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Claria and Rick Clan Wars (Yumi / Fred_18 RPG)
This RPG is only for Yumi (me) and Fred_18. Anyone else in the forum don't reply only if your an modarator!! You have been warned!!


Two clans were at war called Luna Badru the wolf clan and Takola Sinopa the fox clan. The war kept on going on for longer than planned and many people where killed.

Name: Claira
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5 foot 2
Speacies: Fox
Furr: Red
Breast size: D
Other information: Claria is the leaders daughter, she is different from the others as she wants the war to end but no one will listen.

I was in my room, unhappy that my twin brother had to go back to war today. Plus my dad wanted me to marry as I had just turned 18 two days ago.
I started to walk up and down my room, thinking of many ways I could stop the war. "This is stupid, I'm a girl what could I do to stop the war?" I said to myself as it came to me and I ran out of my room towards my dad's room.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
Name: Rick
Age: 18
Gender: Male:
Species: wolf
Fur: dark gray/lightgray mix
Cock: 6in. erect 11in
Other info: Rick is a son to the leader, though he listens to the elders talk of peace as his father speaks of war. He knew better though, than to challenge his father for leadership so keeps quiet, waiting to strike and bring peace from the war.

I paced around my room, quite frustrated with my father, he tried to lead another raid against the Takola Sinopa again. Time after time he leads a group against them. Doesn't he know that we are just losing more people? sooner or later only the young, the old, and the weak will be the only ones left to fight. I growl every now and then, before walking out of the room to seek council from the elders.
Many times lost, many times found again.
I walked into my dad's room looking at him and asked, "Dad, you must stop the war."

The leader of the pack named Lewis looked at his daughter and was suprised on what she had said. "Claria, we cannot stop the war. It's against everything this clan stands for!"

I looked at my dad in anger, feeling like I wanted to punch him or even worse. "Dad how can you say that this war is not fot the clan its only for you pride, but when you try anything good you don't even get round to do it!" I shouted walking towards the door and said as I looked at my father, "Only talk to me when you have stopped the war."
I walked out of his room and headed back to my room. I slamed the door and said to my self, "Then I will stop the war." I went up to my book self and took out every book that was helpful for stopping the war.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
I stood there in the shadows, watching as the elders blessed the warriors that were leaving for battle once again, this time to cover the retreat of their other brothers. Once he was sure that the elders were alone he walked over to them.

Elder Ironpaw looked up as he seen the shadows shift and become the leader's son Rick. "Ah, young leader, what brings you to us? the warriors just left." the other Elders: Swiftpaw, Silverfur, and Bloodmane; all took a seat, welcoming Rick. It was a tradition to have no last name until you proved yourself in battle.

Rick sat down last as he contemplated his answer. "Elders, I'm fearful..."

Elder Silverfur looked at the others, and asked. "Do tell, what brings such fear to you, the leader's son?"

Rick sat there, hesitating for a moment, pondering how he should say this.
Many times lost, many times found again.
I looked through every book except for one. I looked around the room, lowered my ears and the noticed there was a letter on the floor. I picked it up and it said,

Claria, I have bad news for you. You twin brother Mark has been killed today, I am so sorry for your loss.


Knight Steel

I ripped the letter up, going back to the last book and started to cry as my brother had died. I opened the book and found out a way of stopping the war. I got up and got my bag, putting clothes and two knife's in my bag. I got a peace of paper and started to write out a letter to my dad, before I left I slipped the letter under my dad's door and I left the clan for good.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
"its my..Father's ideals, I mean look out there." I pointed out to the out going warriors as they left in a rush to the distress call. "I'm willing to bet that we'll lost at least half of them to the Takola Sinopa!"

Elder Bloodmane looked Rick in the eye and said "SIT...Down..." after Rick had done so he continued. "Don't you think we don't know that? Do you think we started this war? We have tried to pursuade your father, Richard Bloodmane to cease this conflict. He will not listen to reason. He is just as i was at that age, reckless. It runs through our blood. It can not be helped, you can only stop it if you defeat him in combat."

Rick wasn't surprised to hear this, every day for the last month he had brought this up with the Elders. and every day they tell him the same thing. yet he felt like he wasn't ready to do that yet. "I can't do that, for i am not ready to lead the Clan! Luna Badru isn't ready for a new leadership!" i say as i hit the ground.
Many times lost, many times found again.
After I left the clan I was already half way to Luna Badru clan. I started to think at what the leader would say when I told him what I would do just to stop the war. I then came to a lake, the water seemed to be fresh, putting it on my face as it was very hot outside. I went onto all fours, I ran as fast as I could to get to the other clan and before I knew it I was at the entrance of there clan and I became very amazed that the clans land that was beautiful and not like my father had told me since I was little.

I started to walk towards the entrance of the leaders quaters, the fear inside of me left and I was more conserned on stopping the war than making a bigger one.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
Before anyone could've responded a warrior came running into the room holding a report, he bowed quickly before starting. "Elders, we have come with news of the battle. We have lost most of the warriors in the first attack. Though we have taken one of their Generals, the leader's son!"

Elder Silverfur looked downhearted, he knew the lad and that he had a twin sister. This war is costing too much.

Rick nodded, Something needs to be done, maybe I better prepare to challenge my...
Many times lost, many times found again.
I stopped before I could say do anything as my hearing picked up a man saying something about my brother. I walked throught the grounds heading towards where I heared it and could see the leaders son, I started to think for a second if he would be able to agree to what I have offered to him and not to go to his father first.
I had to get his attention, so I shouted, "Leaders son, come here." I started to get nervous that he would probably attack me but thank the lord I took sword lessons.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
The Elder's glanced at Rick before going back to planning, not looking at the door since Rick was always being called for one thing or another.

I looked up, hearing my name being called out from the doorway. I stood up and went over there, curious. When I looked to see who called me my hand automatically went to my sword handle, only stopping when i seen it was a female of the other clan. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"
Many times lost, many times found again.