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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
"Hmm, from what I can tell the humans out number us by a lot, at least forty to our twenty, and that isnt counting the troops still out in the forests." The Shaman said. "They seem inferior, but we out outnumbered two to one at best, and we shouldnt under estimate humans. Particularly if they have mages. That should be Tal's next direction. If he can entice one of the Work Lords to bed him, and thus buy him, they may take him to the more personal part of the camp and give us a much better view of the armaments and possible magic weaponry. Even so, it is likely we will require aid. Your orders sir?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master sighed, before speaking. "Let's try and get more information. Would it work if we have Tal try to be more seductive to Work Lords and get one of them to buy him and take him to the personal parts of the camp?" he asked. If this plan met the approval of others, he would look at the window ordered Tal to do just that, charming and seductive.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Its worth a try. Tal is a cat slave, so he is durable and resilient. We should make full use of him before we rescue him and attack." The shaman would say. If The Master decided to do so, then Tal would receive the message and agree, though he only did so for his master's sake. He would wait until a Work Lord passed his cage or came close, and rub up against the bars, purring loudly and looking frisky, wanting attention.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master ordered Tal to be seductive, and soon enough, when a Work Leader found the young slave purring and looking so frisky, he leapt at the chance to buy him. "So easy to manipulate," the Orc Master commented upon.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tal was taken away, fucked and bought by Taim, a large, brawny Work Lord. Tal was fucked right outside of his cage, gang banged by the Work Lord and his buddies for almost two hours. When finally they stopped and unshackled him from the bars, Tal was a moaning mess. Again they dumped cold water over him to wash him off and Taim carried him back into the private part of the camp. While in his arms, Tal saw that there was a totally of five buildings, which meant five work lords at least, but didnt see any wizardry, yet. Tal was taken into Taim's building and thrown on the floor, where he mewed and whimpered.

Taim had spent most of his money buying Tal, and since Tal was a supposedly unclaimed sex slave that made him worth it. Taim knew all about these kinds of creatures, and that, mixed with Tal's otherworldly ability to create and entice pleasure and lust, got him bought. But Taim had another reason for buying Tal. He was a rough lover to say the least, and enjoyed bondage and torture play, and no slaves were better suited for that than Cat slaves. He tied Tal up, fucked him and beast him, fucked him some more and finally finished with him for the night. But Tal was not out of the woods yet.

Tal was tied up with his arms tightly wrapped to his chest by thick leather ropes, and his legs were tied to a collar on his neck, forcing them to curve back, leaving him in an awkward hog tie. He also hod a gag and blindfold on, which was a problem for a bit because it meant Tal could not see. Tal was dumped into a small pool of freezing water to wash him off, and almost drowned since he couldnt move to swim. When he was finally fished out of it, he was "left to dry" outside. Taim hada posted, like a lamp post, outside his building. He tied another rope around Tal's legs and chest and hung him wet and naked outside on the post. He removed the blindfold so that Tal could see people watching him and left the miserable Cat Slave outside for the night. Although the situation was bad for Tal, it was very good for The Master, since Tal could now watch the inner encampment all night and find out more information.

As Tal hung outside, many other came to admire the blushing cat slave, some teasing him, jerking him off but not letting him cum, or they would jerk off into his face and them dump more cold water onto him to wash him off. But this helped, it showed more people to The Master and revealed that at least one of the work Lord's was indeed and Wizard.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master wanted to leave so he didn't have to watch through Tal's eyes, knowing his slave was being fucked like crazy by these humans. He knew he had to stay though, so he could learn more about the human base and their numbers and strength. That didn't mean he would like it of course.

