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God Threat (a Zero and Maero RP)
"I-I-I-I-I..." King stammered for a few more seconds before suddenly stopping. "...I don't understand!" he screamed, as the other people shot into the air and screamed. He stood back up and walked over to Cassandra.

"Give me answers! Why are you fighting that man!? Why didn't you use your other form more often? Why are you acting so strange?" he asked. He calmed down a bit and continued. "You are a goddess, are you not? Why do you not act like it then? Rule over your people, create peace for them, stability."

"I've seen other places, unlike this. Here, war, violence, and hate is common. In the other places, love, peace, and beauty are all I see. Why do you allow your world to fall in chaos? Why don't things work in here like they do out of here? I'm confused, so much...And I will not use this. Mostly because I don't need it," he added, throwing the gun aside. After doing so, he had one last question. "Why didn't you kill that man? He is sure to return, won't he?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Cassandra watched him for a moment, listening to him yell and question. "Hmmm, come back with us." She said as her men began to loot the dead for supplies. "At our compound I may be able to answer some of your questions, and then maybe you can answer some of mine." she said. "Dont worry." She added. "So long as you are not part of Veric's men then your one of my comrades." If King followed, she would lead him through a trek of east city, to a less ruined building which was being used as some sort of fort.

When and if they arrived at the entrance she said. "You are clearly an outsider, so I will tell you this much. There is a logic behind the madness, but sometimes not enough of it to go around. We fight to save our world, and I didnt kill him because he is needed. I will tell you the rest of what you need to know if you will do two things for me. First, spend the day amongst my soldiers. Eat with them, train with them, and then see me. I will give you the second condition after that."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Very well, I'll go with you." After following her and listening to her words, he was silent for a few moments. King thought about his choice. On one hand, he could simply attack her now, when she did not expect it. On the other, he wanted to know more about this world, and perhaps gain Cassandra's trust before striking. "Deal. I'll spend the day with your troops."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Then its settled!" she said with a smile. For the next day King spent his time amongst her troops. They all seemed to be good, if not loud, enough people. They sang and drank and ate, practiced combat and shooting, and even helped King get settled, all without caring that he was an outsider or stranger. "Cassandra will bring about the rebellion soon enough! Thats what we're all counting on!" One man told him. "Cassandra has the guts, and the favor to do it! It wont be easy, but we can do it!"

At the end of the day King had been welcomed entirely as one of their own. He was brought to Cassandra's quarters afterward, where she awaited him. she wore a silk gown, the most beautiful thing King had seen in this world, and nothing else. She was sitting at her desk, cleaning her pistols.

"So, have you learned a little something about our world?" she asked him with a smile. When he answered she would continue. "Long ago, the goddess Verra, owned this world, and held it in complete chaos, war, and Rebellion, but despite this, things were not perfect. War, rebellion, chaos, none of it can happen properly under the rule of a god, she realized, and it also does not always mean violence. So the grand rebellion was created."

She looked out her window as she spoke, her eyes elsewhere. "She split herself into four people, four war lords. She declared them heirs to chaos, war, and rebellion, and placed this challenge before them. She created a city, central city, where the her heart lies, hidden in the rubble. If the heart its claimed, the world will rebel against its nature and bring forth ten thousand years of peace. But it can only be found by the true heir, the rebel queen, or king, as it where.

"I am one of the four. I seek the heart, now that only two of us remain. You see, the reason I did not kill Veric when I could have is very simple, I must be the rebel, not the rulers, and so I must rebel against something, him. It was thought, long ago, that when all the others fell, and only one remained, that the heart would reveal itself. But that is a lie, in fact, he or she who rules can never find it, never bring peace, because it is only the rulers or rebels that can hold the heart of rebellion."

She then turned to look at King. "Do you understand now? Why I can not use my powers? Why I can not beat Veric? I must win through rebellion, I must be the underdog, and through that find the heart. No easy task, for when I am close, I gain favor, but at the same time favor gives strength, like you saw, and if I used it all the time, I would rule, and thus fail. Do you understand?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Your people are loud and unruly, but good at heart. They have spirit and their blood pumps wildly, but they are not overcome with their passion. They seem like good people," he answered, memorized by her beautiful gown.

He then listened to her story, nodding his head at her words. When she was done, he said, "I think I understand. You lead a hard life. I know what that is like. I, myself, lead a life that is difficult....Is this what your world can only be?" he asked. "A world of war? There must be something more to it. There has to be some other way to make peace...."

"I...I don't know how much I can help you, but I would like to...I want to bring peace to this land..." he whispered, before looking at the ground. "Please, do not take this the wrong way, but if killing him does not bring about the Heart, would killing you...?" he wondered, still trying to absorb the info.

((I think I gtg in a bit))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"No, killing me would not." she said simply. "I need to enter the city, find the heart, and become the queen of rebellion, as all my men die, as I lose, as I remain forever the rebel and not the leader." She hid her face for a moment, though King would see her eyes water up for a moment. She clearly did not enjoy the thought herself. "Only then can we have peace. It is a war which the winner can no win, and where the loser must triumph. Then I will be made into the goddess herself, and we will have peace at last. All my men know the cost, the know that they are fighting in a war they will most likely die in. They know it as we allow Veric to retreat, to gather his armies, to prepare to kill us all. He knows it to, and I doubt it rings better for him than it does for me. But he knows he has a role to play, one way or the other."

She then stood up and walked over to him, grabbing him by the front of his (What does king generally wear?), and into a kiss, a deep, passionate kiss. When it was done she would look at him and smile. "Now for your end of the deal. I dont want you to tell me anything you wont tell me yourself, since that would most likely mean that you are lying to me. Instead, I want you, just you, for this night." If he began t question why, she would simply place a finger on his lips and say, "Chaos need not be explained." And she would drag him closer to the bed.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((A tuxedo and his large hat))

"You do realize I am a man," King joked, before taking a more solemn face. He nodded his head at her words, feeling pity as he looked at her tears. "I will do as you ask of me, Cassandra," he repeated, before watching her move closer to him. "What are you-?" He was suddenly kissed, and on instinct he returned it, placing his hands around her.

"But...As you wish, Miss Cassandra," he replied, quickly placing his hat on her desk and taking his clothes off. He would let her lead him to her bed, before he suddenly pushed her on it, with him on top of her, and he kissed her, his arms wrapping around her waist as his tongue probed her mouth.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Cassandra smiled at his forcefulness, kissing him as he kissed her an wrapped his arms around her silk clad body. He could feel the warmth of her red skin hidden just beneath her crimson silk dress, and also feel the curves of her body through the paper thin material. She was very warm, perhaps due to her nature, and she met him in a way no one else ever had, as an equal, tugging at any clothes that may have remained on him as they kissed, giving herself to him in equal measure of him to her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King was surprised to feel her act as an equal. Until now, the only intercourse he had was forced or rape. He fought back, so to speak, grabbing her clothes and tearing at them so he could have her naked. He rubbed his erect shaft against her pussy, before pushing it into her without warning, feeling her hot walls hold him and squeeze.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Soon he had her naked and under him, moaning as she felt his dick rub against her entrance, but when he attempted to push it in she backed away, a mischievous look on her face. "Now now, no need to rush." She said as she took his cock into her hand and gave it a few good rubs. "Lets make this really worth while." she whispered before kissing him again, pressing her naked body against his as her hand pleasured his shaft.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)