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Xeno panic!
Alex was about to leave her, but instead, she would feel a hand on her shoulder from behind her. "No...You are far more than a copy to me...Each of you, stand, breath, and live as a monument to a life, unjustly ended. No one else's fault but my own. You are very real. You remind me, everyday, of why I am trying to make you all happy...That is why I have to free you...That is what I should have done for her...But I failed.....I will not fail this time. I will protect you. I will save you. Then...if you ask me of it, I will leave you...." Alex stayed there for a few more moments, and if Silvia did not seem to need him anymore, and showed no sign of change from his swords, he would walk over to Agatha.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silvia only stared at herself, her hands twitching as she looked at herself. "But...I am fake...Im not really..." Her breath caught and she swayed and fell over, unconscious. She fell limp in his arms, her breath soft and calm...too calm. Silvia was panicked, and her view of herself was destroyed, so it was not unlikely that she would faint, but in this case it just seemed strange that she would simply stop mid sentience and pass out. Agatha ran over and checked Silvia, fear clear in her eyes. "No...oh no no no...." She said as she looked at Silvia, turning her over. The other girls watched from not to far away, torn between Silvia and Mary. "What did you do?!" Agatha silent scolded. "You didnt tell her she was a.." She looked around to make sure no one heard and added, "A clone did you?"

When Alex answered a pained expression would cross Agatha's face. "No no...Clones...they are mentally programed to enter a coma if they ever truly comprehend that they are clones, to insure the security of the entire cloning process. Its...its a permanent coma unless treated with an this rate they will come to recover her and dispose of her, or simply let her expire in here." Agatha looked horrified, she never wanted anything like this to happen, and Kat probably knew it would happen. " in addition to a Wargri out of water and a blind mouse we have to add a comatose clone and-" she cut herself short as she looked over at Kat, unsure if she should continue.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex stared in disbelief at her, and tried to form words, but failed. He slowly looked at Kat, and realized what happened. "Did....did you know? Did you know this would happen?" he hissed, the hatred clear in his voice. He wanted to attack. To kill. To hurt her....But he stopped, and closed his eyes, and just shook a bit.

"I know what you are trying to do....You want me to kill you....I will not. I have already spilled the blood of an innocent...Not again. Never again," he whispered. "Please...Kat...I beg of you....Help me save Silvia...Help me save everyone here," he quietly begged, and if Kat were to look close enough, she would see, a very human tear fall out of his eye.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Kat did not look, did not meet his eyes or even stare in his direction. She was cold and gone, lost in her own thoughts of hopelessness, unreachable by normal means. "Alex...Master..." Agatha said, standing between him and Kat. "I...I think there is something I should tell you." She would try then to get him away from Kat and over to a place a where they would not be overheard. "Master, Kat...she had a complicated problem." the slave confessed. "You see, to get to where she was she went through many, many things. One of those things was drug testing, Farun 3 to be exact. Farun 3 was a drug that was supposed to stimulate and enhance mental performance in users, but it failed to produce the desired effects. The effects it did produce...however were rather...unsettling." Agatha looked back at Kat and then back at Alex. "The drug is very addictive for one thing and caused strange effects on subjects. One such effect was...well, for lack of a better term, an aphrodisiac, making the subject horny and lusty for hours. This would have been amusing were it not so addictive, and its withdrawal is most unusual. Instead of the normal withdrawal symptoms, shakes, shallow eyes, and such, a subject suffers from extreme depression and losses all sense of self worth and self preservation. All test subjects of the Farun program committed suicide only a week after being taken off the drug. All but her. She has been surviving with small, personalized doses she kept in her room, but she is not fond of them and has been trying to ween herself off of the drug altogether. But Im afraid she has had no success at all, and there is no telling how long she has gone without it. Im afraid that at this rate she will become either completely unresponsive or kill herself soon." The course was clear then, at least to an extent. Alex needed to get the antidote for his love, Silvia, who did not deserve to die twice, and Kat needed her drug to be useful and help them escape. How to get them was another matter, Alex had to make a plan, had to save his girls, had to atone.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex slammed his palm into his face and sighed. Some people, get away with rape, murder, child abuse, and torturing innocent people. I kill one person, and everything goes down the crapper. I swear to whatever god there is, Destiny is a racist, he thought to himself.

He looked at Agatha, and he looked at Kat and Silvia. "Any suggestions?" he sighed quietly, as he tried to think of an idea.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Agatha could only shrug. She could offer no more help, she was just...well, Agatha. But if Alex thought about it, he would find many different possibilities that could help his plan. Soon Silvia's body would be picked up, or at least they would attempt it. If they did then Alex could slip a part of himself onto her and smuggle himself out, though he would have to somehow keep them from killing her and stay incognito. Once out, he could either go for the Antidote, or drugs, or both, provided that he was not caught and that he was not discovered to be missing. Distractions were aplenty, not the least of which could be releasing other xenos or even messing with other projects that where still in the works. Once distracted the scientist would be less worried about him and more about other things, giving him a possible window of opportunity. But how it all happened was up to him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex sighed, and nodded his head as he walked over to the bed. As he passed Agatha, he whispered, "Protect the girls. You're in charge. Don't fuck up, and don't make things worse." He then sat on the bed, and laid down on it. As he did so, he pretended to sleep, as he separated most of his intellect away from his body, and a small worm quickly slithered off the bed.

The fake Alex was mostly a lazy, brutish, though lustful being. If he did awake from his sleep, he would probably only go after Amy, which was good as she would probably be the most happy to. All the real Alex needed to do now, was wait to get this plan moving.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Soon a robot entered to retrieve Silvia, trying to get its way to her and then back, leaving the first door of the exit chamber wide open. Agatha, who was terrified of disappointing Alex, fought to keep her in the room, and soon the other girls were all doing so as well, calling for the sleeping Alex's help. Eventually, with or without his help, the robot would retreat back to the labs, giving Alex an opportunity to a get away.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The smaller worm slithered and tried to attach itself to the robot. The other sleeping Alex, jolted up and looked at the robot, growling at it. He was much less intelligent now, with most of the intellect into the other half of him. He walked over to the robot, and tried to fight it off, willing to smash it if he had to. As he did this, the smaller, more intelligent half of him was glued to another part of the robot, trying to stay hidden.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The robot quickly retreated from Alex and fled through the doors, the real Alex safely attached to its leg. Soon it was out of the room and heading back to maintenance, leaving the dumb Alex and his girls alone. Alex was now more or less free to do as he wished, but he would have to act fast since they could realize what he did at any moment.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)