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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Lilymon screamed in pain, before falling to the ground. "Lilymon!" Mimi cried, running to her. "What have you done to her!?" she screamed, before the flower girl suddenly grabbed her and pulled her into a surprise kiss.

"I'm sorry, Mimi. I can't...I can't help it," she moaned, before pulling her partner into another kiss, already working to undress herself and Mimi.

"Stop! Please! STOP THIS!" Sakuyamon screamed, covering herself as she saw Mimi and Lilymon make out. She gritted her teeth, and suddenly charged at Erusmon, in a vain and stupid attempt at punching him.

"I....I'm your slut?" Sora whimpered, moaning in pleasure as she was teased. Truth b told, she had masturbated before in her privacy, but that was nothing to having actually felt a man's fingers touch her. "No...I'm...I'm not..." she weakly resisted.

"NO! STOP!" Biymon cried, soon naked. Her young, cute breasts bouncing slightly. She tried to fight, tried to cover herself, and when she saw her partner falling into the pleasure, she cried. "Please...don't hurt her. Do whatever you want with me, but just leave Sora alone...I...I love her," she begged, tears falling from her eyes.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mike smiled as he heard the declaration of love, both halves of him, and the one on Byomon whispered into her ear as he continued to pleasure her and Sora. "With me you will be able to be together forever, making love everyday and every night. It does not matter how much you want to escape, this is your life now. Accept it and I may be more gentle with Sora."

The other half, which was teasing Sora, whispered softly into her ear as well as he attempted to bring her to orgasm. "See? Even your digimon is a shameless slut. Doesnt it make you hot? That Mimi and Byomon are watching you even as they themselves are pleasured? Dont lie to me, look at how wet you are! You love it!"

Sakuyamon got five steps before exploding in a cascade of digi data, turning back into Renamon and Rika. When they fell to the ground, vines would shoot out from the walls to restrain them and hold them in the X position. "Just sit there and watch, you two will be next." He said to them cruely as he returned to Sora and Byomon.


Hinata arched her back and cried out in pleasure, her little cow tail flailing as she came harder than ever before. Her pussy gushed juices, her tits shot milk and a the end of it she was left laying face down her huge jugs, panting and covered in sweat, cum, and milk. She was clearly exhausted, panting and trembling and she mooed softly.


"Ahhhh, its...its too much!" Rangiku cried out, arching her sexy, sake covered body and cumming hard, her body glistening in the alcohol as she had her wondrous orgasm.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex screamed as his hot seed entered his slave, and his tentacle shot another round of hot cum into her pussy, filling her up. He panted, taking deep breaths, before spanking Hinata's ass and pulling out. He flipped the possibly impregnated slave over, so she was on her back and he kissed her lips. "I love you," he said, as he cleaned himself and got off the bed, putting a blanket over Hinata.

He now had something else to do now...Something different. He held his hand up, and his flesh began to change and shift. His skin turned to metal, and soon he covered in a gold and black armor that he hoped would help himself look more heroic in the face of the people he had hurt. He also altered his voice, ensuring they could not recognize him by sight or ear. A pair of bug wings shot out of his back, and then retracted and Alex threw a few punches to test it out.

He smiled at his heroic suit of armor, and then created a portal to the Bleach dimension. He did not stop there, though. He started to look through time and space of the dimension, seeking a point in time in which Ichigo and his friends were in trouble. A battle that had meaning, weight. A sort of turning point in the war between good and evil. He wanted to help Ichigo and the others against Aizen, hoping to redeem himself for his sins. Not only that, but he wanted to tell Rangiku and Orihime that he did not leave their world in a hopeless state, and that he would their friends whenever they needed it.

It was the least he could do to try and repent for his horrible sins....


The slave fired his own cum into the blond bombshell, and nearly blacked out. He wasn't as powerful as his Master, so he needed his rest from having fucked the beautiful Rangiku. "Go to sleep, slut. You've earned a nice nap," he moaned, pecking her lips as he slept next to her, pulling his cock out and wrapping his arms around her.


"Yes..Fine...I'll accept! Just please, don't hurt Sora!" Biyomon begged. "I'll...I'll be your slave....Master Erusmon," the girl cried.

"Biyomon...No...Don't!" Sora begged, before moaning in pleasure, her tongue out as she panted and moaned. "No...STOP! Please, no more! AHHH!" the girl screamed as she suddenly came, her masturbation sessions never feeling this amazing for her. This was the biggest orgasm of her young life, but Erusmon would most likely top this soon enough.

"You bastard!" Rika growled, trying to fight.

"Release us!" Renamon roared, trying with all her rookie strength to break free, but of course failing.

