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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
"She is the most innocent! Her mentality is like a child! She does not deserve to be here!" Alex yelled. "It is my fault she is here, and I will save her," he said.

Hunter mentally sighed. Things were getting risky. If Mike continued to refuse them Flare, he would have to simply choose one of the others, and force Alex to calm down.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mike raised up his hands and laughed. "Fine, fine, you can have the red one back, just go over to that post and chain dear Anna here to it, I will get to her after I finish untying little red." He said, pointing to a large bondage post near the center of his room. As Mike left to get flare, Anna whispered to Hunter, "OK...chain me up tightly, we cant let him think you have any sentiment for my position. That is why he is letting you chain me up." Luckily, Anna had been a slave before, back during the earlier days of "her" capture, before becoming champion, and was well versed in chains, ropes and bondage, which she hoped would allow her to break free at some point. When at last Anna was tied to the post properly, Mike would walk over with flare.

She was walking on all fours, a leash around her neck which Mike led her by. But thankfully she had no other contraptions on her. She could hardly crawl and swayed back and forth as she was led to the door, collapsing with a weak whimper when they arrived. She hid her furry face under her arms then as Mike kicked her rump and back for good measure, he had warned her not to collapse again. "Well, she is yours now. So unless you have any other "deals", I suggest you leave me to my new toy." He concluded.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex walked over to Flare, and picked her up, bridal style. He looked at Hunter, who was tying Anna up in chains, nice and tight. Hunter gave a slight nod to what she said while Mike was gone. Once Anna was tied up, the wolf man walked over to Alex. "Good bye, Mike," the wolf said, before the two left.

Alexander....I am sorry the Saxon thought.

"Are you okay? Don't worry, I'm here now, and I won't hurt you....I'm sorry for what I did," Alex sighed as they walked away from the place.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Flare whimpered softly as the doors slammed behind them. She whimpered gently and closed her eyes as she trembled in in his arms, furry, warm, and terrified. It was easy to see that she had been abused greatly, and her whole body was sore from Mike's abuses. She didnt speak to Alex, or anyone, only trembled and whimpered.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter said his goodbyes to Alex, and told him to get ready for a signal, before the two took separate ways, Alex's to his room to see Serenity and Silvia, with Flare in his arms, and Hunter to his lovely Grace, to tell her the news.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
When Hunter entered his room, he would find Grace had managed to change it a bit. Although most of it was as he left it, in a small corner, somehow, she had created a bookshelf, and was reading one of the said books. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed in a light, one layer, white night gown. Her golden hair was pulled back with a band so that it would stay out of her eyes, and her bare feet hung off the ground, since the bed was made for Hunter it was considerably larger than a bed made for her, and so her feet could not quite reach the ground unless she slid down a little, which wouldnt make for comfortable reading.

She was still as beautiful as ever and didnt notice Hunter when he entered, so enthralled with her book that she didnt hear the door open and close. It was a romance book, one made in the Angelo Kingdom by an escaped Saxon Slave. It was tragedy, and both lovers perished at the end, but it was a well written book. Her pure blue eyes moved from side to side as she ate up every line, an she was almost halfway through the book. It seemed that Grace was a powerful reader.


Serenity was moaning when Alex entered with flare, Silvia was playing with her tiny form again, and seemed to love doing it. She was currently licking and teasing the Fairy, easily able to stimulate nearly her whole body when the Fairy was as small as she was. Silvia was careful, of course, and held the fairy up as her tongue darted between her legs, its sheer size spread the tiny fairy as she licked everything, from her back and cute ass to her pussy and tight tummy. Serenity was apparently experiencing lots of pleasure from this as she moaned and cried out in pleasure, her own hands running through her own hair as she humped weakly against the tongue, going crazy with what must have been a long pleasure session.

