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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
The maniacal laughter and screaming that came from the dying thugs was music to Mike's ears, and likely Alex as well. The frenzied slaughter left Alex dripping in the blood of the insane and soon he found himself surrounded by nearly ever Fin in Fin land. They held assorted weapons, clubs, bats, knives, some even had swords and hammers. They all seemed to be waiting, hooting and cackling as they surrounded Alex, casually, if not gleefully, stepping on and over the gory remains of their fellow gang members.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex licked the blade, his mind gone, and his body wanting to see some pain. "Let's get this party started....AHHHHHH!" he roared louder as his dark power infused the sword, causing it to heat up with a hellish fire. He ran forward, slicing another pair of Fins in half, the sword sharper than any mortal made one. "Come on!" he screamed, mad with power and anger, chopping away at the gangsters that hurt so many.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Pointless....Completely...and utterly pointless. All our lives. All our dreams. All our love. All we have. All we are. Pointless.

Michael turned around, and looked at the blackness that surrounded him. He could feel it. Depression. Sadness. Not evil, no, just hate and heartbreak. As though he could feel the pain of the entire universe....

"They're coming. Dark times are ahead of us, aren't they, Michael?" a voice asked.

The Archangel turned around again, and saw the infamous Lord of Hell. His red skin burned with evil, and his dark horns seemed to shake with power. Black armor covered his body, and his sword burned with power.

"We cannot keep fighting one another. A war between Angel and Demon there may be one day, but for now we need to create a truce."

"A truce? Our people have been fighting since the beginning of time itself. Do you really think anyone of our warriors will listen? We have known of the Corruption's existence for 800 years, and have barely done anything against it because we are too stuck up to do anything besides fight!"

"Neither of us can defeat the Corruption alone. No matter how headstrong you are, you realize this. Only together, can it be beaten."

"...I will notify the Nine Masters of Hell, perhaps we can have an agreement made. Goodbye, Michael."

The Archangel nodded his head, and the Lord of Hell vanished. He was just about to leave to, before suddenly jumping into the air, of the way of a beam of light.


"Me. Me. Me. ME TWO," a voice laughed. "Howdy, Michael. How are you? Your guts still inside of you? Really? That's a shame. Let's see if I can change that...." the voice chuckled.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
It was a long time before Alex regained his senses, and when he did he found himself standing atop a corpse pile of find, completely and utterly covered in blood. The Fins were gone, sirens in the distance alerted him to approaching police and Mike urged him to leave. Only one gang to go. the voice of the demon said within his head. Let us....finish this.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"With pleasure," Alex growled, before stepping on the head of the lead Fin, shattering his skull. With the Fins dead, he had one more gang to kill. The Streetwalkers. The young demon possessed boy began to run, moving at amazing speed to the territory of the last gang.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
By now word had spread about the disbanding of the Dragons, and the massacre at Finland. When Alex arrived at Streetwalker territory, he saw no one on the streets.

They know we are coming...

The unspoken comment was correct, and Alex could almost sense the killer intent around almost every corner. The Walkers had not fled, they were lying in wait, biding their time until they could strike. But there was another presence there as well, one that gave Mike pause. We are not the only force here any on your toes.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"What does it matter? We have such power! They can't beat us," Alex growled, though when Mike mentioned another force, his interest was hit. "You seem worried. I wouldn't think you'd be a demon worried over mortals like me and thugs...." he commented, walking down the street, awaiting the chance to kill this gang, just like the Fins.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Do not take me for some weakling or sentimental fool mortal! The demons voice was clear and piercing. If I warn you of something then you should know that it is not a threat I derive from pathetic humans such as yourself. There was a sound from nearby, a bird fluttering its wings. It was struck almost instantly then by a bolt of red electricity that materialized from around Alex. The bird fell, dead, and yet, it began to move seconds later, made undead and animated by Mike. Let this scout be our guide. Through dead things I can see more clearly then through the eyes of a human like you. The bird flew up, singed feathers flapping, and began to lead the way for them.

If Alex decided to follow it, it would lead them to a large, abandoned warehouse. Within, Alex would feel the presence of many humans, almost the whole Street Walker Gang. They were waiting inside. Be cautious. Mike warned. Still, the method if entry was entirely up to Alex.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex followed the bird, allowing it be their eyes. He stood in the middle of the street, about half a mile away from the warehouse. He heard Mike, and nodded, before turning his head and saw a black van. He walked over to the car, and with a soft groan, lifted the heavy vehicle. "AHHHH!" he screamed, and threw the car at the warehouse. It flew through the air, and slammed into the building. A pair of swords then appeared in his hands, and he began running towards the warehouse, intending to end the gang, once and for all.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The car slammed into the side of the warehouse, smashing open a decent sized hole in the wall. Then Alex followed it in, Swords drawn and at the ready. He was stopped once he entered the dark place though, as flood light activated and showered him in light. The brightness had no effect on his powers, but blinded him for a second and forced him to stop as his eyes adjusted. Even if he didnt stop, a few well placed bear traps would make sure that he would not get very far.

Once his eyes adjusted, he would see that he had been expected. The boxes and crates that were housed within the warehouse were all stacked like bleachers around the area he broke in through, and upon them sat nearly every Street Walker gang member, all holding weapons passively as they looked down at him, as though they would not need to use them, but preferred to keep them.

That wasnt what I meant when I said be cautious.
Mike said flatly. In the center was the gang leader, sitting on the highest pile, his favorites all around him, his right hand at his right, and what looked like someone covered up by a rag on his left. He looked at the car, which had skidded to a stop just short of his pile, and whistled. He began to clap and slowly the others joined in, but were shut up a minute later when he raised his arm to silence them.

"Well well well, if it aint Alex from that there 'good' school down the road." He said with a laugh, a few other adding in a nervous chuckle. This isnt good. Mike said with some alarm. "I see you've come to pay us a little visit A boy. Well dont worry, your debt to us is paid, so paid. I mean, I didnt know how long it would have taken for me to go around and kill or scare off all those other gangs. But you went ahead and did it for me, bravo boy." This isnt good. Mike repeated again. If Alex needed to ask again he had to but look around the room to get his answer.

All of the assorted street trash that were there, all those who had just watched him toss a car through a wall, were more afraid of the gang boss than of him. "But you can leave now, I well send you a few bucks in the morning if Im still in a good mood, and I might even fix those windows in your house that I broke. But hey, lets not get ahead of ourselves. First, you gotta turn your butt around and walk on back to your rock. We see you got guts now, but really, this going around and killing the living shit out of people is starting to become...unproductive for me."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)