He would give Tal kind words, doing what little he could to help his slave. When they discovered at least one wizard, the Master sighed. "One wizard. Do you think there are chances of there being more? If so, how could we combat against them?" he asked his shaman. "I doubt you could take several of those wizards...Perhaps we can someone smuggle poisons into the camp and to Tal to use on them? Or perhaps use Tal to tell us whenever small parties of men leave the camp, so that we can pick them off by groups?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"The last would probably work...but still. They would notice that men were going missing after awhile, and again, they outnumber us by a lot. I dont think there are anymore wizards though, at least no more than two in the camp. We havent seen enough magic for there to be more than a maximum of two. No magical cages, golems, nothing. Its more likely that the man happens to be a Work Lord and a Wizard." The Shaman advised. "As for poisons. It may work, but it would put Tal in serious danger. If they found out they would slay him for sure."

Tal groaned and whimpered softly on the other end of the scrying circle. He had stayed awake almost all night keeping a vigil for his master so that he could see everything and everyone that passed. Tal was naturally tough, but after being fucked so much, tied up, beat, and sleep deprived even his cat slave body was starting to fail him. He was still hanging from the post, his eyes half open as he trembled in the cold mist of the approaching morning.

"We will need allies of some kind. We can send for more troops, but it will take them days to arrive. We could look for local allies but..well, our choices would be very limited. It depends, the slavers dont look like they are leaving any time soon. We could pack up camp and move further away, gather more information, and wait for the rest of are army to arrive. We dont know how the elves will view this though, but hopefully they would see the good in our actions. Still, that is only if you are willing to wait."

"Master..." Tal called weakly through his link. "Master...Im cold..." he subconsciously whimpered, shaking in his bindings.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Tal is hurt and suffering down there. I want the quickest solution, but also the same that won't result in our warriors deaths. Let's...wait for a bit, and try to find some local allies. Sending more Orcs here may just cause more suspicion from the Elves. I came here with a small number for a reason. If more come, they'll attack us." He looked at the Shaman. "Do you know of any spells that can help us? Summoning? Traps? Curses? Empowerment? Anything?" he asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"I have many spells, but none of them can solve all our problems...there is one that might help us. To the west of this spot is what is called the cursed woods, a part of the forest that even the elves do not enter. It is owned by a Dark nymph and her kin, nymphs who were corrupted with dark fire in the early days of the wood and wrecked havoc across the land from their place in the forest, spawning all kind of vile monsters. Some of the humans even think we were born in such a way, though it is a lie. In any case two warriors of evil set out to destroy them and claim their power. The first was a monster of sword and fire, a warrior of unknown origin who sought to be feared by all. His skill is legendary, and his name is lost to time. The other was a madman, or a saint, or a demon, it is unclear. He was a warrior of comparable skill, but was made famous for his coffin. Wherever he went he dragged a large coffin with him, which he used to stuff all the evil he conquered into. It is said the mere presence of the coffin is enough to turn pure hearts black and repel even the most potent light in its darkness. They both came, one to destroy, the other to capture, and both were defeated. But it is said that their battle saw the destruction of all but a few of the Dark nymphs, and those who remain stay to imprison the two in stone, fearing that should they leave the forest, their spell will be undone and both warriors, now stone, will be freed and destroy them. If we venture there and free at least one of them, it is possible that he would help us drive the humans away." The Shaman looked unsure however. "Still, it is dangerous to venture so far into the cursed woods, and the nymphs will retaliate. It will be dangerous, but if we can free one of them and set them upon the humans we would probably not even need to enter the battle field. Besides, these warriors never bothered the orcs." The shaman thought again for a second. "There are...other options for allies, but I can at least confirm that this legend is true."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master nodded his head at the story, fascinated by it. "Well, I doubt it would be too much trouble to release either one of the. Even if the nymphs retaliate, I doubt they could kill all of us. Or at the least, I hope they cannot. And we will be safe from either warrior," he added. "There is just one problem. What about the elves? Will either warrior endanger them? We want the elves to trust us, but they may not trust us if we use these warriors. Do you know if either of the warriors had any relations to any Elves? If not, I may want to hear about these other options, my dear Shaman."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.