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Next Gen (Zero and Silver RP)
The blast helped to push the hacker away, but she was used to capturing and enslaving wargraymons and other megas, a mere power push would not get her away. "Running to Mommy now are we?" She asked as she chased after him. He was still too far from the mansion in the woods outside the cave where Angy had been captured. Still, he made it pretty far and she, for one reason or another, was not catching him or impeding him, even though she was faster than him. She was not chasing...she as following! She was following Jacob back to the mansion! How could Ren and the other help him against a hacker like Jacob's own father?!
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Jacob screamed, realizing what the woman was planning. He took a quick, hard turn right and tried running in a new direction. He remember the Lilymon and Zephrimon from earlier and ran in their direction, hoping they could help him or act as cannon fodder at the very least. While his moral judgment argued about this, his family and own self protection instinct kept him going.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Running in their direction, Jacob would be dismayed to learn that both Digimon were excellent fliers and worth much less than him apparently since the hunter did not start chasing either of the other digimon, trying to keep up with Jacob. After a few minutes however she grew frustrated. "Aw screw it!" She yelled, making more tentacles erupt from her back, using them to launch herself forward where she tackled Jacob to the ground and began to try to tangle him up. Jacob, being half Psychic pokemon, was actually not all that strong physically, if he wanted to struggle he would have to use his powers, if he could even focus as it was.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Jacob, normally, would have a hard time fighting back as he was attacked by the girl. By fear is an excellent motivator, and the feel of the metal tentacles touching him gave him much fear. "Let. Me. GO!" he screamed, his body flaring up with psychic energy, desperate to escape the woman.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Sheesh, just...lay down...and...take it!" She yelled through the powerful energy emanating from Jacob. with one swing of her free arm, she nailed him in the head with her weapon, distorting his data temporarily. To Digimon it put them in a near death state which made them easy to capture, to Jacob it blasted him into sheer unconsciousness. Jacob could be formidable, if he were fighting anything but a hacker.


When Jacob awoke, he would find himself chained to a wall and unable to see. He was blindfolded and restrained, and there was something tight strapped around her neck. He had many new bruises, and could not feel his connection to his powers anymore. Something was blocking them.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
When Jacob awoke, he shivered with fear. He had never felt his connection to his powers vanish like this. "P-please. L-let me go!" he begged. "Why are you doing this?! I never did anything to you..." he whispered.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Jacob would hear a giggle, and feel a cold hand touch the side of his face. "Thats 28 times to this date, 28 times someone has asked me that stupid question, when will people learn." He would then hear a sigh and feel the hand slip down from his face to his chest where it began to undo his shirt. "I am a collector of sorts you see." She began to explain. "Im the best, in fact. And I do love my title as the best. I pride myself in my ability to find and capture that which no one else has or can." Soon his shirt was discarded and her fingers began to trace his muscles and move lower on his body. "So there is plenty of reason for me to catch you, but you are actually more special than even that. You see, although I am clearly the best, there is another that people claim is better at capturing and training slaves than even me. A man named Alex, your master I am to understand."

Her fingers reached his belt and began to undo it, moving onto his pants next. "I cant stand it, he is not better than I am, he hardly captures slaves anymore and yet his legend always overshadows my achievements. No more. You asked my why I was sneaking around earlier, I was trying to find your master's secret mansion. There I would confront him, defeat him, and take all his slaves for my own. In this way it would be PROVEN that I am the best! The absolute peerless individual! But...his house is rather hard to find." She slid his pants off in one motion, and continued to undress him. "So you see I tried to get you to lead me to where he lived, but alas, you proved useless. So Instead I have captured you. Alex always comes back for his slaves, it is part of his legend. So one way or the other, he will wind up here, and I will kill him and prove my worth."

She stood back to admire her work, before Jacob then felt her press against his body again, letting him feel her wonderful curves and breasts, though still clothed. "When he hears about this back at your mansion, he will rush here. It will be perfect, and you will be my slave forever." This woman was insane, and was claearly not understanding that Jacob was not a slave, but Alex's son, and that Alex had no way of know that Jacob was here since he was not at the mansion. Whats worse, this woman seemed intent on making Jacob her own personal slave.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Jacob shuddered and blushed as she felt her breasts and he tried to think of something to find a way out of this. "My f-master...he has friends in high places! H-he won't come alone! He helped the Digimon defeat Daemon! He'll come here with help! Y-you should just let me go! being second best so bad?" he whimpered, as he lied. "You don't want to anger my master and his friends! He's powerful, and so are they!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Ha! Friends? Digiatal friends? What a loser." She said as she ran her hands over Jacob's body, taking stock of everything. "I have an anti digifeild and enough slaves to hold off vast armies. I dont fear your pathetic master. Now, if I can break you from his training and make you obey only me, then I will be that much closer to proving my superiority...which brings us to you, my new slave. Tell me, what is your name?" As she asked this her hands gently cupped either side of his face and he could feel her breath on his lips.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"J-J-Jacob. M-my name is Jacob. P-please. My master killed a Digimon Demon Lord!" D-doesn't that mean anything?" he whimpered, as he tried to use his powers to contact his sisters or mothers, or find some way to free himself. "Please, let me go...I-I'm not...You don't get it," he whispered.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.