut. Some of her hair had fallen over her eyes, sticking to her sweaty forehead as the rest traveled down her back. Her nipples were almost as hard as rock, but thankfully for her, her angelic slit was still relatively dry, lacking signs of arousal, though she did feel it as her nipples pointed out. Her wings had not moved an inch since this entire session.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tali didnt know how to respond. It certainly was not the most romantic way to put it, but it did definitely boost her self esteem. It seemed that she...was beautiful, at least to him. She was so dazed by the confession that she allowed him to embrace her again and place his hand against the skin of her cheek, skin that had not been touched in years by another. "Thank you Alex...but...But I have to go now...I have to think." she said, trying to put her helmet back in place. She needed to leave, to sort her own feelings about Alex Shepherd, and to study the green nanites he had given her. She wasnt sure if she loved him, and it would take her time to decide...
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Last post. Good night))

"Wait, Tali," Alex quickly said, holding her in his embrace. "I just want you to know, that no matter what you decide on, I am thankful to have you as my friend and ally. I remember when you, Garrus, and I fought against the Thorian, and how the three of us overcame it. I remember the rachni, where you and Liara helped me and how you accepted my judgment to let the Queen go. I remember so much of my adventures, and you're always there with me. Thank you, Tali. For being a true friend." As he said this somewhat true to his heart speech, he used his powers on the Quarien. He tried to force her into a trance, just a few seconds where she would be mentally asleep. That would have been all he needed... "Our enemies better watch out. Just you and me together is pretty scary. Imagine this entire crew working together, for the good of the galaxy," he finished, before slowly releasing her.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tali stopped to hear him and her white eyes soon went out of focus for a few seconds, her mind wandering and sleeping for just and instant. She looked a bit confused for a moment before she nodded and made a hasty retreat. Tali would rather fight a whole galaxy of Geth rather than face her conflicting feelings, and ran to the engine room, hoping to gain some perspective and rest.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)