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God Threat (a Zero and Maero RP)
King soon brought the little Cassandra to their old home and laid her down on the bed, even joining her on it, under a nice warm blanket. He still didn't have much of a plan, but for now, he was simply happy to have his Cassandra again.

There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
As King laid her down on the bed he sensed a familiar, and dreaded, presence suddenly enter the room as a rip in time and space opened and his mother stepped through clapping. "Very good my child, very good. Why waste time collecting all the troublesome bits of the goddess when one could just unite them into one and then take the defenseless child for your own power. And for a moment I had even gone so far as to think you had betrayed me." She laughed. "Now, quickly, we have much work to do. Take her essence." This was King's chance to reunite with his mother, to be forgiven and continue on his the cost of Cassandra's power and the world he had helped to create.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King awoke, just when he had entered his dream world, and saw, felt, and heard his mother. He stared at his Mother, then down at his sweet Cassandra, before looking back at her. He knew what he had to do. He grabbed Cassandra, and held her in his arms, ready to run as he said, "I won't let this world die like all the others....Please, mother...Let us stop this. Let the worlds that have already died, perish, but no more of them should suffer. No more innocent gods or goddesses...shall I hurt." As he spoke, he was ready to run from his mother, Cassandra in his grip.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
For a moment her mother was silent and then slowly nodded. "Very well, I can see that you feel strongly enough. Then I will no longer use you child. Return to your world, care for the gods and goddesses there. I shall have to make plans of replacing you." She then turned and disappeared. It had been so long since he had been to his own dimension that time would have passed, maybe a week. The gods and goddesses there would survive a week without care, needing no food or water to survive...but he also had a mortal imprisoned there, Sevnie's angel.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"....It couldn't have been that easy. No way was it that easy," he whispered after his mother vanished. He slowly looked around, before slowly creating a portal, curious to see if he could truly go back to his pocket dimension. He slowly began to step through it, and hopefully, he would land back home, with a sleeping Cassandra in his arms.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
He would do so, and was soon back in world, Cassandra safe and asleep in his arms. But suddenly the portal would shut behind him without him willing it to, and he would find that he could not open it again. Suddenly he would realize his mistake, trapped. He was trapped in his own pocket dimension, and try as he might he could not open the portal again. Whats worse, he had brought Cassandra, taking her out of her world. King had seen what happens to worlds that lose their gods for long periods of time, and even now, very slowly, Cassandra's world was ceasing to grow, and dying. Cassandra remained blissfully unaware of what had just happened, still sleeping in his arms, but King now had a new mission and problem. He had to escape and get Cassandra home before everything they had worked and fought so hard for...died.

When he arrived he would also find that everything was much the way he had left it, though there was only one person in the room, well, one active visible person. Chi was sitting on a pillow on the bed next to the still sleeping Dove god. She looked up at him when he entered and her long ears perked up. "M-Master, your back!" She said happily. She looked...dirtier, more dull. How much time had passed since he had left? Had his mother allowed time to resume as normal her or just not slowed it down as much? the others were likely in or nearby the pool.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I freaking saw that coming! AHH! Next time I'm listening to my gut))

"No...No, no, no," King whispered, realizing his mistake, before turning around to see Chi. "Chi...?" he asked, seeing her change. "How long have I been gone?" he asked, walking to her and motioning her to fly onto his open hand. Once she was with him, he would quickly walk to the pool room, wanting to see the others and try to form a plan.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Chi could no longer fly, having lost her powers and strength. She would crawl onto his hand if he allowed her to though. "Um, I-Im not sky..." she said very sadly. It was torture for a nature goddess like herself to be trapped in a room. "Almost a week? A week and a half?" She said softly.

Entering the bathroom he would behold a miserable sight. The pool was dirty, having been used but not cleaned this entire time. Outside it on the ledge was Melina. She was drawing circles in the water with her finger absentmindedly, and didnt seem to notice him when he entered. Shay was kneeling in the corner again, his black wings now slightly grayed from exposure to the constant dim light that shone everywhere inside the small world. Mecha had her feet in the water and was at the very edge of the pool, looking very very week and no longer pregnant. She was holding a child in her arms. The child was sleeping and looked normal, but Mecha looked as though she hadnt eaten in a week, which was true, and since she was a mortal with god powers, and had those powers taken away by the birth of the child, she was nothing but a mortal now. But even worse off than any of them was Melody. The Angel was slumped against the wall, feathers on the floor all around her starved and dehydrated form. Her eyes were dull, her body thin and week, her wings losing feathers by the minute.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King nearly fell down in horror at the condition of his slaves. He wanted to cry once again, but before the sadness could turn into salty tears, it shifted. It began a fiery rage, and he looked up to the 'heavens.' Mother... he whispered in his mind, his feelings of honor, love, and respect turning into hatred. He didn't even greet any of the slaves, instead, he tried walking back into the main room, wanting to figure out a way back to Cassandra's world. He stopped though and looked at the pool, trying to use his power over this place to clean it, and to stop the light that shined into this room, hurting Shay. If it failed, he walked back into his room, needing to find a way out.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Although his mother had sealed him in, he still had control over what was in the dimension, and the water became clean, and the room dark. Still, to just leave would be to hurt his slaves worse, they all needed attention, Mecha and Melody most of all. As mortals, they needed to eat and drink and had not done so for at least a week if not more, they were on the verge of death by starvation. Even then he did not know how badly Shay was doing, and had not even touched his new daughter.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)