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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
"...Have our best archers at the ready. I want them to fire an arrow down at the first sign of trouble," the Master ordered, before ordering the gates to be opened so he could have Peaceful Fire with the other Orcs of the Eastern Orcs. "Why have you come?" he asked, sword on his back and his armor on his body.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Kase's eyes grew wide and he didnt know whether to remain or run away. "B-But...does master know?" He asked urgently after awhile. Though he had heard very little of the strange race, he had heard that drinking their blood could grant you power or youth. If the evil orc master found out, then he would surely kill her and eat her! Kase couldnt take that, then he would be all alone...


"We have come..." Said the orc messenger, sitting around the large fire with his men, leaving the slaves and packages in the shadows. "To trade with you, masterful leader of the north(?)." He bowed his head in respect before adding, "We realize that you recently conquered the estate of a human noble. This particular human stole from out Master a slave of high importance. It was our master's favorite plaything you see. We believe that she has fallen into your possession and wish to trade for her."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I assume the ? is for which side the Master rules? He does rule the North))

The Master looked at the messenger, and then turned his head, looking at his home. He looked back at the messenger, and sighed. "....I do not think so. While I would enjoy trading with Eastern Orcs, I rather like this girl. But I will tell what. If I become bored with her, I will return her to you, with little for you to trade to me," the Master said, standing up, already intending to leave. Really though, his mind was at work. He wondered if the Eastern Master really did just care about the girl he had met. Perhaps there was more to it then that....


"You still don't get it, do you, sis?" May whispered, before leaning forward and kissing Kase's nose. "The Master wouldn't just sell me out, and he definitely wouldn't eat me. My real father, was separated from my mother and I was young....The story I just told you, about the Orcs of the North, South, East, and West...That was the story of the Master. He lost his family to the Orcs of the South."

"Saw their butchered and raped bodies at his feet....He suffered a horrible tragedy, Kase, and that's part of the reason I serve him. That, and he knows about who I am, which is exactly why he protects me....He doesn't want me hurt, or tainted as he calls it....The Master has protected me, Kase, ever since I told him, he has treated me with....a sort of kindness. Only he knows of my true race, and he is the only Orc I know I can trust with my life...." she explained.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Stop!" The orc half yelled half pleaded. "Please...You have not heard our offers yet. Surely one girl is not so valuable that we can not find at least one trade you will agree to." The orc snapped his fingers and five slaves were brought forward, two were boys, three were girls, all strikingly beautiful in their own way. "These are only the best human slaves we brought. We will also trade you our elves for this girl. Surely, here in the north were elves are rare, you could appreciate the uncommon beauty of these elves." The elves were brought forward then, like before, two male, three female, all made to order for the North masters liking.


Kase was stunned as she spoke, unable to picture his terrible master as anything but evil. He pushed May away after a moment and looked at her hard. "Do you see what he has done to me?" He asked then, his voice low and pained. "What he has done to all these people?" Kase looked down at his own form and tears filled his eyes. "Just because he suffered at the hands of orcs...does that mean that I deserve this? Just because I cant remember when my family was taken from me I must be punished? I would feel sympathy for his pain May, I would, if I wasnt already drowning in my own."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Please...Kase..." May whispered. "I'm asking you to be sympathetic. I think it would be better if you never let him know what you know...I just thought you should know...." she looked at her 'sister' and wanted to embrace her, hug her, show her kindness. "Sometimes the world can just be unjust. Cruel...I'm sorry if what I've told you has done nothing, but cause pain....Please, find some happiness in the fact that, I will always do my best to protect help you...."


"Why is one slave worth so much? What makes her so different? I would prefer answers before I just sell her off. For one thing, I don't think I know her race. What is she?" the Master inquired, though he still doubted he would sell her off.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Kase said nothing, sitting down on a bed and turning around so his back was to her. After awhile he laid down and whispered "You cant protect one can..." He planned to leave it at that, still sore from having his own pain dredged up. He could understand that the orc might be in pain, but not what would force that orc to spread it so forcefully onto so many, including himself.


"Like we said, she is our master's favorite slave." The orc said as though that explained everything, though it was still a good reason. "Would you do any less for your most prized possession?" He motioned for Master to sit back down, and when/if he did he would shrug and say, "I dont know what race she is, I assume human or some kind? No other orc is allowed to touch her, she is only for the master's eyes and the master's pleasure. Please, if we return empty handed then we will all be punished for it. Surely you can see what the reasonable decision is here."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"May I think about this? Just an hour to think, probably less. I feel a correct decision must be made with thought behind it," the Master asked, sitting back down. "I do not think she is human, no something else..." he added, and although he did feel bad that these 'innocents' would be punished, he still held a grudge on their leader, and also wanted to speak with the woman they wanted, and he had. Maybe she could enlighten him.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"What bigger decision is there to make? She is a slave, we want to trade for her!" The other orc said impatiently. "So what if she is an elf or whatever, they are all the same. Please, just take these slaves and give us ours." he insisted.

If Master went to talk with the girl anyways, he would find her resting peacefully in her room, having gotten into the bed eventually and snuggled under the covers. When he opened the doors, her strange, wing ears would perk up and she would open her eyes to look up at him and give him a grateful smile.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master was already through the gates, and walking to the hotel he had left her. He ordered his warriors not to let the Eastern Orcs leave just yet. He walked into her room, and found her looking at him, smiling at him. He did not smile back.

"Eastern Orcs are outside my village. They want you, said you were their Master's favorite. Care to explain, my dear?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The girl looked puzzled for a moment, sitting up a little in the bed. "What is an eastern Orc? Your the first one I've met in person." She said, still looking very perplexed. "And as for want me, they cant have me! Im not a thing to have, and I make it my business to be no ones 'favorite'." She added in defensively.

Suddenly, a revealing look crossed her face and she scowled, getting up and standing on the opposite side of the bed. "If you thinking of sending me to another cage then you will have to kill me first! Im not going back in chains, not for a human, not for an elf, and certainly not for a pack of orcs!"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)