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A Zero and Mareo Product: Cat Trainers
((Alright, I simplified and edited it a bit. Tell me if there is anything else you would like cleared up))

Just scowled under his armor, but the man couldn't see due to his mask. "I want both...." he said, and quickly wrote a check for both of them and handed it to the disgusting man. He looked at the two, and pulled off his helmet, so that they may see his face. "You two will be living with me, from now on." Once the man accepted his money, and the two slaves were now legally his, Just would glare at the man with a great hate.

"You did a horrible job. They look untrained, and scared. Let me guess, all you did was smack them around? You're an idiot if you thought that would yield anything productive. If you had trained them properly, instead of like some barbarian fool, who doesn't know anything beside hitting the innocent, you may have earned more money," he insulted. He then looked at the two slaves, who were now his. "Shall I take them and their cages and leave?"


Alex continued to play with his little Dawn, before suddenly pulling away. He lifted the girl up, and dropped her on the bed, before jumping between her legs. With lust he began to finger Dawn, pushing two fingers in and out of her, while his mouth attended to her clit, licking and sucking on it.


The neko moaned into the kiss, before moaning even louder, feeling her Master's pinky enter her. Her sensitive body shook with pleasure as her clit was stimulated, and she pulled from the kiss, for just a second. "M-Master...I feel funny again," she moaned, before kissing her Master again, weakly fighting his tongue with her own.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The man greedily took the checks and stashed them away. He then kicked open Silvia's door and said, "OK, out with ya! You belong to him now." Silvia looked frightened and confused. Out of the cage? But...she lived her whole life in cages. This hardly mattered to the trader, who scowled and began to kick the cage again. "Out!" Silvia cowered and crawled out quickly, her tail wrapping around her left leg in fear as she looked around at the outside, huddling on the ground in front of Just. She felt a little better when he removed his helmet and knelt by his feet, rubbing her head against him just a little, showing that she was freindly, but still very afraid of the large armored man.

Kase was next, but he was harder to remove from the cage, simply because of his abject terror for everyone and anything that looked, sounded, or otherwise resembled a human, particularly the trader. When he kicked open Kase's cage, the frightened neko looked up at him a little but remained in his spot. "Out! Out!" The man yelled, kicking the cage over and over, rattling Kase around and making him withdraw even further from the entrance. "Damn these cats." The trader said, lifting the back end of the cage and shaking it until Kase, unable to hold onto anything with his broken fingers, tumbled out. He began to look around desprately, and nearly darted off, but was stopped when the trader stepped on his tail to keep him from moving and slipped a leash onto his collar.

Kase cried out in pain when his tail was stepped on, and after the evil merchant let it go, he wrapped it around his leg like Silvia had. Them an then leashed Silvia and handed both Leashes to Just. "There ya go, there all yours." the man said, happy with the money he had in his pocket. Kase crawled over to a shaded corner of the stand and tried to hide there, but could not get far with the leash. Silvia seemed content to remain where she was, though she flinched slightly whenever Just moved.

When Just was done scolding the man, the trader grit his teeth in anger and said, "What you know ya dolt! Get the hell away from my stand before I force ya away!" He then spotted KAse trying to hide and kicked the skinny cat boy hard in the ribs. "Get out oh here!" He demanded. Kase keeled over on the ground, cradling his probably broken or cracked ribs and, using his knees, inched closer to Just with a whimper. "You dun get the cages! Get!" Kase tried to stand, but was tripped just as fast by the pole. "I taught ye better than that." The trader scolded, having made a point to make all his slaves crawl and not walk. Kase knelt there, afraid, not knowing what to do with his broken fingers and cracked ribs. He could walk...if he was allowed to...but even then it had been months since he had.


Dawn mewled as Alex stopped but was quickly moaning again and even louder as her master began to fiercely pleasure her. Her pussy quickly moistened and her breasts bounced as she squirmed and moaned, her mittened hands pawing the sheets as she humped weakly into Alex's fingers. "Nya...Nya..." She moaned, her eyes staring at the ceiling in total bliss.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Just grit his teeth and tried to grab the man by his collar. "Stop hurting them! THEY ARE MINE, and if you ever hurt them again I'll tear your guts out and decorate your house with them!" he growled, before dropping the man. He walked over to Silvia and and Kase and asked her if she could help Kase walk. If not, he would order both not to move, as his eyes glowed blue and a similar blue aura covered both. They were then both lifted into the air, gently, and floated after Just, as he walked away, heading back home.


Alex suddenly grabbed Dawn her waist and kissed her lips, his tongue exploring her mouth, as invisible fingers entered her and played with her clit.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The trader stumbled backwards and fell on his butt, completely dumbfounded. "There just cats." He groaned as he got up and closed his stand. Silvia didnt respond, blushing and looking nervous under direct attention. She could crawl after him, but had never actually walked. Kase tried to shy away from Just, holding his ribs defensively, and flattening his ears against his skull. Kase would have to be floated, since he was now just unwilling to move at all.

One way or another, eventually Just got the two Neko home. They both needed baths, food, and rest, as well as medical attention, particularly for Kase. Sadly, they were not the only abused cats on the markets, but at least they were two less now.


(Will get to the others when I have more time)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Just and his floating slaves soon arrived to his home. The home was a simple one, being only one story, with white walls and an orange roof. Windows here and there, and a nice, green lawn with flowers. It was nice and calm there, a house of one who watched it with care.

They entered the house, and Just brought the two to his room, where he laid them on his bed. "Are either of you injured? I know that you must have some bones broken, but are there any other injuries?" he asked. He then turned around, so they were facing his back. "I shall fetch food. Do not move. Any requests?" he asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Dawn moaned and mewed into the kiss, her body rubbing against Alex's as she continued to make cute noises, her hips shaking with pleasure as the fingers played with her privates. Her soft skin slid beneath his touch and she pressed herself against him, her body pushing her to do thing she did not understand.


Kase hissed weakly from the bed, curling up as much as possible and shying away from Just, terribly afraid of the man who had punished his punisher. If Just began to jab Kase with a pole, it was likely he would not survive it. Silvia tilted her head innocently at him and looked around nervously. "Can...can we speak master?" She asked in a very soft, silent voice. They werent allowed to use words before, Kase and Silvia both. Silvia was taking a huge risk in her mind, but knew that Kase would not be able to survive anymore punishment.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Just did not really move, though he did turn his head so the two could at least see the side of his face. He nodded his head. "I would like you to speak, Silence is not something I enjoy. Also, tell your male friend to calm down. I mean neither of you harm. I won't hurt you, if you do as I say. Anything else?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silvia nodded hesitantly and purred softly to Kase, reaching up to softly stroke her paw against his face. Kase calmed down, but only a little, and even then his aggression seemed to only give way to fear as he whimpered softly and tried to look as small as possible. "He...he has been hurt badly master." Silvia said in her soft, whispering voice. She still seemed very reluctant to talk, her lips trembling as she spoke. That was only natural though, since she had never really spoken before at all. She knew how to speak, but only from hearing others for so long. Her words were clumsy and more akin to cat noises than actual speech, but if one listened closely she could make sense.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Just nodded, and walked out of the room. After a while, he would come back to the two. He had a plate of bread and butter, if they wished to eat, and was now completely out of his armor. He placed the plate of bread and butter on the bed. "Eat, if you wish," he told Silvia. He then looked at Kase, and with moves like lightning, kissed the girly boy. Before Kase could pull back, a white aura surrounded Just, and transferred to the young catboy, healing his wounds.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silvia mewed happily at the sight of food and quickly began to eat some of the bread and lick the butter. Kase looked over at the food as well, dropping his guard as he did. The next thing the young cat slave knew, his lips were locked with those of his new master and a white aura was healing him. Kase pulled back a moment later, blushing hard and shying away from the now unarmored man. Kase felt that his many wounds had been mostly healed but kept his paws under his chest a maintained a defensive posture. Although a healing aura did him good, Kase would need actual bandages to keep the new, tender, flesh and bone protected and safe. Also, his many bruises, although smaller now, were still dotting hid body and his weak frame was still that of an abused and starved Neko.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)