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Foxtrot Zone(Tigerlily/Cowboy)
Panzer lowered his weapon, nodding slightly as Foria fixed the glass, only to have a small canine fall on top of him.

"OOMPH" he grunted as he braced himself, the small body hitting him like a cannonball, but he still stood.

Adalwulf looked at the small female, confused.

"A friend of yours?" he asked.


"We don't use edged weapons much anymore, other than knives and bayonets." Cowboy said, "That gave way hundreds of years before we even existed as a race. Nowadays it's all about guns."

"Not even. Those are getting phased out for lasers and other cool stuff." Duke countered, "it's just most of the good stuff the U.S. Military keeps for themselves, and paramilitary groups such as ourselves can't get our paws on it."
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Foria giggled when saw some random dog fall from the ceiling. She's used to seeing random people coming through random places. Though the clothes were entirely different what from usual people she's been around with are wearing. In this case, it is raining dogs! "Nope, her clothing is awfully unfamiliar to me. Though the chance of her being from another world is more likely 95%."

Yangjin shook her head awkwardedly, her butt facing at the store owner's face. And then noticed the two furries along with a whole bunch of furries stared at her with a surprise look. She spoke in chinese, but it wasn't any common like Mandarin or Cantonese. It was really bizarred.

The gunslinger looked at her awkwardly. Then the Chinese crested dog spoke french, silence from the african wild dog, until finally she spoke. "Yep definitely foreign."

Her eyes suddenly widen and spoke english. "Where am I? Am I still in Goung Seung?"

"That's odd...I never thought you be at that world. But, I rest my case. First question, how do you come here?" Foria asked.

Yangjin answered. "Well...a huge demon just appeared out of nowhere and then when he caught up with me. I thought I would warp myself back from behind...that is when I just appeared at this place. I was born and raised at Sun Land where the Winderie have lived, but I came to Moon Land to visit my father to spend time with him for a couple of weeks."

"Yep definitely Goung Soung." smiling lightly Foria interceded as such.

"I might come back to my world tomorrow...since my schedule is awkward right now...and I'm sure my father is strong enough to take care of that demon." Yangjin added.


"Yea, but we still use swords, staffs, and old works at my place. And yes alot of futuristic works are taking over at our place. Ain't that right Amy?"

Amy nodded.
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The Sabre Clan
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Panzer looked away, trying to keep himself from staring at the girl's butt. It had been awhile since he last spent time with a female.

"To answer your first question," Adalwulf spoke up, "You are in the Citystate of Lupara, of the Furran Territories. Known to the humans as The Foxtrot Zone."

"Uhh..yeah." Panzer cleared his throat as he offered the small dog a paw up. "This is 'The Tank Tread', a Tavern I operate. My name's Panzer, my friends call me Panz for short. The Wolfdog there is Adalwulf, Addy for short, or if he gets on your nerves, Adolf."

"Yeah, yeah. Sieg Heil and all that mess." Adalwulf rolled his eyes, always disliking his name's similarity to the former German Dictator who gave the order for Super-Animal-Soldiers in the first place.


Cowboy sighed, "Looks like the good old days are behind us. Everything that looks like a weapon is getting replaced by something that looks like a toy."

"Squeaky toys at that. I chewed on a laser gun once, and it started squeaking." Duke grinned.

"That's because its micro-Nuclear Reactor was reaching Critical Mass." Cowboy glared sternly. "I swear, I think all the random lead objects you've chewed on are affecting your brain."
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
She noticed the huge canine behind her, brushing herself and hiding her cheeks from blushing. "Nice to meet all of you. My name is Yangjin. I'm a shaman/priest, though I almost do nearly everything when it comes towards multitasking."

"Nearly everything?" Foria grinned knowing she's just showing off.

"Well not in combat of course, only that I am specialized in especially instruments, and other number of those that I can't do."

"Which is?"

"I-I lost count."

"Can I just say your from a extremely rich family?" Foria knows she is, being in the Winderie place they are rich, but they are very in a communicative society.

"My mother is rich, my father is poor." the asian canine answered. "Though, embarrassing to say I do live with my mother."

"Hey, I live with my family. So your not the only one." The dragon replied casually. "But, there may be a chance I could move here and be more independent. It's your choice wither or not you could go back to your place."

"Eh..." Yangjin never gave that a thought, it's her first time exploring new worlds, and this is the first time being in a world she's not familiar with. Coming to this place was certainly an accident. Wouldn't her parents be worried after so-and-so days? "I'll probably think about it..."


"Yep better listen to him Duke. Those nuclear, protons, deos, and all that glowy thing isn't healthy for your body. Least the mount of percentage you'll end up will be like spider-man." laughed SolJowl. "or brain dead like a zombie for that matter."
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Panzer looked away, taking a swig from the whiskey bottle on the bar.

"Ah...let's not talk about family around Panz..." Adalwulf said, than spoke in a hushed whisper, "He lost two children to Parvo...afterwards his wife left him and took his other two children... he still hasn't gotten over it."


Cowboy grinned, as Duke gave Soljowl a vacant grin, his tongue hanging out.

