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Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP)
Monica took a seat beside Minami and wagged her tail softly. The vixen looked at her food eagerly, but tried to be polite and wait for the guys. Oooh, they'd better hurry up, or I'll kick their butts when we go train later.

"Eh, she's kind of shy, but this isn't the first time you've come to breakfast in just your boxers. Heheh, anyways, let's go see if they made us anything." Jedrek opened the door to Ryo's room, sniffed the air and growled eagerly as he caught wind of some delicious food. "Oh yeah, I smell something good."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
The wolf nodded and shut the door behind him while follows Jedrek to the dining room, his sensitive nose picking up a delicious scent of french toast and pancakes. "Indeed it is. I wonder how it taste like." Ryo giggles and continued walking till he saw Monica and Minami sitting side by side.

"Good morning, Ryo, Jedrek." Minami greets while waving her big dark gray paws and Ryo replied by smiling and waving to the females. He pulled a chair and waiting for Jedrek to have a seat.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
"Good morning, boys." Monica blushed ever so slightly upon seeing the shirtless Jedrek walking in beside Ryo, who was only in his boxers. Still, she was somewhat used to them coming to breakfast before dressing so she smiled pleasantly towards them.

Jedrek waved gently and answered, "Mornin' ladies." He then took a seat on the chair Ryo pulled out for him and told the cute canine, "Thanks, wolfie." He gave him a playful kiss across the cheek before he looked at his breakfast. "Mmmm, this looks great. Thanks, girls. Let's eat!" The shadow dragon eagerly started to cut up his french toast and pancakes.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hehe...Your welcome, Jed..." Ryo giggles and blushed cutely before take a seat besides the dragon, and filled his plate with pancakes and some french toast; began eating politely.

Watching the dragon kissed the wolf, Minami couldn't help but grinned slightly while eating the french toast. "So, I heard a quite sexy growl last night. Something happen between you two..?" She asked and Ryo suddenly cough before choked slightly, but able to swallow the food. A deep blush is the only thing he could do to answer the question.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
Jedrek chuckled confidently and told Minami, "Heh, yeah, we spent some time together last night. Kind of naughty of you to listen in on us." The shadow dragon stuck his tongue out before he ate a large bite of his French toast. After swallowing, he asked her, "So what about you two, did you ladies do anything last night?"

Monica blushed brightly as she wondered how Minami would answer. The vixen cutely ate some of her pancakes, and tried to remain calm. Well, as long as she doesn't go into too many of the naughty details, I guess it doesn't matter.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I see. Well, I can't helped it. My ears is too sensitive to 'that' kind of sound." Minami giggled as eating a slice of pancakes. "We're doing fine, just a normal pillow talk and giving each other a massage after fighting all day long." She smiled and winked to Monica.

As finish eating the last pancake in his plate, Ryo gulping half glass of milk before looking to everybody. "What we should do for today?I believe we didn't heard anything from the Mayor."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
Monica winked cutely towards Minami before looking towards the boys. "Well, me and Minami were going to do something training. What about you two?" She then had another taste bite of Minami's french toast, enjoying the sweet delicacy.

Jedrek had another large bite of his food and swallowed before answering them all, "Well, things are kind of quiet since we cleaned up that elven gang. I guess training sounds good." He then looked to Ryo and smiled, "Are you up for that wolfie, or did you want to go out or something?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ryo nodded from the suggestion as stares sharply to Minami. "I observe during the battle, and it seems you depend too much on magic alone without encounter the actual close combat. Starting today, we have to train you a close combat fighting without using any magic spells."

The hybrid frowned and both of her wolf ears swivel to the back. "I...don't want to, brother...I'm really comfortable using magic to defeat enemies-"

Before Minami finish the sentence, Ryo knock the table softly, causing her to jumped a little. "You wished to get beaten once you have no more inner energy to be used to cast spells? You'll partner with me."

Minami thought for a while and he has a point. Before this, Minami trained Ryo close combat fighting but since she discover her magic potential, she abandoned close combat and use magics all the way. "Okay, brother..."

"It's our task to look for each other and lend a help if needed." Ryo smiled as gets up and petting Minami's head, a soft murr escaped from her throat before she smiled a little.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
"Don't worry, Minami, we'll all help ya. I can show ya a good workout regiment." Jedrek smirked confidently as he flexed his beefy arm, showing off his black, scaly biceps.

"Oh, and I can show ya how to block effectively and counterattack, sugar," chimed in Monica, wagging her tail excitedly as she thought about helping her lover become stronger.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Minami looked to Jedrek showing off his big muscles before blushing lightly and looked over Monica. "Thank you, everyone. I really appreciate your help."

"Well, it's settled then. We began training maybe about fifteen minutes." Ryo said as emptying a glass of milk, letting out a long sigh.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds