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God Threat (a Zero and Maero RP)
King looked at his mother, speechless and afraid. He stayed like that for a few seconds, before creating a lie. "I thought Shade was too weak. She would be useless. I-I want to go after the stronger Gods and Goddesses. More powerful ones...Um...Evil a-and cruel ones," he added, hoping his mother wouldn't figure him out.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Really?" Lillian asked as she made circles around her son. "You dont seem the same as before. And you certainly dont seem so sure of your own explanation..." She was suddenly in front of him, inches from him. "Could it be that you are defying me my child? Are you refusing to capture more gods and goddesses? Are you rejecting the reason for your existence?" Her tone was a dangerous one. Her will still kept him from touching her, and she was still tied to him in such a way that he knew that she could unmake him in an instant.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Inside his mind, King was whimpering in fear. He knew he would die if he made a wrong move, but part of him wanted that. His whimpers stopped though as he thought of his slaves, Melina, Chi, and the others. He couldn't let them die. His mother would do Mother knows what to them. So he took a deep breath, and put a strong front on. "Never! I only want to make those who oppose you fall! I would never betray you mother! I simply want to make you proud! I want to fight the sickest, most twisted, and cruel God or Goddess you know and break them! I want to bring their raped, broken body to you, as a symbol of my eternal servitude to you!" he declared.

Inside, King was shaking in fear, but he prayed, ironically, to his Mother, that he would not be found out and he would be given time to form a better plan.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Lillian smiled and stroked the side of King's face. "Very well then, I will give you the challenge you seek. Go and attack Virra, the goddess of war, chaos, and rebellion. She is a powerful, multiformed goddess. Normally she looks like a woman with red, smooth skin, and long white hair. But her battle form, the form in which she normally remains...well, you will see for yourself my child."

She then stepped aside and opened a portal. "Good luck child, you will need it to defeat her in her world of everlasting rebellion."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yes, Mother," King nodded, before walking through it and entering the world. Does she know? Does she hope this will kill me? Perhaps she really did fall for it? Have to hope for the best. Stay optimistic. Focus on the mission at end. He took a deep breath and looked around, trying to feel Virra's power.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Virra's power was close by, but so much around him was in chaos it was hard to tell where. The world was a giant ruined city, very urban, but it looked like it had been through hell and back. Crumbling sky scrapers framed the red sky of this world, and armies of armed men, some wearing battle armor with assault rifles while others wore simple garments and held knives, pistols and molitves.

They were shooting and killing one another, gun fire and artillery booming in every direction. Suddenly King was tackled to the ground by one of the militants. She had red skin and white hair, just like her mother had described, and the power of rebellion and chaos emanated from her. "Watch out!" She scolded, holding him behind the rock. "If you arent careful they will mow you down like the rest! Cover your ears!" she then took a grenade off her belt and pulled the pin, tossing it over their heads.

"Who side you for stranger?" She asked, pulling two pistols from her vest and putting her back to the wall. She did not wear what most gods or goddess wore. She looked like the militants in this battle, wearing rag tag clothing with a red bandanna tied around her head. She was not smiting the mortals that stood against her, perhaps she was an avatar.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I...Uh...Yours?" King replied, amazed by the chaotic world. He looked around, seeing the carnage and horror around him. He knew he asked his mother to meet someone twisted so he would not feel guilt, but this...This was surprising... Until now, all the worlds he had entered were relatively beautiful or peaceful. This though....This was nothing but violence and rage.

"Why is everyone fighting...?" he asked, standing up, his ears twitching in pain at the loud explosions and gun shots. He suddenly remembered why he came here and looked at Virra, taking a step back in fear of her guns. He could out run them, most likely, but he didn't want to give away his powers so quickly. "Are you Virra? Goddess of this Realm?" he asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Why? Obviously your new or something kid." She said as she turned around and fired five shots, each ending in a head shot. "Gods damn it! Keep your head down!" she yelled, kicking his leg as he backed away from her, causing him to fall to one knee, and thus narrowly avoid another shot. "Virra? Been a long time since someones called me that kid. Im Cassandra for now. And as for who we are fighting, we are fighting...I think it was Veric's boys. He has control of nearly half the realm! HALF! Can you believe it?! So ya, we are fighting him, cant let him get his hands on the other half, am I right?" She tossed him one of her guns and fired off another three shots, taking out a spare pistol from her belt. "Come on! Dont just sit there, they take east city and they will have control over the tank factories!"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Who? Veric? Who's Veric?" King asked, confused. He was suddenly thrown the gun and nearly dropped it, before holding onto it tightly. "I-I don't know how to work this!" he declared. "Aren't you the Goddess of this Realm? Why don't you simply order them to stop or use your power over them?" he asked. "Wouldn't that be easier than all of this senseless violence?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The supposed goddess just stared up at him for a moment and then laughed. "Hahahaha! Oh you had me going there kid! Everybody knows thats not how it works here, otherwise Veric wouldnt be a problem. Ah, but he got to big ya see? Favor isnt with him, now we are on the rebelling side!" She said as she rolled out from her cover and shot a few more people. Some others cheered and she smiled as she took cover behind what was left of a door. "You gonna use that gun or not? Just aim and pull the trigger! Like this!" She yelled over to him, kicking open the door frame she had been leaning against and firing her gun again.

Suddenly a tank burst through one of the buildings, more military men swarming around it. The tank and its men unloaded a heavy barrage into the militants, killing many of them. "Eat shit you son of bitch!" Cassandra yelled as she ran out to shoot at the tank. "Cassandra!" someone from within the tank yelled before it blasted her, sending her scorched remains into a nearby wall.

The top of the tank opened to reveal a man with red skin and white hair. "You are not the true heir! Yours is a fake rebellion! You will never own favor like me!" the man yelled, unloading his assault rifle into her remains.

But even as he did she slowly began to stand. "Oh really Veric?! Let the goddess decide!" She screamed, her body restoring entirely, though her charred clothes did not. But more happened than simple restoration, she transformed and became something...more. Her new arms were full of weapons, and she quickly began to dispatch those around the tank, forcing Veric back into his armored haven. But even that could not stop her as she tore open the metal of the tank and ripped Veric out from it. "Now run Veric, gather the rest of your men and tell them how you lost today. Lost the battle, lost your army, and lost the favor of rebellion." She said to him with all three of her faces before tossing him several meters.

The Red Skinned man got back up once he hit the ground and ran away. Cassandra changed back to normal, and sighed heavily, her militants cheering and shooting into the air in victory.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)