"Yeah, looks like it already did." Cowboy grinned, "Lights not always on."
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Yangjin shook her tail in sadness. "I'm really sorry." she said to Panzer. Then she turned to face Foria, as she didn't introduce herself. "What's your name, you seem to know my world fairly well."

"That's cause I live there." Now that the secret is out, guess there is no used hiding it. "I live in Gastonah."

"Oh...that dark dragon that rules that area? Is he scary as he is in person? Cause he looks really terrifying in real life, especially whenever me and my mother went to their party. I didn't get close to him cause he's such a giant and dark."

Foria muffled a laugh, 'boy that girl needs to get out more' the gunslinger thought. "Oh gosh, he's absolutely funny in person. He's always gets pissed, flirty, and annoyed most of the time. The only time he's about to kill you if whenever there's a demon. When I mean flirty I mean mostly to his queen."

"Oh." she said surprisingly at that response.


"Yep." Soljowl already noticing. "Next thing you'll know he'll end up eating more glowsticks than he should've been."

"Hey that's enough!" Amy retorted.

The bandit held both his hand up. "Okay sorry."
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Adalwulf leaned into Panzer, whispering in his ear.

"She's pretty cute." He smirked.

"Of course she is to you." He sighed, "You'll hump anything with a pulse."

"And some things without." Adalwulf grinned.

"Say, don't you have some Jews to exterminate, Adolf?" Panzer grinned.

Adalwulf's ears laid back, frowning, "not cool, man. Not cool."


"Glowsticks are yummy." Duke grinned.

"Oi gavalt...." Cowboy sighed, "Sometimes I swear...I don't know if he really is that stupid or if he does it to fuck with people."

"I do it to fuck with people." Duke whispered into Amy's ear, licking it playfully.
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Foria turned around and flicked Adalwulf's nose, "Hey do me a favor." She handed him a shed golden dragon scale but it's a somewhat a half of a piece. "It's worth 60% more than gold. That would be 300,000 I need to get that gal in some clothes, cause apparently she doesn't use the duplicate luggage. So do me a favor, and I'll trust you in your care to not fuck up on blowing it."

"Thank you, I don't know what else I can repay." Yangjin said.

"Of course that's half of it, you can keep 1,000 bucks for youself, consider it as a reward." smiled the african dog.


Amy chuckled.

The koi walked over to the group placing four miso soup infront of them. SolJowl grabbed Tigerlily's soup knowing she's asleep and drunk two of them in his mouth in less of a second. Then wiping his mouth he produced a necklace and hand it over to Brandon's hand. "She forgot to this while she left." it was a butterfly with shell like wings that are cutted beautifully into that shampe with diamond shape head.

"It is given as a gift from her teacher." He said while standing up from his seat. "Oh by the way, if you really want her to stay and instantly win over her heart's desires. Give her favorite flower, it's the same flower that she has on her chest. Amy has a favorite flower too, and it's very easy. Though I won't tell that to you Duke that one you have to figure out on your own." Then walked over to the door then stop midway. "Take care of her Cowboy." finally he left with a wad of cash on the counter.


As he walked over the pub, he somewhat gawked. "Whoa," he smiled audibility "am I going blind or your with a canine that is your type?"

"Where the hell you been?" Foria crossed her arms at him, ignoring his comment. "Don't tell me you end up eating a truck load of food on your way out. I'm surprised you didn't become fat a pig."

"Call me a glutton all you want, I just visit my sister and boy does she found a guy."

"And this upset you?"

"Yeah, there are a few families that would disagree having her with a guy they don't know, that and our family is sort of old school. Especially he'll have problems with his older brother/father/and probably her mother."

"Strict asian parents." Foria proclaimed.

"Yep. Though he won me over so his first trail is just beginning." SolJowl reminded. "Anyways, since your here have you given a thought of how long of staying here? Maybe forever?"

"What makes you say that?" The dragon teased.

"Well, one year?" He guessed.

"Your right I'm planning to stay here for a long time. And I bet you don't."

"Yep." The hyena agreed.
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Adalwulf handed her a credit card, pocketing the scale.

"Don't sweat it. Doesn't have a limit. Get her some nice clothes." He replied.

Panzer went back to serving his other patrons, trying to finish up the night.


Cowboy took the necklace and gently put it around her neck, nodding slightly.

"Thanks." He said, "I'll keep that in mind."

Duke grinned, looking at Amy, "Sounds like a fun challange."

The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
"So are you planning to stay here with Panzer, Yangjin?" Foria asked the small canine.

She nodded, feeling strangly trusted and comfortable with the huge fellow.

"Who's she?" The bandit pointed at her.

"From our world."

"Oooh, see ya, I'll even tell your sister that here. Although there is a change she'll beat me up into a pulp." The hyena grimaced.

"Hey, you beat me in a fair fight." Foria giggled, landing a playful punch on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I handle everything that is sharp and pointy, but not a cooking utensil as in combat." He laughed waving a hand of good bye.


"Are we done yet?" Amy said standing up. "Be careful of her head Cowboy."

Tigerlily still slept on the wolf tiger's lap like nothing has happen.
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)