As for Lilymon and Mimi, the two were passionately making out, both of them naked and Lilymon in control.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"How does it feel?" He whispered into Sora's ear, licking her cheek and kissing her, licking at her tongue as it hung out of her mouth before making it a full french. He pulled away and allowed a trail of saliva to follow before licking it up. "Delicious." He whispered again into her ear.

He would also begin to rub her breasts, his hands glowing as he did, evoking magic to make her breasts larger, filling them up to a C cup. "There we go. Much better, and tell me, how do they feel?" He asked her as he massaged her new sensitive tits.

On Byomon's side things were hardly getting any better as he laughed at her. "You say that as though you had a choice about it." He pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger and began to lightly tug on it. "So, tell me bitch, who is your master? Scream it!" He hissed, tweaking her nipple with the other hand.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You are! You're my, Master! You own me! My body is yours!" Biyomon cried, looking at Sora, moaning in pleasure as clit and nipple were teased, shaking in pleasure and a little bit of pain.

Sora on the other hand couldn't take it and soon fell apart. When Erusmon french kissed her, she kissed back and tried to lick up the saliva line when they parted. As her breasts grew, she panted and tried to kiss her Master again, feeling her new, large breasts being felt. "So good...I feel sooo good, Master," she moaned.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(Do you want to actually have Alex fight some bleach monsters or would you be OK with a summery? I cant play Aizen or any of those really really main characters too well, they have minds of their own)


Rangiku moaned and closed her eyes as she was held close to her master, her body still tingling from her orgasm as she allowed her drunken mind to rest. She would cuddle into Alex during her rest, grinding her sexy ass against his junk and allowing him to hold her entirely.


"That a girl." Erusmon purred, still rubbing her breasts as he passionately made out with her. He mentally freed his cock of his clothing, which was still shared between the two split halves of his body, and lifted her up so that she was hovering over it. "Do you want it Sora? Tell me how much you want it!" He ordered as his other self continued to pleasure Biyomon. "Look at her, she is about to have the time of her life. Dont you want to have some too?" He teased Biyomon, her and Sora almost rubbing against one another now.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I'm fine with either one. You can go ahead and just give a quick summary of Alex being awesome and saving the pansies...I mean heroes. Ahem))

"Yes...Yes, I want it. I want to feel good! I want pleasure! I want you, Master!" Sora declared, looking at his cock with lust. All the teasing had shattered her mind, although whether it was permanent was too be seen.

"Y-yes, Master. I want it," Biyomon whimpered, tearing up a bit at seeing her partner like this. She would do anything to be with Sora though, and added. "I want you to fuck me..." She said this with little emotion and real want though, wanting Sora more than Erusmon. Still, as long as he controlled Sora, he controlled her.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Alex would return just as he left, time having not moved a bit in in the Naruto world he inhabited, which, due to fillers, moved several times slower than the bleach universe. When he returned, his blade would be stained with the blood of all the Espada, Aizen and all his comrades, as well as bit of his own as it dripped from his many wounds onto the blade. He was far from death, but killing main characters was never easy, particularly main evil characters.


"As you wish slut." He said, plunging his cock into Sora's virgin pussy, letting it go all the way in and holding her there. If she screamed or cried out in pain he would say, "Biyomon, shut her up with your mouth." Since they were so close, it would be easy for Biyomon to make out and rub her body against Sora's. While that happened he looked at the other girls, watching for signs of progress and arousal, particularly in Renamon and Rika as they watched this happen.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Zing! Heheheh...I see what you did there. Good one, old friend))

Alex took his battle armor off and made his sword vanish until he needed it. He smiled to himself, proud of saving the lives of Ichigo and the others. And the best part had yet to come. He kissed Hinata's cheek before leaving the room, instead going to the room where he left Sakura, Ino, and Orihime. He would enter the room and inspect Sakura and Ino, before going over to his first girl and shaking her awake.


Sora did scream in pain, her virginity broken and her pussy bleeding now. Biyomon happily silenced her though, wrapping her arms around Sora's head and pulling her into a passionate kiss, both of them blushing. She kissed her partner passionately, their tongues wrestling with one another as Erusmon fucked Sora.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Orihime blinked a little and looked up. "M-Master?" She said softly, having just woken up. "What happened? Why are you bleeding?!" She asked, clearly concerned, but not having her powers to heal him with.


Erusmon smiled and became one once more as he watched them. He also looked at the other girls, wanting to see how Mimi and Lillymon were doing and also to see if Rika and Renamon were being aroused by the display. Then he would take Sore by the hips and slowly begin to pump her up and down on her huge cock, feeling her tight walls holding him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)