Flare tried to curl up as she heard the sounds, but was to weak and afraid to, and instead began to shake harder, trembling in utter terror as she heard the sounds of sex. She dared not whimper loudly, she dared not protest or resist, she hadnt opened her eyes once since she had closed them, and was likely still picturing Mike and not Alex.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Grace is reading Romeo and Juliet? Just an assumption))

Hunter stepped in, and for a moment, thoughts of Alexander, Ren, and all his troubles vanished. Instead, he only saw the perfection, the beauty of the woman before him. He wanted to walk up and take her, lusting for her, but he stopped himself, and instead stared at the beautiful woman, lost in her radiance, embracing this happy moment he had, just staring at his, HIS goddess.

Finally, after a minute or two of just staring at her, if she did not notice, he would say, "Enjoying your book, my love?"


Alex smiled as he saw the two girls enjoying themselves, but that smile flattened a bit as he heard Flare whimper, and tremble in hsi arms. "Girls, we have a guest," He said, walking over to them and placing Flare on the bed. He then explained to the two that he, Hunter, and Alexander were able to work out a plan, and had so far saved one of the girls. He did not explain everything about it, but enough for the girls to get the general idea.

After talking to them, he looked at Flare with a pain in his heart. Flare....It's my fault this happened to you, he thought, which Silvia probably picked up. "Flare, open your eyes. Mike is gone....It's me, Alex...Please, just look at me..." he begged, wanting to help the girl he damned.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(I dunno, I didnt really think about it that much, lol)

Grace jumped a little at the sound of Hunter's voice and closed her book with a blush. "Y-Yes." She said softly, placing it aside as she looked at Hunter. "Did...did you save them?" she asked timidly, her worry being great, and her guilt weighing on her badly. She blushed a little as she saw the lust in Hunter's eyes and knew that he would want to take her again soon, if not right then and there. Her young, inexperienced body was still sore from their previous sessions, but their deal was final, she would give him what he wanted if he did the same for her.


Serenity and Silvia looked sadly down at Flare, who, at the sound of Alex's voice, cracked her eyes open a little, letting out more tears. "I-I-I-I was g-g-g-good...." She stammered softly, closing her eyes again. "I-I-I did e-e-every...e-everything..." She was shaking in fear and sadness, her whole body pained her even though she had been a good girl. "I-I was good..."

Silvia looked down sadly at Flare, and then at her master, both of whom she knew were in pain, but Serenity could only stare at Flare, a mirror of herself at a young age, when she had first been made into a slave. She could tell just by looking at her, the damage was extensive.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
" out of three. I am awaiting a signal to save the others." He walked over to Grace and kissed her lips, before sighing. He was tempted to tell her of what they were planning, but he decided against it, not thinking it matter his close friend was currently being tortured. "She's with Alex right now...How are you, my love?" he inquired, hugging her, holding her sweet body against his own.


"I know...You are good, and here is your reward. Never will you see Mike again. I'm here now, and I promise, I will protect you, help you, love you," Alex said, and gently placed his hand on Flare's. "Please Flare, I am so sorry for what I have done. Is there anything I can do to help you? Anything?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace blushed at the unexpected kiss and laid her head against Hunter's chest as he hugged her close. "I guess Im alright." She said softly, closing her eyes and letting his body warm her. She was worried, about the girls, about Hunter, and about her people, who were no doubt looking for her, if they werent already fighting with the Saxons. But she had been worse off before...She was happy to not be alone through it.


Flare drew her hand away from his in a flinch, clutching the touched hand as though he had burnt it, whimpering desperately and trying to shy away from him. She then brought up her hand and began to lick it, as though it were wounded, looking up at Alex as she did, fear clear in her eyes. She was in shock, that much was clear, and very very afraid. Silvia tired to calm her mentally, but found herself overwhelmed by a wall of fear and emotions and was forced out of Flare's mind. Serenity could do little but sparkle fairy dust over her, making the frightened pokemon become drowsy and eventually fall asleep. "She is sore master..." Serenity said. "Mike ripped away everything she had, and all her expectations...she will heal, but for now she needs space...or..or discipline."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)